Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Hello Group,

Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) I have read is a common cause for morning anxiety, this in addition to people who have General Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
I recorded another audio journal on this morning’s episode.. was another intense fear which included all kinds of scenarios and what if’s…I said my short prayer to relieve me of worry and fear and give me peace I am ready to go out and do my walk at the mall…that always sets me upright knowing that I am doing something positive…hope you all have a good day and night…pvctom


Hello Group,

Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) I have read is a common cause for morning anxiety, this in addition to people who have General Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
I recorded another audio journal on this morning’s episode.. was another intense fear which included all kinds of scenarios and what if’s…I said my short prayer to relieve me of worry and fear and give me peace I am ready to go out and do my walk at the mall…that always sets me upright knowing that I am doing something positive…hope you all have a good day and night…pvctom

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What is this? I think I have it
I have generalized anxiety
Doing everything I should
Meditation an prayer
Exercise etc


What is this? I think I have it
I have generalized anxiety
Doing everything I should
Meditation an prayer
Exercise etc

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Hello @sheilawhitern,

As this discussion group is centered around journaling, I suggest that you post this question in another support group dealing with Cortisol. Here are some of the links to these discussion groups regarding cortisol,
--Anxiety and Cortisol

--Hashimoto's Low AM Cortisol

--Cortisol Level Interpretation

If you post your questions and concerns in these support groups, you will find others who are posting about this same issue.


I have stopped writing. I cant trust my 'partner' from reading what I write. She is a big stress ball. I try to surive on ssdi and sleep on this couch. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever change. I dont think it will. I have numerous health issues but cant deal with them. I dont have a key to the front door of the house I sleep in, I cant come and go as I please but hey I am still alive. Nothing really matters anymore. Today is my birthday and all I want to do is go to sleep and wakeup in a diffrent world. Nothing changes. This couch has become my casket


I have stopped writing. I cant trust my 'partner' from reading what I write. She is a big stress ball. I try to surive on ssdi and sleep on this couch. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever change. I dont think it will. I have numerous health issues but cant deal with them. I dont have a key to the front door of the house I sleep in, I cant come and go as I please but hey I am still alive. Nothing really matters anymore. Today is my birthday and all I want to do is go to sleep and wakeup in a diffrent world. Nothing changes. This couch has become my casket

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Hello @jobycat,

I am sorry to hear that you don't feel that you can write in a journal at this time. It sounds like you are feeling a great deal of frustration with your current living situation. As you know, this discussion group is primarily for those who are interested in sharing journaling ideas. On Connect, there are other discussions in the Anxiety/Depression and Mental Health groups that might be of more value to you at this time. Here are links to some of those groups:
--What Keeps You Going
--When was the Last Time You Were Happy
And also, a discussion group that you started,
--End of My Rope

Continue to post about your feelings, @jobycat. Connect is a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings with supportive and encouraging people who can empathize with you.


Journaling’s No. 1 gift to me over the years––a gift that has become even more precious as I’ve gotten older––is that of a spirit tonic. As may be true for others, I often wake in the morning with an overriding feeling of blah. I’ve learned through practice not to dwell on the blah but to go straight to the kitchen and the Mr. Coffee where, if I remembered the night before, the brewer is all set to brew. All I need do is press Start, feed the cat (the cat will not let me skip this step), then, as the brewer is brewing, shuffle into the front room and click on a light, fetch my journal and Vision Elite pen, get my first glorious mug of coffee, settle into my chair, and begin scribbling. I can pretty much count on it: thirty minutes after I woke with that overriding feeling of blah, my blah will have vanished, to be replaced by one of looking forward to the new day. For me, that’s the miracle of journaling.


Journaling’s No. 1 gift to me over the years––a gift that has become even more precious as I’ve gotten older––is that of a spirit tonic. As may be true for others, I often wake in the morning with an overriding feeling of blah. I’ve learned through practice not to dwell on the blah but to go straight to the kitchen and the Mr. Coffee where, if I remembered the night before, the brewer is all set to brew. All I need do is press Start, feed the cat (the cat will not let me skip this step), then, as the brewer is brewing, shuffle into the front room and click on a light, fetch my journal and Vision Elite pen, get my first glorious mug of coffee, settle into my chair, and begin scribbling. I can pretty much count on it: thirty minutes after I woke with that overriding feeling of blah, my blah will have vanished, to be replaced by one of looking forward to the new day. For me, that’s the miracle of journaling.

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That's a great report on the positive effects of journaling! Thanks for sharing those encouraging words, @ray666.


What is this? I think I have it
I have generalized anxiety
Doing everything I should
Meditation an prayer
Exercise etc

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I am very interested in the cortisol being high in the morning… Is there a place I should read up about this on the Mayo website?


Hello again group

I recorded another journal for this morning’s morning anxiety upon’s a weird scary feeling that first seems like
It’s part of a nightmare you have been having, only it’s not…it’s like you’re coming from a deep peaceful rest and suddenly thrust into this consciousness of a new day…I made my coffee ☕️, took my meds, recorded these thoughts 💭 then said a prayer and counted my current blessings…went to the mall and did my walk to get me on track for my step goal…I’ve noticed since I’ve been journaling, my mind seems a little more contented that I have done something positive for the day…
Positivity has to be one of the keys to offset bad unwanted thoughts…hope everyone here has a good day and night..🙏



I did another journal this morning actually yesterday morning now…late night .. sometimes it’s like that.. I played some guitar, did a recording, made myself walk the mall again to get my step total in, said a short prayer to relieve my fears and watched some classic 50’s sci-fi films…and I counted my current blessings …I played back my journal and realized that a good deal of my day and night is not so bad…but I like to come here and share these journals with you who are here…🙏

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