3 long episodes of diagnosed Covid since end of Jan 2023

Posted by pkh3381 @pkh3381, Sep 5, 2023

I have been sick with Covid and after effects since the end of Jan 2023 and just can't seem to get well. I have not been able to take Paxlovid because test results and onset of symptoms were well beyond the 5 days, so each bout has been long and hard. I literally have been sick most of 2023, including my third episode now. I relate to all the symptoms I see posted and I fear it is taking a real toll on me as a female senior aged 77 yo. Fear that listing all the symptoms I am experiencing will latel me as a hypochondriac. I will sign as "P".

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Bless you "P". I can relate to a lot of your story. I have been on a roller coaster ride since last August with now having long Covid. I am praying for you "Precious P". You are not a hypochondriac. Everyone's symptoms are so different....but so real. Hugs & Prayers.....


Thank you for the sweet message! 😉


I was hospitalized with Covid in the final days of January 2023. I'm almost 82. It has been a struggle, but I'm told I've made amazing progress and am doing everything right. It's true, I've regained my sense of smell and taste and my appetite has come roaring back. But I keep a daily symptom journal and rate each symptom for severity. They seem to come and go in waves. Right after the hospitalization, cognitive difficulties and crushing fatigue were my worst symptoms and I was functioning at about 15% compared to before Covid. It's now about 40%. Fatigue and brain fog and leaky memory are stiIl my worst symptoms. I guess that's progress but it's painfully slow. I wouldn't dream of giving up, but I do wonder if I'll ever get to 100% again.


I understand completely! I start feeling a little better and then WHAM!, I am nauseated and hurt all over, can't keep food down, exhausted.........you know what I am talking about! It is scary when you are older, wondering if you will "get back to YOU" ever again. Let's just keep fighting! 🙂

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