Concerned about the side effects of anastrozole

Posted by tinalove @tinalove, Jan 31, 2016

I completed all treatments for breast cancer but now I am supposed to take hormone blocker, named anastrozole. im concerned about the side effects. Has anyone here taken it and did anyone have hair loss?

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I’m over 4 years on Anastrazole and have had no issues with it. I was post-menopausal however. I had ER+ PR+ breast cancer with lymph node involvement. My range of risk of recurrence is 17-38%. I look at it this way…use of an AI keeps me at the lower end of risk. Losing weight keeps me at the lower end of risk. Healthy eating ( upping protein, lowering carbs) keeps me at the lower end of risk. Hopefully you can take advantage of every possible thing that can lower your risk of recurrence. That way if one piece is truly impossible for you there will still be other actions in place to help reduce your risk of recurrence and keep you well. JMHO

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I too am ER+ and PR+ with 15% proliferation. I have been on Anastrozole for 2 months now with zero side effects. My oncologist said this drug is the one most tolerated by her patients. So far, I don’t have any problems with the drug.


I did not have hair loss but I did not tolerate Anastrozole well. Poor sleep, more intense hot flashes, dry skin and tendon problems. Took a month off of medication advised by my new oncologist and then started letrozole and taking it at night. 2 months in and I think psychologically (knowing this oncologist will work with me) maybe all that’s different as letrozole and Anastrozole are basically the same drug. But hot flashes are better ( the weather has changed so I don’t get to my
flash point as quickly. I’m taking a magnesium supplement for sleep issues. Dr also suggested acupuncture specifically for ‘women’s health’ to reduce the menopausal symptoms and yoga. Living in a rural area, it is quite difficult to find a women’s health acupuncturist but I am on the search. I guess my take away is if you don’t trust your dr- switch and look for alternatives in conjunction with your medication

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I stayed I. Anastrazole Accord manufacturer for five years I am off for eight months. No more flashes. Less hair loss and best of all no stomach issues. Good luck there is light after the tunnel.


It is not always the medicine causing a reaction, but sometimes the fillers. I switched from anastrazole to letrozole and when I still had a sensitivity, switched to another manufacturer and finally to the brand name, to which I had no reaction. You find an aromatase inhibitor you can take but I encourage you to try different manufacturers- and/or brand name- before giving up. (There is also tamoxifen....)

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The same is true for Tamoxifen brands/fillers. I was fine, very mild side effects (annoying but in no way life altering) until one prescription was a different brand. Leg/foot cramps woke me 3-4 times a night, and night sweats & joint pains were crazy. After a week I was so sleep deprived I couldn’t think straight, so I reached out to my Oncologist. She had me stop taking & we would discuss in 8 weeks at my next appointment.
I did some research and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that different brands can increase side effects. I had already filled the next prescription, which was the same one I was on before. After a 2 week break, tried the “old” brand, and back to very mild side effects.
The pharmacist was skeptical, but when I told her that I would only take this particular brand & would not pick up any other, she agreed to only order my preferred brand. She asked that I have my oncologist revise the prescription to reflect the specific brand in case insurance pushed back.
My oncologist was glad I was back on Tamoxifen, but also kind of skeptical since there aren’t any studies that prove this … she’s great & we had a nice conversation about how Tamoxifen for prevention after invasive BC hasn’t been studied beyond the standard 20mg dose.


I had 3 lumpectomy's for DCIS. Just finishing radiation. They wanted me to take anastozole for 5 years. I am not going to take it as there are too many side effects. Bone loss, hot flashes, sleep problems. My chances for reoccurence have dropped to 14% taking the drug would drop it to 8%. With all those side effects and taking something for 5 years. Not worth it for me. I am 66 years old in good health. I just can't see taking a drug with so many side effects. It also can cause blood clots.


I had mild hair loss. My only issue was stomach problems but then I am prone to that. Very mild hot flashes living in florida didn’t help. I got through five years with little problems. I walked every morning 30 minutes big help with any joint pains which I never had. Keeping weight down was difficult Good luck I hsve been told it is the choice medication.


I had 3 lumpectomy's for DCIS. Just finishing radiation. They wanted me to take anastozole for 5 years. I am not going to take it as there are too many side effects. Bone loss, hot flashes, sleep problems. My chances for reoccurence have dropped to 14% taking the drug would drop it to 8%. With all those side effects and taking something for 5 years. Not worth it for me. I am 66 years old in good health. I just can't see taking a drug with so many side effects. It also can cause blood clots.

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@cfetoday there is quite a difference between 14% and 8%. Respectfully, are you sure you don't want to try anastrazole or another aromatase inhibitor? Many of us had minor side effects. I found that if I walked more than 30 minutes, any joint pain eased.

Many of us have found that the manufacturer makes a difference. I tried anastrazole generic, then letrozole generic thinking the problem was anastrazole, but it was the fillers. I ended up doing brand name letrozole (Femara) and toward the end did find a generic that was fine.

I was 63-68 during treatment. I am 9 years out from a grade 3 invasive mixed cancer.


I took it. I was tired for 5 years. Result: excellent prognosis. Clear for 8.5 years. I'm 73 now and have all my parts.


@cfetoday there is quite a difference between 14% and 8%. Respectfully, are you sure you don't want to try anastrazole or another aromatase inhibitor? Many of us had minor side effects. I found that if I walked more than 30 minutes, any joint pain eased.

Many of us have found that the manufacturer makes a difference. I tried anastrazole generic, then letrozole generic thinking the problem was anastrazole, but it was the fillers. I ended up doing brand name letrozole (Femara) and toward the end did find a generic that was fine.

I was 63-68 during treatment. I am 9 years out from a grade 3 invasive mixed cancer.

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Since my cancer was grade 0 non invasive I will not change my mind. If I had a higher grade I might have. Heart attacks, blood clots and osteoporosis run in my family. The Dr. Told me I would have to have a bone density test done before she put me on the drug. I guess we all have to make our own choices. I'm glad it worked out for you.


I had 3 lumpectomy's for DCIS. Just finishing radiation. They wanted me to take anastozole for 5 years. I am not going to take it as there are too many side effects. Bone loss, hot flashes, sleep problems. My chances for reoccurence have dropped to 14% taking the drug would drop it to 8%. With all those side effects and taking something for 5 years. Not worth it for me. I am 66 years old in good health. I just can't see taking a drug with so many side effects. It also can cause blood clots.

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I delete same way at first and I was 70 doctor said it is the safest way to prevent cancer coming back. I had some hair loss not terrible. Only side effects I had was diahrea I was prone to that sensitive stomach. Otherwise five years later. Win win. Give it a try a real try try not to talk you into side effects. Good drug I read it is the drug of choice follow your oncologist advise don’t read the web


I have taken anastrozole for 5years now. Major intestinal problems, it makes my life really difficult. I have stopped it for 3 weeks, i now have almost no problems with stomach. My question is, do i really need to take it for 10 years, as my oncologist recommends? Or is it an impossible question?...

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