5 CRP tests resulting as High, but no Dx!

Posted by pkh3381 @pkh3381, Sep 5, 2023

I have had (5) CRP tests come back High, ranging from 5.9 to 8.5, with no Dx yet! The last test ordered by Mayo neurologist. I pointed out to him the result of 5.9 - High, along with the other tests ranging from 5.9 [twice] to 8.5 [three of the High test not indicating as so!] and he told me to speak with the Mayo rheumatologist I had seen. Contaced the rheumatologist thru the portal and he said to discuss the results with the Dr who ordered the test! LOL! I have had many Drs, including a dentist regarding delayed healing and my retinal specialist, indicate "inflammation" as part of my problems, but no one seems to want to get to the bottom of it. Frustrated and worried! I will sign this as "P".

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Hi @pkh3381, Hoping you can get some answers from your healthcare team. My CRP test results show that < =8.0 is in the normal range. I haven't been tested since 2019 but currently don't have a reason to do the test. The last high one I had was 2016 when my PMR came out of remission for awhile (chart below). This research is from 2017 but might give you some information to discuss with your doctor/rheumatologist.

--- Causes and outcomes of markedly elevated C-reactive protein levels: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5471098/

Wondering if this site may provide some help for planning your next conversation with the doctor.
--- https://www.patientrevolution.org/tools

Do you normally plan your conversation for upcoming appointments so that the doctor understands your concerns?


Thank you for your response. The reference range has changed for the CRP test and this is what I found when I googled it: Less than 0.3 mg/dL: Normal I looked it up because the last 5.9 was indicated High, but I remembered that I had had that level and higher in the past. Tbis is the lowest level I have ever had. I confirmed this with the lab and they apologized for the confusion. The responses from the neurologist and the rheumatologist frustrated me so much. They were just passing me back and forth and neither was actually responding to me. The same Mayo neurologist I had seen for over a year for an involuntary body sway I had contacted because he increased my Gabapentin to 2300 mg/day and I actually fell because it threw off my balance so badly. I messaged him through the portal and his response was, "what body movement would that be?". I am not currently going to Mayo becuase of it. They have found all these different Dx's , but they are not following up, or doing anything about them, so I was very frustrated and decided I needed to take a break from Mayo, at least for awhile. I don't know if I will even go back. But, that's another thing......no need to response. Anyway, thank for you your response, including the info links. I may have already read them, but I will take a look. Thx!!


Thank you for your response. The reference range has changed for the CRP test and this is what I found when I googled it: Less than 0.3 mg/dL: Normal I looked it up because the last 5.9 was indicated High, but I remembered that I had had that level and higher in the past. Tbis is the lowest level I have ever had. I confirmed this with the lab and they apologized for the confusion. The responses from the neurologist and the rheumatologist frustrated me so much. They were just passing me back and forth and neither was actually responding to me. The same Mayo neurologist I had seen for over a year for an involuntary body sway I had contacted because he increased my Gabapentin to 2300 mg/day and I actually fell because it threw off my balance so badly. I messaged him through the portal and his response was, "what body movement would that be?". I am not currently going to Mayo becuase of it. They have found all these different Dx's , but they are not following up, or doing anything about them, so I was very frustrated and decided I needed to take a break from Mayo, at least for awhile. I don't know if I will even go back. But, that's another thing......no need to response. Anyway, thank for you your response, including the info links. I may have already read them, but I will take a look. Thx!!

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Do you have a reference on the CRP values being changed? I haven't seen anything saying below 8 is high.


My last test at Mayo came back at 5.9, as HIGH, so I googled it and found the reference range had changed [I think I provided you that] and I confirmed it by telephone to the lab. I should have asked for the date it changed, but didn't think at the time.


Do you have a reference on the CRP values being changed? I haven't seen anything saying below 8 is high.

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I looked it up again and as of 7/10/2023, this is the information on the
govt site:

*Interpretation of CRP levels:*

Less than 0.3 mg/dL: Normal (level seen in most healthy adults).

0.3 to 1.0 mg/dL: Normal or minor elevation (can be seen in obesity,
pregnancy, depression, diabetes, common cold, gingivitis, periodontitis,
sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, and genetic polymorphisms).

1.0 to 10.0 mg/dL: Moderate elevation (Systemic inflammation such as RA,
SLE, or other autoimmune diseases, malignancies, myocardial infarction,
pancreatitis, bronchitis).

More than 10.0 mg/dL: Marked elevation (Acute bacterial infections, viral
infections, systemic vasculitis, major trauma).

More than 50.0 mg/dL: Severe elevation (Acute bacterial infections).



I looked it up again and as of 7/10/2023, this is the information on the
govt site:

*Interpretation of CRP levels:*

Less than 0.3 mg/dL: Normal (level seen in most healthy adults).

0.3 to 1.0 mg/dL: Normal or minor elevation (can be seen in obesity,
pregnancy, depression, diabetes, common cold, gingivitis, periodontitis,
sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, and genetic polymorphisms).

1.0 to 10.0 mg/dL: Moderate elevation (Systemic inflammation such as RA,
SLE, or other autoimmune diseases, malignancies, myocardial infarction,
pancreatitis, bronchitis).

More than 10.0 mg/dL: Marked elevation (Acute bacterial infections, viral
infections, systemic vasculitis, major trauma).

More than 50.0 mg/dL: Severe elevation (Acute bacterial infections).


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Thank you for sharing the reference @pkh3381. For others looking for the link, the reference shows that it was last updated: July 10, 2023:
--- C Reactive Protein: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441843/

It still is a little unclear when it comes to diagnosing something in my mind. It shows the 1.0 to 10 mg/dL as Moderate which to me means in the middle closer to normal than high. I'm guessing the more than 10.0 mg/dL that is Marked elevation is equivalent to what my charts show as high. Great discussion point with your doctor or rheumatologist. Thanks again for bringing this topic up.


I had a CRP of 85 at one time. Wondering if it was an error! I hope you can get this sorted out. Do you have other positive blood work?


When I was diagnosed with PMR, my CRP was 80! It’s now down to 8.5, still Considered above norm, but the prednisone does have a positive affect.


I had a CRP of 85 at one time. Wondering if it was an error! I hope you can get this sorted out. Do you have other positive blood work?

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About 7 years ago, I was having intestinal problems. I was tested for celiac, infection,etc All tests were negative except my CRP- it was in the 70s. They never did have a diagnosis. It lasted about 3 months. The best my gastroenterologist could come up with is perhaps I had an infection early on that my body fought and sent my immune system into overdrive !


Thanks for the info. This has been going on for over a year and every test has been high, plus three ANA tests positive, but no one seems to want to take the responsibility to check out. I just get passed around from Dr to Dr! Oh, well! LOL!

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