Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?

Posted by tgroff @tgroff, Apr 19, 2023

There is lots of discussion on Facebook Long Covid forums about nicotine patches helping with long covid symptoms after a few days of adjustment to the patches. Any thoughts on this?

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I have purchased a box of Nicotine patches and then talked to two of my doctors about using them. Both of them suggest that I don’t use them as I was once a smoker. I haven’t used them as of yet, but reading your posts and others that have used them makes me want to! I’m going on 1 year of no taste or smell and frankly, it’s just awful. I’m currently having acupuncture to try to regain it, but that’s not working yet after about a dozen visits. Thanks for your post.

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I get your concern, I was a smoker for 10 years and quit 35 years ago. There is no way I could oils get addicted to these nicotine patches because I don’t even know they are on and I never think about them. The only time I think about them is when I see them by my toothbrush. The act of smoking, the feeling in your lungs, exhaling smoke, etc is a completely different act and dangerous to put burning chemicals in your lungs.
If you get a chance to listen to the podcast, it’s so cool because he explains how God puts all plants on earth for a reason and nicotine is not only in tobacco but in eggplant and other root vegetables.
Please don’t be worried, it’s just so great to have my senses back after almost 3 years! (It’s funny, my daughter has 4 young boys and with her 2 year old pre patches he could be sitting on my lap with a poop and I couldn’t smell it and now after patches he walks in the room and I know!)
Good luck!!


I have not heard or seen anything from a Mayo doctor suggesting nicotine patches. Is this who suggested you try them?


I get your concern, I was a smoker for 10 years and quit 35 years ago. There is no way I could oils get addicted to these nicotine patches because I don’t even know they are on and I never think about them. The only time I think about them is when I see them by my toothbrush. The act of smoking, the feeling in your lungs, exhaling smoke, etc is a completely different act and dangerous to put burning chemicals in your lungs.
If you get a chance to listen to the podcast, it’s so cool because he explains how God puts all plants on earth for a reason and nicotine is not only in tobacco but in eggplant and other root vegetables.
Please don’t be worried, it’s just so great to have my senses back after almost 3 years! (It’s funny, my daughter has 4 young boys and with her 2 year old pre patches he could be sitting on my lap with a poop and I couldn’t smell it and now after patches he walks in the room and I know!)
Good luck!!

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Thank you for your response and I’m so happy for you! I saw a neurologist yesterday and will be having an MRI and will also be seeing an ENT to rule anything out. I just have a question, do you wear these patches daily and for how long have you been using them. Also, if you’ve ever stopped wearing them, did you loose your senses again?


I heard about the Nicotine patches recently from a pharmacist who specializes in functional medicine. I've started with 7 mg, gradually increasing the number of hours I'm wearing it. I can't do more than about 12 hours or I start feeling nauseous. Been using it almost 2 weeks now and I am noticing about 10% less pain, less anxiety, and better sleep (some days). I'm still very fatigued but I'll take the 10% improvement in other areas. Hopefully it will continue to improve.


After researching, I started on the 7mg Nicotine patch yesterday; definitely hitting the nausea, just fighting through it. Praying that after over 3 years this actually helps in some way.


There is a lot of good data coming out regarding this. I am considering doing it, the more I research. There is a fb group- #thenicotinetest that shares data.


After researching, I started on the 7mg Nicotine patch yesterday; definitely hitting the nausea, just fighting through it. Praying that after over 3 years this actually helps in some way.

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I’m starting with a way lower dose than 7mg. Maybe that’s too high for you.


It was. The doctor said she has had several patients who have had them with goo results though. She said it seems to be about 50/50. So I think it would still be worth a try.

I will say that my son is now 10 days in to doing a nicotine patch and he has felt the best he has in over a year the past 3 days!!!

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What dose is he doing?


I’m starting with a way lower dose than 7mg. Maybe that’s too high for you.

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I'm on day three and side effects have been minimal (slight nausea). I noticed I could smell more things on Day 2 that I hadn't smelled in 3 years. It wasn't specific things, just an awareness that I could now smell things in a room, car, etc.

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