Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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As stated before, while in hospital I was on IV Zosyn for 5 days every 8 hours and vancomycin 2 x daily, then after discharge, for 16 days to prevent cdiff from the antibiotics. I had no side effects from it. I don't know which of those antibiotics removed the phlegm. Maybe it was the Vanco if the Zosyn is not doing anything for you. Hard to tell. But also, everybody is different.
I was not put on Ertapenem until after I was discharged, the phlegm had already gone away.

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I missed to write replying my message, so I tried again, sry.
please I really want you would see this reply..

was your BID vanco PO or IV? and how long did you use it? and when did you begin to use?
please let me know hints… thanks..


They will advise you to do food allergy testing or make lifestyle changes. I've seen three ents and they are all baffled. Let us know what they say

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So sorry. Man…..well, I had to reschedule my ENT, because of this terrible cold I have. No way I can give proper eval on my senses in this state. Plus, I’m not sure if it’s RSV. I did get a negative on a home covid test I took Friday, but who knows. I’m sneezing and coughing way too much to go in public.


I missed to write replying my message, so I tried again, sry.
please I really want you would see this reply..

was your BID vanco PO or IV? and how long did you use it? and when did you begin to use?
please let me know hints… thanks..

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The vanco were pills. Two times a day for 19 days. I started them the last week of October when I was hospitalized. Phlegm has not returned...👍


The vanco were pills. Two times a day for 19 days. I started them the last week of October when I was hospitalized. Phlegm has not returned...👍

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Thanks a lot. I hope that would be the last hope.


I completely relate. I’ve been sent to several ENTs and an allergist and so far have found no treatment that works. I’ve been on just about every otc allergy med and was prescribed 7 different nose sprays. None of them did one bit of good. The allergy test showed no allergies. This all took place over a period of 11 months. Right now I’m in the middle of a steroid pack and so far that’s not the answer but I’m going to finish the pack just to see. Not very hopeful. I don’t know how to help you, but I do relate.

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Having the same problems and haven't found a solution.


The vanco were pills. Two times a day for 19 days. I started them the last week of October when I was hospitalized. Phlegm has not returned...👍

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Do you mean vancomycin? Happy New Year Blessings...


Do you mean vancomycin? Happy New Year Blessings...

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Have excessive saliva constantly and had my submandibular glands removed last year and i still have the excessive saliva driving me crazy. Is there anyone out there with an answer to this horrible problem. Ive had many different medications to try and dry me up but nothing has helped me. I dont know what else to do.


I have to say I was truly surprised to find so many people dealing with the same symptoms I’ve experienced since allergy season began in May of 2023. Constant post nasal drip, mucus build-up in chest, coughing, wheezing, etc. (I had a mild case of Covid in June of 2022). In the past 8 months, I’ve been to two quick cares, an ENT, an allergist, and one visit to the ER. A five day course of prednisone would temporarily relieve my symptoms and allow me to sleep through the night, but once that wore off, I was back where I started. I was given an Albuterol inhaler and Flonase. I also had CT scans of my sinus and lungs and all were normal. I took Claritin and then switched to Allegra. Frustrated, I stopped all OTC drugs because nothing worked. Finally, last week, I went to a pulmonologist in California (I live in Nevada) and was told I had post -Covid asthma. I was prescribed a Simbicort inhaler and two nasal sprays to stop the mucus and PND (ipratropium and azelastine HCL). I’m still not resigned to the fact I now have asthma when I’ve never even had seasonal allergies in my life, but the truth is, after using those meds, I have been able to sleep through the night for the first time in 8 months. And while I’m all about holistic approaches, I can honestly say I’ve tried everything from vitamin and mineral supplements to Navage nasal wash to adjusting my diet. Unfortunately, this condition required medication for me to find relief and I’m happy to say I have that now. Doctors don’t have the documentation and research to say this condition is a long term Covid condition, but I think they’re starting to see more and more that this exists. Hopefully, research and treatments will be forthcoming. I hope you find your answers soon!


I had covid this Sept. and ever since I have had a cough with phlegm everyday. Yesterday I went and got a covid vaccine. My cough is completely gone, first time in 3 months.

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@yukii009, Mayo Clinic researchers have found evidence to support the reduction of long-haul symptoms after the vaccine.

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