Does anyone with AFIB NOT take blood thinners?

Posted by yorlik @yorlik, Feb 14, 2019

cow aorta valve replacement 11/2018. Afib started 2 days after; stayed 1 month then gone - until now. day 4 of off an on afib now. I do NOT want to be put back on blood thinner! Heading to ER now but will watch for replies here... thanks.

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@californiazebra sorry you are also having afib and fast pulse. My pulse is still high (for me) but afib is better: at least when I check it. I feel weak.

I have diltiazem pill in a pocket that does bring heart rate down but also blood pressure so that's a problem.

If I take a blood thinner I might go for old-fashioned Coumadin. Antidote is Vitamin K, easy to get.

I am worried about you! Let us know when it stops!

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After 40 hours, my heart finally went back into rhythm and then my HR was normal about an hour later. Phew! I was getting a bit worried. Afib always makes me weak, faint and fatigued too, partly because my BP goes even lower than usual. It's still 80/61. Oxygen went back up a few points. Both of those are always too low. I should feel much better tomorrow so I can get back to some Thanksgiving tasks. Thanks for asking.

Glad your afib is doing better too. Hope your heart rate goes down soon on its own. Good hospital setup. Now, I just hope your COVID goes away sooner rather than later! Will you be able to enjoy any Thanksgiving festivities? Not sure when your COVID started.


After 40 hours, my heart finally went back into rhythm and then my HR was normal about an hour later. Phew! I was getting a bit worried. Afib always makes me weak, faint and fatigued too, partly because my BP goes even lower than usual. It's still 80/61. Oxygen went back up a few points. Both of those are always too low. I should feel much better tomorrow so I can get back to some Thanksgiving tasks. Thanks for asking.

Glad your afib is doing better too. Hope your heart rate goes down soon on its own. Good hospital setup. Now, I just hope your COVID goes away sooner rather than later! Will you be able to enjoy any Thanksgiving festivities? Not sure when your COVID started.

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@californiazebra Glad you are better, or on the way. That is a low bp and your O2 is low too?

No Thanksgiving for me. My daughter was coming to visit for a whole week and had to cancel. Maybe Zoom!

I'll have good immunity for Christmas 🙂


@californiazebra Glad you are better, or on the way. That is a low bp and your O2 is low too?

No Thanksgiving for me. My daughter was coming to visit for a whole week and had to cancel. Maybe Zoom!

I'll have good immunity for Christmas 🙂

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I’m so sorry your daughter had to cancel her visit. I hope she can come for Christmas.

BP low from cancer meds but afib always makes it lower. Oxygen is too low from lung NETs and DIPNECH.

Rest up. Hope you can order up some good take out and share a zoom meal with your daughter. 🥰


I am new to this and am not sure how to post. An overdose of Tirosint (pure T4 thyroid hormone) caused AFib. Despite having a history of my blood not clotting in time, I was put on Eliquis. It was and is trashing my sensitive GI system. It contains lactose, which I cannot digest, and I am chemically sensitive. I had dose reduced to lowest available. I still have problems. My back broke out and dermatologists gave me creams. Anything that touches or compresses my body causes itching or rashes. I also have flushing. None of this predated the diagnosis, and I have to wait three months to have Watchman device implanted so I can get off this drug.


I am new to this and am not sure how to post. An overdose of Tirosint (pure T4 thyroid hormone) caused AFib. Despite having a history of my blood not clotting in time, I was put on Eliquis. It was and is trashing my sensitive GI system. It contains lactose, which I cannot digest, and I am chemically sensitive. I had dose reduced to lowest available. I still have problems. My back broke out and dermatologists gave me creams. Anything that touches or compresses my body causes itching or rashes. I also have flushing. None of this predated the diagnosis, and I have to wait three months to have Watchman device implanted so I can get off this drug.

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Wow, that all sounds pretty miserable. Praying that the Watchman resolves all of your issues to give you some relief soon.


I like having the information provided by various users of meds. for AFIB THANK YOU J RYAN


Male age 77, paroxysmal AFIB event detected at age 73, 6 mos later had ablation in 2/20, monitor worn two times for 4 and 7 days over next two yrs, no AFIB events detected, with pacemaker implant, 8/23, EP took me off Eloquis, placed on 81mg aspirin, w/pacemaker I was told can also detect AFIB, I wear a Fitbit and constantly check heart rate. Cautiously relieved to be off Eloquis.


Male age 66, I have had AFIB since I was thirty. At 66 the cardiologists (more than one opinion) told me to go on blood thinners in June. I had been off of them for 15 years but the risk the Dr said was greater as I aged. I also had to increase my stains, which I was reluctant. In the end, they found a blood clot in my aorta last week and said to continue with the blood thinners. Only 1 of my 3 cardiologist who read all the reports suggested I get an adomen CT scan. That's when they found the clot. How lucky? Glad I am on blood thinners.


With good intentions, my hospital OD'd me on Coumadin in 2020, and the result was a stroke. I've had Afib since 2002. No more thinners for me. Massive Afib attacks gave me a Type II heart attacks during the stroke, and again in 2021. I now have a Watchman, about 13 months now.


With good intentions, my hospital OD'd me on Coumadin in 2020, and the result was a stroke. I've had Afib since 2002. No more thinners for me. Massive Afib attacks gave me a Type II heart attacks during the stroke, and again in 2021. I now have a Watchman, about 13 months now.

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You are the first person I know that has received the Watchman. It must be nice not to have the monthly TP/INR tests.
Do you remember the criteria you had to have to get approved for the watchman?
My heart is in constant A-fib. I asked my heart clinic if I was a good candidate and did not get an answer.
Have you had any side effects from the Watchman?

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