Emotions and anxiety with a cancer diagnosis: How do you cope?

Posted by glendafl @glendafl, Dec 8, 2023

My emotions and anxiety along with ADHD since the diagnosis of cancer is extremely high.
I’m finding it hard to keep up with day to day stuff, not to mention all the treatments, etc.
What or how do we cope? I’m so tired and I still got to face radiation treatments. I go to counseling weekly and I’m ok a good part of the time. But I’m having trouble staying focused and emotionally charged all the time. Any suggestions?

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Hi @glendafl How are you doing with your emotions and anxiety? I hope you found something that helps.


Yes and no. I’ve had other problems to deal with and I just go at it, one thing one day one crying spell at a time. I escape every evening watching Prime videos. I don’t know what I’d do without my television!!! It allows me to think about something else. I challenge myself remembering where I left off when it has several episodes. I’ve been going to counseling and now I’ve been officially diagnosed with severe ADHD and ADD.
Thanks for asking. How are you? I have 5 spots on my lungs too. I see a lung doctor the 24th of Jan. They don’t think it’s cancer but we don’t know yet. The largest is 9 mm. There was no activity during pet scan in Sept.


The emotions that come with a breast cancer diagnosis can be unexpected and difficult to navigate through. Know that each emotion is valid, it is ok to feel what you feel in any given moment. To help cope with them, you might find mindfulness, meditation, and light physical activity (that your medical doctor has approved) helpful. Some people like to journal, read, and of course a good movie or two are nice. Keep going to counseling, reach out to those who you trust and those who have gone through a similar experience such as this group as well.


Yes and no. I’ve had other problems to deal with and I just go at it, one thing one day one crying spell at a time. I escape every evening watching Prime videos. I don’t know what I’d do without my television!!! It allows me to think about something else. I challenge myself remembering where I left off when it has several episodes. I’ve been going to counseling and now I’ve been officially diagnosed with severe ADHD and ADD.
Thanks for asking. How are you? I have 5 spots on my lungs too. I see a lung doctor the 24th of Jan. They don’t think it’s cancer but we don’t know yet. The largest is 9 mm. There was no activity during pet scan in Sept.

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That's great that tv shows help. I really like the competition cooking shows, I used to be a cook. I hope the counseling will help too. Sorry to hear about your official diagnosis. Last month was bad for me but I'm feeling better now. I started a new chemo regimen and I'm hopeful it'll work quickly and relieve some of my pain.


I’m 7 years out from stage IV treatment and I can feel your situation.
I can’t remember the medication but anxiety medication was part of my prescription regimen while going through treatments and beyond.
Be truthful with your doctor in how you’re feeling and ask if you can be prescribed something for your anxiety.


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You have had no treatment in seven years?


You have had no treatment in seven years?

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Hey blackcat,
That is correct, 35 heavy radiation and 3 rounds of high dose Cisplatin.
So far I’ve been good but I have allot of after effects and not able to work but I’m 61 so I’m not expecting to return to work.



Hey blackcat,
That is correct, 35 heavy radiation and 3 rounds of high dose Cisplatin.
So far I’ve been good but I have allot of after effects and not able to work but I’m 61 so I’m not expecting to return to work.


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This is miraculous. What are the after-effects? Why don't you need to take Ibrance, etc., and an aromatase inhibitor? My Ibrance stopped working.


This is miraculous. What are the after-effects? Why don't you need to take Ibrance, etc., and an aromatase inhibitor? My Ibrance stopped working.

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Hey Blackcat,
So, I was told that I had allot of cancer and too much for surgery. My two oncologist said they had one chance and only one chance to kill the cancer. With that said, they explained that I would be hit with the heaviest dose of treatment that they could give but my life would never be the same.
I’m thankful to be alive and I’ve pretty much adapted to my life as I know it now.
I have chronic migraines which I’m being treated for with Botox; it has helped greatly as I now can tolerate the 5-7 pain rather than constant 9-10.
I have brain fog which slows my thought processes and reaction time. I am fatigued most of the time. I have chronic joint pain and I generate zero saliva which really makes talking difficult.
My throat muscles are very weak and the left side of my tongue is paralyzed which makes eating very difficult.
I’ve had 3 dilations but it didn’t help much so the doctor doesn’t want to do that anymore.
My jaw is very tight and difficult to open my mouth very wide but I’m on a muscle relaxer which does help.
But again, I’m alive!



I have found cymbalta to be helpful wish several different side effects. I also feel it is important to find balance and if you are taking too much on, do what you can to lighten the load so you don’t have to manage as many things.


I’m 15 years out from cancer of larynx went through radiation and chemotherapy at the same time seen like the longest 2 months the burns from radiation and the blisters from chemotherapy and about 7 years ago because of radiation damage I had a Trac put in. Before I started my treatments I set up automatic payments for water, electricity, house payment and trash which made it easier for my wife and I didn’t have to worry, going through my treatment I didn’t do much but watch tv and sleep we used to have a big dog Rosie who stayed by my side which she really helped the loneliness when my wife went to work. It’s worth the fight, now after all the years my wife helped me now she has dementia and needs me good luck

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