5 CRP tests resulting as High, but no Dx!

Posted by pkh3381 @pkh3381, Sep 5, 2023

I have had (5) CRP tests come back High, ranging from 5.9 to 8.5, with no Dx yet! The last test ordered by Mayo neurologist. I pointed out to him the result of 5.9 - High, along with the other tests ranging from 5.9 [twice] to 8.5 [three of the High test not indicating as so!] and he told me to speak with the Mayo rheumatologist I had seen. Contaced the rheumatologist thru the portal and he said to discuss the results with the Dr who ordered the test! LOL! I have had many Drs, including a dentist regarding delayed healing and my retinal specialist, indicate "inflammation" as part of my problems, but no one seems to want to get to the bottom of it. Frustrated and worried! I will sign this as "P".

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@pkh3381 I read the article that you posted about CRP. My one take away from it is this quote: “marginal elevations in the CRP can be difficult to interpret and should not be used as an isolated test result interpreted as appropriate for the clinical picture. It is useful in suggesting infection vrs. Inflammation if the levels are extremely high, but levels between 1mg/dL and 10mg/dL. Can be difficult to determine accurately.” Does this make sense?
Can you send the doctors message through the portal and ask about your levels?


Yes, I do remember reading this. I have had five High test results over the past year. I can try presenting this info to the Drs, but my problem is that no Dr wants to take responsibility to pursue the problem. I don't know if I told you or someone else that I have also had positive ANA tests. But, one Dr tells me to check with another Dr and that Dr tells me to go back to the other Dr! LOL! I know it's not a laughing matter, but better to laugh than cry! I know that something is wrong wtih me, but my experiences with Drs overall is disuading me from further pursuit. My Dr and Hosp experiences have been horrific and my friends tell me I should write a book. 😉


Yes, I do remember reading this. I have had five High test results over the past year. I can try presenting this info to the Drs, but my problem is that no Dr wants to take responsibility to pursue the problem. I don't know if I told you or someone else that I have also had positive ANA tests. But, one Dr tells me to check with another Dr and that Dr tells me to go back to the other Dr! LOL! I know it's not a laughing matter, but better to laugh than cry! I know that something is wrong wtih me, but my experiences with Drs overall is disuading me from further pursuit. My Dr and Hosp experiences have been horrific and my friends tell me I should write a book. 😉

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@pkh3381 Have you given any thought to going to a major medical center or university hospital? You have a right, with your insurance, for a second opinion. It may be worth your time to go.
What is bothering you the most that says you are sick?


The worst thing right now is the diarrhea, which is constant, literally. And, I have incontinence, both urine and bowel, so that tells you the "messes" i get into! LOL! My former GI, told me I must "learn to manage my expectations" about the diarrhea, whatever the "H" that means! My stomach bothers me most all the time. The Mayo GI I went to, because of other problems I had, put the diarrhea to the bottom of the list, in spite of me being graphic about the problems I am having, to get their attention. And, even with all the diarrhea [and vomiting] I have, I am gaining weight instead of losing it, sometimes 4-5 lbs a day! It is just craziness! Yes, I may have to think about a major medical center or university hospital, if I can get myself to the point to where I can leaving the house! 😉


Thanks for the info. This has been going on for over a year and every test has been high, plus three ANA tests positive, but no one seems to want to take the responsibility to check out. I just get passed around from Dr to Dr! Oh, well! LOL!

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Has the rheumatologist or the other doctors ordered the other tests for autoimmune disorders?


The worst thing right now is the diarrhea, which is constant, literally. And, I have incontinence, both urine and bowel, so that tells you the "messes" i get into! LOL! My former GI, told me I must "learn to manage my expectations" about the diarrhea, whatever the "H" that means! My stomach bothers me most all the time. The Mayo GI I went to, because of other problems I had, put the diarrhea to the bottom of the list, in spite of me being graphic about the problems I am having, to get their attention. And, even with all the diarrhea [and vomiting] I have, I am gaining weight instead of losing it, sometimes 4-5 lbs a day! It is just craziness! Yes, I may have to think about a major medical center or university hospital, if I can get myself to the point to where I can leaving the house! 😉

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@pkh3381 Yes, go to a medical center or university hospital! Please! I had the exact same problem and got some help from a gastroenterologist. A colonoscopy showed that I was deficient in pancreatic enzymes so now I take medication for it. My neurologist also thought it was a serious side effect of one of my meds, so that got changed. I’m better now and have regained the 20# I lost.
Diarrhea can be very dangerous as you lose necessary vitamins and nutrients plus all the fluid.
Please call today and let me know. Becky


Thanks for the info. This has been going on for over a year and every test has been high, plus three ANA tests positive, but no one seems to want to take the responsibility to check out. I just get passed around from Dr to Dr! Oh, well! LOL!

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Me too
I’ve had an elevated CRP for years not one of my docs addresses it.
They just tell me it means inflammation in my body.


Has the rheumatologist or the other doctors ordered the other tests for autoimmune disorders?

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No additional tests since the positive ANA tests! And, I have expressed my frustration and anxiety about not knowing what is going on.......to no avail. I did have a positive for Lupus, but was only told that false positives are common and it was dropped.


@pkh3381 Yes, go to a medical center or university hospital! Please! I had the exact same problem and got some help from a gastroenterologist. A colonoscopy showed that I was deficient in pancreatic enzymes so now I take medication for it. My neurologist also thought it was a serious side effect of one of my meds, so that got changed. I’m better now and have regained the 20# I lost.
Diarrhea can be very dangerous as you lose necessary vitamins and nutrients plus all the fluid.
Please call today and let me know. Becky

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Well, as I said, the Mayo gastroenterologist put the diarrhea to the bottom of the list to be pursued and my former GI was the one who told me to "manage my expectations", which left me with a dropped jaw in amazement. I guess I was to stop expecting to stop the diarrhea, to stop expecting to feel well?!! I am exhausted with Drs!


Me too
I’ve had an elevated CRP for years not one of my docs addresses it.
They just tell me it means inflammation in my body.

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EXACTLY! This is exactly what has happened to me! And, other Drs keep telling me that I am having serious problems with inflammation that are posing problems with healing in my body, etc. , but I am exhausted trying to be my advocate. I just don't know what to do anymore.

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