Misdiagnosed Mac

Posted by tracy111869 @tracy111869, Aug 26, 2023

Hi new to the group. I have Mac and bronciastasis. Diagnosed bronciastasis back in 2019. Had all symptoms of mac then. I had mri heart which showed multiple nodules. Report of cat scan findings atypical macobacteria Referred to pulmonary doc. Doc ran cultures 2 in a few months time both negative for Mac. Put me on bactrum and levequin. Seems a like better. Then for almost 3 years blood in sputum still weight loss fatigue couph. Mri in May 2022 revealed multiple nodules and much worse lung condition. June did another sputum test came up mac. Then again in august. Hospitalized in October then put on ethanbul and arizomizon for Mac.strange thing is that all my doctors notes pulmonary have disappeared off my portal as well as the broncosopy report. I believe they missed my mac diagnosis and are hiding it now. Appreciate any feedback. Mike

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I have bronciastasis and Mac. Been a struggle last few years. I have been on arihomizon and ethambutol for 13 months. Been suffering side effects nausea vision issues fatigue. Also given arikayce recently. I had it with side effects . I was still positive for mac on 2 drug regimen then prescribed arikayce. I started holistic approach About 3 months ago. I have been using garlic oregano cloves vinegar and using my aflo vest 2x a day for clearance. Last 2 sputum negative for Mac and 3rd no growth weeks into culture. Just goes to show you drugs are not always the answer.

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Hi, would you mind sharing more about the holistic approach you are using. How do you take the herbs you mentioned and the vinegar, and how often. I was diagnosed last May with what you have but have had no symptoms. Since June I have had Pneumonia, shingles, flu and Covid. Since October I have had nothing, thank God. My ID Dr. does not want to start me on the Big 3 because of the horrible side effects; however my Pulmo Dr. wanted me to take all 3 at once. I refused. Thank you for sharing.


Interested in your holistic approach-how did you discover this combo and how did you prepare it and how often and was it a tea you drank or something you inhaled ? I’d love to know the details please

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Hi I saw blog Dr Weil old guy with a grey beard lol that is educated in various illnesses. He suggested besides drugs try mushrooms and garlic. I take 2 large cloves a day and make a smoothie with 5 mushrooms to disguise the taste. I use parsley after raw. Garlic too to kill smell. Also vinegar 2 tablespoons a day and oregano and cloves. A must is the aflo vest for clearance.I wear that vest 1 hour 2x 30 min cycles and clears muscus out out of my lungs. Read that one way to combat Mac is vest and exercise I walk in my home with the vest on passing the sink spitting constantly. I appreciate the coordinator Sue comments that drugs are basically the way to go. Me I don’t like stomach pains diarrhea and vision problems. Good luck God bless


I sent this to another member.


Thanks and Dr. Andrew Weill certainly has an excellent reputation. Thanks again.


I have bronciastasis and Mac. Been a struggle last few years. I have been on arihomizon and ethambutol for 13 months. Been suffering side effects nausea vision issues fatigue. Also given arikayce recently. I had it with side effects . I was still positive for mac on 2 drug regimen then prescribed arikayce. I started holistic approach About 3 months ago. I have been using garlic oregano cloves vinegar and using my aflo vest 2x a day for clearance. Last 2 sputum negative for Mac and 3rd no growth weeks into culture. Just goes to show you drugs are not always the answer.

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What is your recipe for garlic, oregano, clove and vinegar? How do you take the cloves, oragano and vinegar?
Does your pulmonologist order the vest?


Eat garlic raw oregano clove and mushroom this in smoothie and vinegar 2 tablespoons right in my mouth am and pm. Yes vest prescription by pulmonologist


Everyone: When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical. Learn about the potential benefits and risks. What may work for one person may not for another. If you’d like to integrate complementary therapies or supplements into your management of MAC, talk with your pulmonologist or lung health specialist. They can walk you through potential benefits and risks specific to you and your health status.

Keep in mind that natural substances can also have toxicities, adverse side effects and treatment interactions.

More and more medical centers and specialists, including at Mayo Clinic, are open to discussing and integrating complementary medicine in programs called Integrative Medicine. Here's a link to more information about Mayo Clinic's Integrative Medicine programs
– Integrative Medicine and Health https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/integrative-medicine-health/sections/overview/ovc-20464567

If you are interested in complementary medicines, please let your doctor. You can also check with your pharmacist to ensure that there are no potential interactions with medications you may need for other health conditions.


Hi thanks for your response. I did put in a request. It’s just strange After Mac diagnosed and hospital stay the 2019 reports vanished off my portal. The other 2 broncosopy on on there 22 and 23. Could the cultures been wrong. Not enough sputum or contamination. Since hospital doctor has been overly compliant with everything. I just feel I smell a rat. Lol

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I worked in health care for about 40 years. I’d be completely shocked if those records were destroyed. Med record folks are held to very high standards in protecting them. As someone else suggested, due to time, they may be in another folder or archive. Just contact the med record (maybe IT) department at the facility with the test and they can help you locate them.


I agree concentrate getting better. The thing that pisses me off is that the cat scan from 2019 said atypical mycrobactiera. That was the heart doctor that sent me for it same hospital. Pulmonologist missed it and went by ntm culture only and put me on batrum and levewuin when I should have been on ethambual and ariomizan. I suffered for 3 years spitting up blood losing weight couph night sweats and my lungs getting worse. I have been on yhe 2 drug regimen since November 2022 and all good now.

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My first CT was 2013 after an abnormal chest X-ray. Radiologist’s impression was MAC due to nodules & Bronchiectasis. However, cultures done during bronchoscopy grew nothing. Over the years follow-up CT’s showed mild progression with radiologist saying probable MAC, follow-up bronchoscopies (which I believe are more reliable than sputum that you cough up) were always negative. My symptoms remained minimal. And my understanding is that docs are not supposed to treat with the MAC meds unless you grow the bacteria, plus sensitivity studies need to be done on your bacteria to make sure your bug isn’t resistant to drug they prescribe. Finally in early 2023 my CT showed progression into all 5 lobes, and my culture from bronchoscopy was positive. So it took 10 years for me to have a positive culture. I am currently taking Ethambutol and Azithromycin (couldn’t tolerate Rifampin or Rifabutin). I think this disease is tricky and the medications can have serious side effects. Just like doctors shouldn’t prescribe antibiotics for strep unless you have a positive throat culture, even though it looks like strep, I think they have to be careful prescribing for MAC. Glad you’re feeling better.


Eat garlic raw oregano clove and mushroom this in smoothie and vinegar 2 tablespoons right in my mouth am and pm. Yes vest prescription by pulmonologist

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What kind of mushroom because there are many different kinds of mushroom. Can you please be specific with the recipe? do you mix all the ingredients together?

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