Anxiety adrenaline waves every AM waking me from sleep.

Posted by esikora @esikora, Nov 13, 2021

As stated above,every AM at around 5, I start having uncomfortable adrenaline-like waves throughout my body. If I try to sleep, the waves cause weird dreams and then I wake up. This has been going on for about eight months. There has been considerable stress in my life during this time, but now things are improving, but the waves are just as bad.
Has anyone ever experienced this?

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Is it cortisol? Naturally higher in early am?
Study up and ask the dr


I had something similar for years. They said it was anxiety and finally put me on Xanax. It was a saving grace for me and worked within a half hour. I still have Xanax listed as one of my prescriptions but seldom use it.


What a relief to find this thread. I’ve always had some anxiety, and am a therapist, as well.
A year ago, I was given too much estrogen and put on many different medications trying to deduce the issue (like calcium blockers, beta blockers, cortisol reducers/Ashwagadah), which all impacted my sensitive body.
My cycles were waking me throughout the night until I finally got .25 mg of Klonopin to sleep; brought up my vitamin D and found an estrogen/progesterone balance with bio-identical creams.
I now sleep really well and have brought my estrogen levels down, except for the one sneaky thing-these adrenal surges at 6/8 hours of sleep.
When I pandiculate and stretch or move, my heart rate increases to 110 and then lowers and adrenaline surges in cycles that last usually every hour upon waking. I have not had Covid. I have tried every trick in the book. And, ruled out adrenal tumors.
My dreams are pleasant but when this happens, it’s like my mind starts finding negativity to match the adrenal rushes. Then there is the shakes or teeth chattering and need to relieve myself to get rid of the adrenaline.
I’m trying to find more solutions, as I will not give up.
I found a nice 300mg cinnamon cbd oil from “Bottle and Stone” which helps to lower some reaction (because too much Benzos dump me down.)
Let’s keep helping each other because my endo/chiro/gyno/functional/
Primary/cardio/adrenal MDS have all been stumped.

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Read, read, read. I'm not saying to believe everything. Every site I read from was from medical sites and patient responses and it taught me a lot. When I went to see my Doctors I could explain my symptoms and ask something relevant. I have to laugh, my surgeon would say "that's a very good question". We are not the Doctors but I think the more we know about our condition it helps. Healing thoughts for you! 🦋


Read, read, read. I'm not saying to believe everything. Every site I read from was from medical sites and patient responses and it taught me a lot. When I went to see my Doctors I could explain my symptoms and ask something relevant. I have to laugh, my surgeon would say "that's a very good question". We are not the Doctors but I think the more we know about our condition it helps. Healing thoughts for you! 🦋

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I'm sorry, I thought I was answering on a different discussion!

I suggest Trazadone. I am in know way a drug pusher but it did help me a lot. My primary doctor suggested it. She asked how I was sleeping; I replied not so great and that's what she suggested. I take 1/2 of pill and within 15 minutes I'm asleep. Hope this helps 😊


What a relief to find this thread. I’ve always had some anxiety, and am a therapist, as well.
A year ago, I was given too much estrogen and put on many different medications trying to deduce the issue (like calcium blockers, beta blockers, cortisol reducers/Ashwagadah), which all impacted my sensitive body.
My cycles were waking me throughout the night until I finally got .25 mg of Klonopin to sleep; brought up my vitamin D and found an estrogen/progesterone balance with bio-identical creams.
I now sleep really well and have brought my estrogen levels down, except for the one sneaky thing-these adrenal surges at 6/8 hours of sleep.
When I pandiculate and stretch or move, my heart rate increases to 110 and then lowers and adrenaline surges in cycles that last usually every hour upon waking. I have not had Covid. I have tried every trick in the book. And, ruled out adrenal tumors.
My dreams are pleasant but when this happens, it’s like my mind starts finding negativity to match the adrenal rushes. Then there is the shakes or teeth chattering and need to relieve myself to get rid of the adrenaline.
I’m trying to find more solutions, as I will not give up.
I found a nice 300mg cinnamon cbd oil from “Bottle and Stone” which helps to lower some reaction (because too much Benzos dump me down.)
Let’s keep helping each other because my endo/chiro/gyno/functional/
Primary/cardio/adrenal MDS have all been stumped.

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Huge update. After a year of suffering, my gynecologist suggested that I do some vaginal estrogen, as well as regular estradiol on the skin with progesterone, and that the surges were Actually, hot flashes at night. Within four days all of my symptoms completely stopped and disappeared. Now I just need to get off the Clonopin at night. For you perimenopausal and menopausal women out there the podcast called Perimenopause WTF? helped me figure this out with this gynecologist. It is invaluable. Good luck, everyone.


I understand about waking being awful. I go to sleep without any problem, I even sleep well for about 5 hours, but adrenaline surges wake me up every morning. They're awful. I have dreams but mine are usually pleasant, vivid but pleasant. I have no reason to be stressed about anything. I think my problem is that covid messed me up. went to bed one night feeling fine, woke up with heart palpitations and anxiety. Prayers that we all find comfort.

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I suffer with the same. Been 2 months. Did it ever resolve for you?


Not to be discouraging, but I started this thread over two years ago, and nothing has helped...I'm pretty desperate at this point and even considering trying OTC bio-dentical estrogen. This might be taking a big chance, since I'm a uterine cancer survivor...But waking up in fear every morning is no way to live.


Not to be discouraging, but I started this thread over two years ago, and nothing has helped...I'm pretty desperate at this point and even considering trying OTC bio-dentical estrogen. This might be taking a big chance, since I'm a uterine cancer survivor...But waking up in fear every morning is no way to live.

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I truly understand how horrible it is to wake up every day with feelings of angst rushing through your body, it can certainly set you off on a rough day due to aftermath of the anxiety attack.
I started feeling the same thing a few years ago, I always had difficulty throughout my life with anxiety disorder or panic attacks, this was different because the attack felt different, I always described it like a sense of trepidation, kind of the way you feel when waking up and you have a scary appointments coming up. I mentioned it to the doctor and he thought it might be from my medication wearing off overnight, it's possible but I don't think this is the answer. I don't know of any cure or treatment for this but my Ativan does make it subside so I'm happy for that. I still get them even when my tests come back as stable I can go through this uncomfortable event. My own theory is that I believe it's from all the negative events going on in the world and we're living through it never really knowing what tomorrow will bring, this is even more so when you are going,through health problems, it's just too much sometimes.


Yes! Every morning I’m afraid to get out of bed! No particular reason, I’m just anxious. It subsides as the day goes on but it’s like this pit in my stomach! I hate this feeling and don’t know what to do since I don’t have a reason for why it’s happening.


I have the same feeling! Like fluttering and my pulse shots up to 90 -104 each day. I wear an Apple Watch and I can see the straight line up for my pulse. If I go back to sleep many times it happens again. I get up so it stops.

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