Abdominal aorta calcification

Posted by gravity3 @gravity3, May 23, 2024

I recently received this diagnosis. Would appreciate hearing from others with the same condition. Thanks in advance.

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Following as I am scheduled for an Ultra Sound of the abdominal aorta because calcified plague in the aorta showed up as a side note on in an unrelated ultra sound.


Following as I am scheduled for an Ultra Sound of the abdominal aorta because calcified plague in the aorta showed up as a side note on in an unrelated ultra sound.

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Hi Susan. Mine showed up on an X-ray of my lumbar spine. My PCP is taking a watch and wait approach. I am not sure if I am ok with that. I need to do more research.



I am not a medical professional.

You don't mention having had a CAC scoring? If not, I would certainly consider it - they're about $100 and can serve as the basis for follow-on tests.

You also didn't provide your lipid panel results - can you provide? Are you on statins? Physical condition? Age? Consider an advanced lipids panel, as well.

Also, immediately get stress test with echo ... this will provide a lot more information - especially whether of not you need to be cathed.

I would not wait. I would also consider consulting with a cardiologist - don't wait.



I am not a medical professional.

You don't mention having had a CAC scoring? If not, I would certainly consider it - they're about $100 and can serve as the basis for follow-on tests.

You also didn't provide your lipid panel results - can you provide? Are you on statins? Physical condition? Age? Consider an advanced lipids panel, as well.

Also, immediately get stress test with echo ... this will provide a lot more information - especially whether of not you need to be cathed.

I would not wait. I would also consider consulting with a cardiologist - don't wait.

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Rouvastatin 10mg daily


Hi Susan. Mine showed up on an X-ray of my lumbar spine. My PCP is taking a watch and wait approach. I am not sure if I am ok with that. I need to do more research.

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Yeah definitely do some research. I had a CAC score done this past November because my lab work showed a pattern of increasing calcium levels. So I took myself off to a cardiologist and said I want my cholesterol check, wanted an echo done and wanted a CAC test done as well. My insurance actually cover the CAC test which I was fully prepared for it not to. My cholesterol test showed elevated LDL which is due to family history cause I eat super clean and exercise daily. So I am now taking Pravaluent shots every other week cause I can't take statins. It was amazing how quickly it brought down my LDL levels. I had an ultrasound for unrelated liver issues and that was when the calcified plaque in the aorta showed up. Went back to the cardiologist and showed her the ultrasound results and she has now order an ultrasound specifically for the aorta. Will get it scheduled for as soon as they can get me in. I am a firm believer in advocating for myself because I've learned the hard way no one else is going to do it for me.


Calcium still within normal at 9.8
Yes, we have to advocate for ourselves in this crazy medical system. I called Duke cardiology and they said a ct would show more info on the calcification. So, your cardiologist is going to do an ultrasound on your abdominal aorta.....that sound much more direct and revealing. I wish you well with that
Thank you



Not sure I understand what "Calcium still within normal at 9.8" means ...are you referring to the calcium number in your blood work's basic metabolic panel? Different thing, entirely - I think.

Can you post your lipid numbers?

Please consider a CAC screening - you can do this yourself. If insurance won't pay, please pay yourself. Given the findings re your aortic calcification, I would not wait for my PCP to go through this process.

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