Has anyone used CBD oil for chronic pain? And do you have results?

Posted by rensacb @rensacb, Jan 22, 2019

I'm a chronic pain suffer of 35+ years. Scoliosis is the culprit. Not a disfiguring curve but non the less painfully destructive. Almost every disc is bulging from 3mm to 6mm. I've had 2 spinal fusion. C 3-7 and L 4-5. Have 4 nerve root impengements with spondylosis in some areas and stenosis at interval from neck to sacral. Take steroid shots when I can with positive results for a few weeks. Always have Norco 5mg/325 ready if needed. Unfortunately I have found the best way to keep pain down is to lie down. So most of my days are spent on my bed. Any suggestions?

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Sorry for your situation.
I have a messy back with Scoliosis, as well as a compressed nerve in my 3/4 lumbar, very difficult to find pain management for this issue.
Since I had to have 4 more stents inserted I am unable to have pain shots of ablations due to the addition of Plavix to the Eliquis.
The cannabis seems to be working for me (I recommend the oil delivered sublingually); still it is a work in progress. I have had to increase the tincture, and probably one one more time to reach he desired result. I am using a 10 to 1 ratio on the CBD/THC. I am hesitant to raise the THC significantly; I do not want to impair my ability to drive or put anyone in danger to satisfy myself.
The cannabis is a wild world of unsubstantiated options, wild swing pricing, and unregulated.
I an using a medical retailer, and I am certified as a used by my State. The retailer is friendly, and appears knowledge and helpful.
I hope this helps, and the best to you and our friends on this site.
Happy holidays🎡😁


I think it's important to get cbd from companies with very high standards. I have tried several over the years, and the one I'm using now is the only one that I have gotten results from. All the redness and swelling is gone in my dip joints, which is erosive arthritis, and the other joints are rheumatoid and pain is 30% of what it was. My hands and feet haven't felt this good in many years.

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Are you using cbd only or thc as well?
Thank you 😊


Are you using cbd only or thc as well?
Thank you 😊

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I'm using CBD oil with very slight THC in it. I have some gummies with THC that I take at bedtime. The CBD oil is really helping the inflammatory arthritis pain. I try to use a half dropper 3 times a day.
The only side effect seems to be a dry mouth. I'm very happy to have such relief after all these years. I'm allergic to NSAIDs and aspirin. My fingers no longer have the red bumps from inflammation, so it's kind of a miracle!


Are you using cbd only or thc as well?
Thank you 😊

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I get my Sister a full spectrum CBD cream from R&R CBD . I have gotten her other CBD cream and it worked some but wasn't as the cream I get her now. She is 70+and has had surgery on both hands for trigger finger and has arthritis really bad in them. This really works for her. I don't want this to sound like a commercial but. R&R CBD cream full spectrum 1000 at start. Now she will be getting the 5000 2.5 oz. Cream.


I'm using CBD oil with very slight THC in it. I have some gummies with THC that I take at bedtime. The CBD oil is really helping the inflammatory arthritis pain. I try to use a half dropper 3 times a day.
The only side effect seems to be a dry mouth. I'm very happy to have such relief after all these years. I'm allergic to NSAIDs and aspirin. My fingers no longer have the red bumps from inflammation, so it's kind of a miracle!

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How much CBD is in the 1/2 dropper? Is this hemp derived vs from cannibus? Also, do you mix it with water or apply it orally? Thanks.


How much CBD is in the 1/2 dropper? Is this hemp derived vs from cannibus? Also, do you mix it with water or apply it orally? Thanks.

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It's about 16.5 mg in half a dropper. I put it directly in my mouth and under the tongue, then hold it for a minute or so before swallowing.
This is from the Neurogan website:
What exactly is CBD, and how does it work? Here's a quick primer. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid, or chemical compound, found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not produce a psychoactive effect, or "high".


It's about 16.5 mg in half a dropper. I put it directly in my mouth and under the tongue, then hold it for a minute or so before swallowing.
This is from the Neurogan website:
What exactly is CBD, and how does it work? Here's a quick primer. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid, or chemical compound, found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not produce a psychoactive effect, or "high".

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Thank you,that is a very good explanation. I hope it is ok for me to use part of your post for someone else.


Thank you,that is a very good explanation. I hope it is ok for me to use part of your post for someone else.

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Sure! I hope others can find it helpful. It certainly changed my day-to-day life in a huge way.


I think I would benefit from CBD but completely clueless on how to begin...best brand, what type (oil?), prescription needed? where to purchase, etc.
I have migraines, heart disease with chronic angina, 4 herniated discs, spinal stenosis, chronic back pain, osteoarthritis, acid reflux...you get the picture.
Any direction to start would be appreciated!


I realize this is different but I just started using a lotion with 1-1 CBD THC blend. It has several other things in it that make it smell and feel like the old Sloan's Linement I recall my grandma using many decades ago. It has a very warm menthol feeling. I've only used it 4-5 times on my worn out shoulder and arthritic hands and wrist. I tried this to stop using Voltaren because I have a kidney history and I've been using it too long. It makes my urine dark so I know it's not helping my kidneys. Anyway, I've found the lotion to be helpful. I feel no effects from the THC. It's pricey so I'm careful about minimizing the amount I apply. I chose the blend because I didn't have any help from CBD only capsules several years ago. I'm also trying edibles to back off the Oxycodone but that's another story.

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