Grover's Disease: What works to help find relief?

Posted by 43219876x @43219876x, Sep 23, 2016

I have been diagnosed with Grover's disease under my breasts. I had a biopsy for diagnosis. Tried topical ointment with no really good results. Any ideas?

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I’ve been dealing w/Grovers for over 2 years. & have tried various creams & medicines.

My latest success is coconut oil. My skin feels so smooth.

I use Gabapentin if it gets super itchy & wean myself off after the flare up is under control.

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I also use Triaminicalone sparingly.


In the chest area a cream is more comfortable especially
where there is clothing friction. Triamcinolone in the lower potency cream can help. Other options to try in yeast prone areas are Zeasorb powder and a mild zinc
pyrithione soap in the shower. Ketoconazole cream is worth a trial.For severe flares your
dermatologist could try betamethasone with clotrimazole cream short term bursts to avoid thinning of the skin in delicate areas. Hydrocortisone lotion is
available over the counter avoid the solution that is alcohol based that can be irritating.


Most of us that tried cilantro oil tablets or cilantro oil drops had little success. Since there is no prescibed amount we all just winged it, what I did successfully was to use fresh or fresh frozen cilantro. I used about 1/2 bunch stems and leaves blended in a blender, daily for 6 months because I was so successful I was afraid to go off of it. Most just experimented for 3 months, learning if it helped and then stopped either way. Also most of us that get a twing, the feeling of little bumps returning under our skin and strange skin sensations resume the cilantro for a few days and in my case the bumps (never breaking the skin) disappear.
I was only about 1 month into a recurring breakout when I learned about cilantro and after drinking for about 3 weeks. I notice the severity of this recent breakout was stalled and by 6 weeks I was sure I was healing. Still it took 2 months to feel confident it was working. After my initial GD breakout, 1 year, horrible all over front and back torso, upper and lower, my subsequent pattern was 6 months of activity and 6 months of dormancy and that went on for over 4 years I learne about cilantro. After my first year none of the subsequent breakouts were quite as severe as the inital breakout, the difference being my upper front and back torsos were not solid with papuales, I had spaces between them. Yet the lower torsos were just as bad as the first year. The misery was extreme.
Initially I would add fresh fruit, probiotic yogurt, raw egg, almond milk and add the cilantro. I kept thinking I would get used to the flavor of cilantro. I never did. If I'm doing a cilantro maintenance I now prefer to make my morning smoothy without the cilantro and remove the smoothly, put in cilantro an about a half cup of water, blend and chug down this tonic without breathing and this way I don't notice the taste.
Search the web for infomation about home chelations for heavy metals. There is also information about heavy metals tied to Alzeheimers, Parkinson's and GD, but not a lot. I found several sites, so give it a try. There are no studies tieing in heavy metals to GD that I found, but you understand no pharmacutical company is motived to research this because their is no money in it for them.
Many use the Facebook GD site and I wonder if they have researched cilantro with GD. The Earthclinic GD site is the intial source of testimonials that Kimass1 read and shared this Earthclinic site link information with us on Mayo back mid-Feb. 2019.

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Thanks to your recommendation, I've been buying large quantities of cilantro at a time and blending it in my food processor with a small amount of water and freezing it in cup cake pans. Once frozen I take the frozen cilantro discs and put them in large Ziploc bags. Every night I put one frozen cilantro discs in a small juice glass to defrost with a tiny bit of water and chug it down. The taste doesn't bother me and the burning all over my chest, abdomen, back and thighs is almost gone. 😃


I have also been recently diagnosed with Grover's on my back and waist. I am a 67 yo male so am more typical. My dermatologist prescribed a cortico-steroid cream which has resulted in some improvement. He also recommended Sensa anti itch cream which also gives relief from the itching. BTW, mine came out during chemotherapy for hairy cell leukemia in September and is only now starting to resolve. From what I read, it can it can erupt when there are other health issues, and is seasonal.

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I had Grover’s disease very severely and was posting on a forum along with many people. 2 women had gotten rid of it by going gluten free. I figured - why not try it? I did and it went away - the rash moved down my body gradually and finally left through the bottoms of my feet. (This is a Chinese Medicine thing I was told). This was about 18 yrs ago now. I stay away from gluten like the plague now. Lately I have been reading that it is from the pesticides they use on wheat in the U.S. Often, people can eat wheat in Europe - perhaps because of the pesticides they use there that are different than here in the U.S. I hope this helps as it certainly did the trick for me.


Thanks to your recommendation, I've been buying large quantities of cilantro at a time and blending it in my food processor with a small amount of water and freezing it in cup cake pans. Once frozen I take the frozen cilantro discs and put them in large Ziploc bags. Every night I put one frozen cilantro discs in a small juice glass to defrost with a tiny bit of water and chug it down. The taste doesn't bother me and the burning all over my chest, abdomen, back and thighs is almost gone. 😃

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We all appreciate your feedback. I'm so happy it's helping you because it only seems to help about 40% of those that blog with follow up. We're the lucky ones.
You have a good tip about blending up ahead of time and freezing in individual servings, this suggestion is a real time saver I never thought of.


I’ve found it helpful to go back and read posts starting in 2019. It’s time consuming, but so helpful and educational! @gardeningjunkie and others (thank you all!) are experts and have posted lots of super useful/helpful information about Grovers and what they have found to help them heal. I’m so grateful that I found this group. I just started drinking cilantro smoothies every day. I just blend about a cup of frozen cilantro with 1/2 cup water and chug it. I don’t mind it, and am SO HOPEFUL that I’ll be one of the lucky ones that is helped by cilantro. After reading past posts, I think I’ll increase the amount of cilantro I blend each day. I also bought Chlorella and will start taking that. I’ll post my progress here in hopes I can help others. Thanks to this group for the time you take to try to help others….even after you are feeling better. This rash could drive a person crazy! Thanks again for the positive and encouraging posts!


In the chest area a cream is more comfortable especially
where there is clothing friction. Triamcinolone in the lower potency cream can help. Other options to try in yeast prone areas are Zeasorb powder and a mild zinc
pyrithione soap in the shower. Ketoconazole cream is worth a trial.For severe flares your
dermatologist could try betamethasone with clotrimazole cream short term bursts to avoid thinning of the skin in delicate areas. Hydrocortisone lotion is
available over the counter avoid the solution that is alcohol based that can be irritating.

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I’m curious about your suggestion of Ketoconazole cream. Was it helpful for you (or anyone reading this)? My dr. Prescribed ketonazole shampoo for my itchy head. She insists that it’s unrelated to my other rash which she says is Grovers. The shampoo immediately helped my head. One use and I felt significant relief from my itchy scalp. I disagree with my dr. And feel sure that my itchy head IS related to my insanely itchy rash which is on my arms, one shoulder, and a patch on my back. I tried putting the shampoo on my body rash. I would leave it on for 5 min before rinsing. I didn’t have the same definitive results. But the shampoo wasn't meant for the body. Perhaps ketonazole cream would help. If so, do I have a fungal infection?


Ketoconazole is useful in reducing yeast like microorganisms that can overgrow in oily and sweaty areas of our body. It works against itch by calming a cause of irritation. The shampoo may be drying on the
body. The cream will not cure Grover’s but can help
in body areas to reduce seborrheic itch. I use Nizoral in rotation with other anti itch shampoos on my scalp.
Sweaty areas on the chest under breasts may respond
if you have yeast overgrowth. If you have had long term
sun exposure that can be a factor in Grover’s.


Ketoconazole is useful in reducing yeast like microorganisms that can overgrow in oily and sweaty areas of our body. It works against itch by calming a cause of irritation. The shampoo may be drying on the
body. The cream will not cure Grover’s but can help
in body areas to reduce seborrheic itch. I use Nizoral in rotation with other anti itch shampoos on my scalp.
Sweaty areas on the chest under breasts may respond
if you have yeast overgrowth. If you have had long term
sun exposure that can be a factor in Grover’s.

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@seniormed, thanks for your reply! I grew up in Arizona and have had a lot of sun exposure through out my life. I’m a 58 year old woman. How can I learn more about the role of sun exposure, yeast and Grovers? I would love to understand more. Can you point me in the right direction?


@seniormed, thanks for your reply! I grew up in Arizona and have had a lot of sun exposure through out my life. I’m a 58 year old woman. How can I learn more about the role of sun exposure, yeast and Grovers? I would love to understand more. Can you point me in the right direction?

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Read all of gardeningjunckie's past posts. Incredible amounts of knowledge.

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