Emotions and anxiety with a cancer diagnosis: How do you cope?

Posted by glendafl @glendafl, Dec 8, 2023

My emotions and anxiety along with ADHD since the diagnosis of cancer is extremely high.
I’m finding it hard to keep up with day to day stuff, not to mention all the treatments, etc.
What or how do we cope? I’m so tired and I still got to face radiation treatments. I go to counseling weekly and I’m ok a good part of the time. But I’m having trouble staying focused and emotionally charged all the time. Any suggestions?

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@glendafl Have you tried mindfulness exercises or deep breathing exercises? It helps clear my mind of negative thoughts and worries. And it's so relaxing after I got the hang of it. I realized too, that things I worry about are going to happen or not regardless if I worry about them, so there's no point spending my precious energy worrying about things I can't control. I know that's much easier said then done, but it takes time and practice. I wish you the best.


@glendafl Have you tried mindfulness exercises or deep breathing exercises? It helps clear my mind of negative thoughts and worries. And it's so relaxing after I got the hang of it. I realized too, that things I worry about are going to happen or not regardless if I worry about them, so there's no point spending my precious energy worrying about things I can't control. I know that's much easier said then done, but it takes time and practice. I wish you the best.

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Hello @scs23, I see you tried to share a useful link. There is a a waiting period for being able to post links, but let me share the helpful link you were trying to post: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/mindfulness-exercises/art-20046356.


Always thinking positive. I have been cancer free for 4 years and I expect it to stay that way! I have other important things to focus on that brings me joy


Hello @scs23, I see you tried to share a useful link. There is a a waiting period for being able to post links, but let me share the helpful link you were trying to post: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/mindfulness-exercises/art-20046356.

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Take some deep breaths. Notice what's happening for you -- I have noticed that my own anxiety or emotions in general worsen if I try to avoid them. I just work on allowing them to be. Often, it all disappears in that process.

No one can be up 100% of the time. What you're feeling is completely "normal" and I bet as time goes on, you will learn how to manage this particular anxiety as you go through your own process.

Sometimes I just drop everything and go for a walk. That helps immensely.

Wishing you the best in your proces!



Hi! ❤️ I hear you! I go through emotional bouts almost daily for a few minutes. Mostly anxiety over not being here for my kid who is on the spectrum. I will say that to get over it I pray pray pray and put on uplifting music. It usually helps. If that does not work I call my sister or my dad to distract me and get me laughing. Fear and anxiety are normal reactions to the unknown. I did find that once the surgery was over and my first chemo session was successfully completed and I knew the process going forward that that helped with the anxiety. Our futures are never a guarantee. But cancer doesn’t mean its a death sentence. Its a chance to check where you’re at in life and reprioritize if necessary. Its a chance to take care of you in a way you never thought possible. Give yourself love and patience and understanding. Its a hard pill to swallow. But you can do it! You can! Strength comes when we need it most. My church and friends have been faithful in encouraging me and sending cards and calling. I had no idea that little would mean so much. I get so excited going to the mailbox! Let people know you need encouragement! I pray for a quick recovery for you!


What you are going through, it is a lot to deal with. I went through three different treatments plus keytruda the last nine months and am finally in a trial where results look good and I have minimal side effects. Be kind to yourself now, get your rest. That’s my best advice, to rest and enjoy the sunrise and sunset of each day. Bless you.


We all have different ways to cope - I have two ways I use to deal with anxiety. Of course, waiting on BC treatment or pathology rates up there with some of the highest anxiety!
I tend to read, and like to look at research. I spent the first couple of months reading reading reading. Probably not the best healthy practice, but it did leave less time for anxiety. I made lists of questions for each doctor and added to that list when I found some good outcomes or problems I might want to avoid. My screen time was up to 7 hours a day (that also includes listening to music while walking). I felt like I was working toward getting the best outcome for my BC, and that felt good.
My other way to cope is to stuff the bad thoughts into “Pandora’s Box” in a corner of my mind. I don’t ignore the issues, but by putting the concerns in Pandora’s Box I can set aside some time later to pull out some of the junk and try to deal with it. I allow myself a time to mourn over the worst, then stuff it back into the box because I know I’m not going to ever be very happy about the issue, but I am happier for the most of the day when I have set it aside. Unfortunately “Pandora’s Box” pops open occasionally and floods me with emotion at the most inopportune time - but I like the visualization of stuffing it back in the box to be dealt with when I have a quiet moment to myself.


I RUN!! I spend time with family and friends!


CBD Gummies! My god-send.

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