Raynaud's Syndrome: Anyone want to talk about Raynaud’s?

Anyone want to talk about Raynaud's Syndrome? My daughter has a severe case of it. I would like to start a support group here on Connect to find others, share our stories, treatments and managing daily life.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

I am a hand therapist who has Raynaud's with a daughter who has it as well. A hand surgeon taught me that if you keep a scarf on and keep your neck warm, your hands will be warm too. He was right. I even sleep with a scarf on! Hand warmers work for sure as does layering your clothing. Avoid cold areas - even getting something out of the freezer if possible.
My daughter was put on a trial of blood pressure medicine but it made the pressure too low and she couldn't stay awake in school although it helped. Some medicines are vasoconstrictors and will make your symptoms worse. Talk to your doctor about your medicines. Hope this information helps.


Hi, nmc7: I buy Grabber brand hand warmers by the 10-pack every winter. I get them on Amazon. Gloves don't keep my hands warm, but I use the hand warmers in my jacket pockets and can put my hands in my pockets for an instant warm-up. Hope that's some help.

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Thank you so much. My daughter puts her hands i. Her pockets too but I don’t know if she has heard of hand warmers. I will do the same. Hope your winter is mild! Thanks so much. Nmc7


It’s that time of year again to get out the ragg wool mittens with the well shaken hand warmers.
I always wear my neck warmer up to my chin when I go
out for a winter walk. Nice idea for Santa.🧑‍🎄


As I read all of this, I'm realizing I have this too. I'm almost 70. There are times when I cannot warm up my feet no matter how warm the bed is, and a heating pad takes a while. My hands are very cold quickly when I cross country ski, and no mittens have helped. I'm now using little hottie heaters.
I also have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, but the next Rheumatologist said I do not have RA. I don't know, but taking Methotrexate never helped, and the one infusion I consented to caused a long dormant virus to erupt. My hands and feet have been hard to manage for my whole life. It's reassuring to find somewhere to read about this. Thanks for the treatment suggestions.


I have had Raynauds since I was 16..am 68 now. I keep my torso warm by wearing tank tops as a base layer almost year round. I apply a small amount of Nitro-bid ointment (prescription) to my wrists and top of hands which helps dilate the blood vessels without a systemic approach. I also have a heated vest, rechargeable hand warmers. At home a heating pad helps when stationary and I use a hairdryer if my fingers start to get numb. Warm water works, but you must dry your hands quickly and thoroughly or they will chill again. The heated seats and steering wheel on my car are worth every extra penny they cost.

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I got a car with a glass roof so I’m kept warm while driving.

Other people get overheated when they are in my comfortable space.

I find exercise practically prevents it when I’m able to do almost an hour a day (dancing to YouTube in flannel Jammie’s counts!).

Nicotine was the one thing that made raynauds the most difficult to manage.

Any sort of smoking aggravates the condition.

Living in Arizona is generally recommended. No joke


Thank you for including photos and information on those nifty things for “us”.

Makes great stocking stuffers for the Raynauds sufferer in every home..!

Super helpful!


How many mg of Amlodipine do you take?

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I take 5mg amlodipine twice a day but I also have high BP. Dose range is 2.5-10mg/ day. As usual it is best to start low and increase gradually per Drs instructions depending on your response and BP. Calcium channel blockers can cause constipation so consider a daily stool softener if that happens.
PS teeth should have been toes in original response of mine! Ha…


AFter shingles i have now 4 auto immune and then the heart specialist says... due to very freezing hands and feet... oh i think you should look into Raynaurds. Honestly i can't be bothered with another title and not sure if there really is even anything that can be done other than manage all the symptoms for all of this auto immune stuff. My grandma had lupus so i can't count that as after shingles because looking back i have had those symptoms for years and also the Gene test shows i have always had it. I have found very thick bamboo socks and some fingerless gloves from New Zealand have helped... if anyone has more idea's i would love to know them
Take care everyone from Australia

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Keep your core warm. Your core is your chest..Air conditioning is a culprit.
Layer up with cotten..summer and winter. It truly works..


in reply to @sandicam Yes about the layering and keeping one's core warm. I also have some wool wrist warmers that are helpful, as well as some gloves with the finger parts cut off, and occasionally have to put them on when my fingers turn white. Raynauds can be so annoying


I'm happy to see that you know how to deal with Raynauds..
Most don't know about keeping your core warm.

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