Cerebellum atrophy with no known cause

Posted by nhawse @nhawse, May 22, 2019

My husband was diagnosed with cerebellum atrophy with no known cause in February. We still don’t know the cause. The doctors are leaning towards genetic. We still do not know the prognosis or how fast it will go. He is 48. Use to be a police officer. He is taking it hard. We have only been married for 2.5 months. Some days he does fine or days he can hardly walk. We just don’t know what to do if anything.

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Thank you for the letters of encouragement and prauers for us. He see!s resigned to his fate and we are so grateful that this did not happen when he was still working or when we had kids in college!!!


Thank you for the letters of encouragement and prauers for us. He see!s resigned to his fate and we are so grateful that this did not happen when he was still working or when we had kids in college!!!

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Hello Noreen,
Your continued strength, as well as perspective, will see you and your husband through this time. Prayers are going your way!


Hello, @howardjames and @nhawse - thinking of you both today and wondering how things are going.

@howardjames - how is Howard? How are you doing?

@nhawse - have you and your husband been able to learn any more about the cause of his cerebellum atrophy or prognosis? How is his walking going?


Hello, @howardjames and @nhawse - thinking of you both today and wondering how things are going.

@howardjames - how is Howard? How are you doing?

@nhawse - have you and your husband been able to learn any more about the cause of his cerebellum atrophy or prognosis? How is his walking going?

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We are doing fine? No we have not found the cause of his atrophy. His walking is becoming more difficult. He is using cane more often.


I am sory, but there exists no kmown cure or treatment for this condition. It's hard , but one must learn to live with it.


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?

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I had a TBI when I was in my 20’s and started having seizures. They had to do surgery to remove a blood clot and the seizures stopped. I’m in my 70’s now and in 2018 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease and the seizures came back . In May I was hospitalized with swelling in my hippocampus and my Graves antibodies were high . No dementia Yet 🙏


I had a TBI when I was in my 20’s and started having seizures. They had to do surgery to remove a blood clot and the seizures stopped. I’m in my 70’s now and in 2018 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease and the seizures came back . In May I was hospitalized with swelling in my hippocampus and my Graves antibodies were high . No dementia Yet 🙏

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@mjcbsn first, what is a TBI?
Seems like your body is playing with you. I’m glad you’re dementia free! Let’s pray that you will stay that way.


Two years ago I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The MRI showed moderate atrophy of the Cerebellum. My balance (gait) is bad. I now use a cane or walker. I’ve become apathetic about most things.
Today I started a second round of brain testing. I had an MRI & MRA this afternoon.
The possibility that I have vascular dementia is high because I have several autoimmune diseases which inflame my arteries.

Anyone else have atrophy in the brain because of inflammation from an autoimmune disease?

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Hey there, Sue Ellen,

Your situation sounds crummy- my sympathy! Mine might be a bit similar to yours.

I have an autoimmune disease/s, too.
I get tingling in my tongue, lips and face (intermittent, bilateral paresthesia?).
Dentist, primary care doctor, 2 Ear-nose-throat doctors and neurologist with 2 brain MRIs -- conclusion is that there is inflammation somewhere inside my skull that is causing it. My rheumatologist thinks they are probably correct. So far, for me it's just an annoyance-- depressing but just annoying. I wonder now if all the doctors avoided saying "my brain is inflamed" so I wouldn't get upset.

I'm sorry that yours has thrown off your gait, etc. (Must really stink for you. I'm sorry I can't think of a better way to say that.) I can see why you might feel apathetic now. I find this Mayo site helpful. It helps me try to think if I can help other people here AND the "How about a laugh" section and the "Inspiring Quotes" section both cheer me up.

Do you talk with a therapist? I do and she is really helpful. Dealing with chronic illness is a burden and she has helped me a lot. Maybe you could give counseling a try?

Good luck to us 🙂


@mjcbsn first, what is a TBI?
Seems like your body is playing with you. I’m glad you’re dementia free! Let’s pray that you will stay that way.

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TBI Traumatic Brain Injury from a car accident that resulted in a brain bleed .

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