Intenal tremors

Posted by birdy555 @birdy555, Dec 18, 2023

I’m a 47 year old female and I am experiencing internal tremors and other strange neural symptoms. I have always been an anxious person and easily stressed but have never experienced this before. It all started at the end of August during a period of extreme stress when I had a 2-3 minute episode of what felt like my heart racing. A couple of weeks later I began to feel my body shaking internally on waking. It would last 10-20 seconds then disappear. By the start of October I was experiencing this every morning and by mid-October it was joined by other symptoms - an internal tremor I can feel all the time, like an electric current passing through my body, a buzzing on and off in my left foot, pins and needles in my hands and feet, prickles, tingles and muscle twitches all over my body and a wave of what feels like goosepimples all over my body. Bloods showed I am low in iron so I have started supplements and I have also started HRT to see if that has any affect but so far there has been no improvement and I am stuck with these symptoms every day. My GP thinks it is a response to chronic stress. She gave me beta blockers to help with anxiety but they haven’t had any affect on the symptoms.

Nobody i know has ever experienced or heard of this so I guess I am just hoping to hear from some fellow sufferers to get a bit of support and understanding. These symptoms are so hard to deal with and are themselves making me really stressed. I just wish they’d go away! Never thought I’d be stuck with this for months and months.

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@birdy555, I have internal tremors briefly in the mornings, though not every day. I'm not a doctor and can't diagnose what other people experience, I can only share my diagnoses and what I have learned about them.

About three years ago I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and learned that gastroparesis can result from nerve damage due to diabetes (I have Type II.) I have read from others in one of the digestive threads here that others with gastroparesis have experienced internal shaking. Not everyone who reported this had diabetes.

In addition, I was on Zoloft many years for major clinical depression and when I developed Parkinsonian-type hand tremors and was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease I had to stop the Zoloft and now take a low dose of nefazadone instead and although it does not work as well, the tremors have not become worse, at least not yet.

I hope you can find some answers and some relief.


@birdy555, I have internal tremors briefly in the mornings, though not every day. I'm not a doctor and can't diagnose what other people experience, I can only share my diagnoses and what I have learned about them.

About three years ago I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and learned that gastroparesis can result from nerve damage due to diabetes (I have Type II.) I have read from others in one of the digestive threads here that others with gastroparesis have experienced internal shaking. Not everyone who reported this had diabetes.

In addition, I was on Zoloft many years for major clinical depression and when I developed Parkinsonian-type hand tremors and was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease I had to stop the Zoloft and now take a low dose of nefazadone instead and although it does not work as well, the tremors have not become worse, at least not yet.

I hope you can find some answers and some relief.

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I also have had internal tremors but I believe it was result on a benzo I was prescribed which played hovoc with my central nervous system. Also, as I side note, I know there's no good medication for gastroparesis but I do also know there's a drug in phase 2 trials right now for this disease and results look promising thus far. Hopefully will get through and to market within a couple of years. Best of luck!


I too now live with internal tremors but they came after my third bout of COVID and I am now a long hauler with many other symptoms that joined them as well! These include terrible brain fog and memory issues... Not just little memory issues either... These are significant for someone who's always been a talker and a bright person (not trying to toot my own horn) just trying to tell you that I now have terrible issues with word-finding, burning on the bottom of my feet, different than the average which I've always taken Gabapentin for. I also have always had anxiety and I remember when the internal tremors started I surely was going nuts!! Sometimes it would feel like the couch was shaking!! It's still there mildly, but at least now I've become accustomed to them a bit better, so my fight or flight response doesn't go sky high anymore or at least I don't feel that it does. I also have always had issues with sleep, but now it's significantly worse. Nothing will help. I take Seroquel to get to sleep, but wake up about 3-4 hours and then just lay there the rest of the night. It's sheer misery! I'm only 49 years old and hoping to get married sooner than later so, I pray that I can find some answers quickly and I hope you also do the same!! Huge hugs friends!!


I have read a lot about this being a common symptom of long COVID, my heart goes out to those suffering! I must be one of the few people who has never had COVID so it isn’t the cause for me. I think it is perhaps a combination of stress and perimenopause in my case. It isn’t my first rodeo with strange neural symptoms. Six years ago developed chronic vestibular migraine which gave me horrific symptoms 24/7 for a whole year then repeatedly for months long periods. Mostly affecting my head but also in my body. I did get some pins and needles and a feeling of heavy limbs sometimes then. I didn’t have an internal tremor though. Sometimes I wonder if it is somehow related to that, as I did have some mild vestibular migraine symptoms for a few days when the initial racing heart feeling happened in August. Unfortunately I have some ongoing stressors in my life so can’t see how I can try to turn this around right now.


This is my experience too. Mayo has prescribed central nervous system therapy. You might want to look into that.


This is my experience too. Mayo has prescribed central nervous system therapy. You might want to look into that.

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Thank you so much... Might you be able to let me to who I may speak with regarding this? Also, if you feel comfortable tell me a little bit about your experience with it? No obligation, of course. Thanks for reaching out!!

My best, Gina


At Mayo meet with Lasonya Natividad. She is amazing. She will really help you. There is a program that Mayo will give you to calm the central nervous system. I am diligently working it every day. It involves all kinds of therapies including medicine, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, relaxation, etc etc. It takes a while to calm the harmful connections in the brain and restore the helpful connections so give it time. This is groundbreaking science.


At Mayo meet with Lasonya Natividad. She is amazing. She will really help you. There is a program that Mayo will give you to calm the central nervous system. I am diligently working it every day. It involves all kinds of therapies including medicine, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, relaxation, etc etc. It takes a while to calm the harmful connections in the brain and restore the helpful connections so give it time. This is groundbreaking science.

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Omg….thanks for that info. I have central nervous system symptoms and am doing all the things you mention, Getting ready to start meds. Will explore that program.


What meds are you taking? I am taking Cymbalta and it has helped. Some days the tremors are very light and other days (like today) they are heightened.

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