Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


You might try going gluten free for a month. It helps with many skin conditions. I saw a new Post Cancer/Lymphedema doctor yesterday who prescribed heavy exercise, aerobic and weight training as a solution to the somnolence, (tiredness), that Chemo and Cancer leave you with. I also use Adderall. Once you get used to adderall you really don't notice your taking it and the crash goes away. She didn't think much of the Adderall. Celebrex is great for reducing swelling and a gluten free diet will also reduce swelling. Lyrica is good for Fibromyalgia and other forms of pain from over active nerves. Chronic pain is still best dealt with with Opiods if it's too serious for Tylenol. If your going to hurt for the rest of your life you might look into a pain pump. I have one and it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I used to eat 252 mg. of various narcotics per day. Now I get 2.75 mg. to 3.75 mg of dilaudid delivered directly to my spine. That is 300 times more effective than eating the same amount. Message me if you need more help.

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Pain pump is on my list. Did you get pain pump from pain Dr or regular Dr.


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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I also have been on Gabapentin for 20 years, also Tramadol, my memory is awful. Instead of being 58 I feel so dumb ( so grateful to have a understanding husband), Recently I had a pain stimulater implanted now my butt crack goes all the way up between my shoulder blades! Still the pain is always with me, thinking of getting a pain pump when my disability goes through!
Good luck everyone


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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I am taking 1500 mg gabapentin 3 times daily with 50 mg tramadol and I am fine. I also do exercises . I really thought a Dr. would operate , but he said it was not possible.


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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I have neuropathy too. Mine was caused by Chemo treatments for cancer. I take 300 mg. of Lyrica twice a day. I also take 25 mg. of Amitriptyline daily. Don't give up on depression until you fix it. Get counseling, try different meds but don't give up. Depression will worsen your experience with pain and can even cause physical pain. There is a company, GeneSight testing that if you furnish a cheek swab, they can with great accuracy, predict which meds will work for you. I'll see if I can find a link.

That was easy. They can test for 4 types of psychotropic meds and also what analgesics or narcotics will be best for you. Your Doc needs to register with them which they can do by phone and it's free. The testing is not. They will help you pay. If you have any sort of Government insurance it will be totally covered. It's new but it's getting good reviews.


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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Tramadol addiction is like no other. It doesn't make you crave more, it doesn't get you high. However, when I stopped taking it I went through a withdrawal which was awful. It was like the worst Flu you ever had and went on for about 96 hours. Bad drug!!!!!


@susan1955 and @raina

Welcome to the Mayo Connect online community. I am a Volunteer Mentor and as such, I am not a medical professional and can only offer my own personal experience and support.

I recommend that you go back through the posts here to find out what has already been discussed. In these discussions you may already find answers to questions you have.

Please tell us more about your journey through chronic pain and anything that has given you some relief. And, keep in mind that what works for me or you, may not work for anyone else. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Volunteer Mentor

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Hello Gail,
Thanks for your response. I have being dealing with chronic pain for more than a year now, my doctors at Mayo diagnosed my symptoms as fibromyalgia and chronic pain and fatigue. I have taken gabapentin for couple months with no success. I am currently taking Lyrica. What I found very helpful is some level of physical exercise, I know it's the last thing on our mind when dealing with daily pain, but when I work through the pain during the exercises, it pays off later on. For instance, mornings are one of my challenges. It's difficult to get out of bed due to pain all over my body., it's like an intense body aches with sudden sharp pain that occurs randomly. But after taking a 30 minutes to an hour walk, I feel tired right afterward but relieved and energised for the rest of the day. I also have to pace myself with all my activities. It is challenging to live with pain as sometimes the same things that used to help may not have the same effect on your body other times.


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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I have Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, Arthritis in all my joints, IBS, Diverticulitis, Diabetes, and some severe allergies.  Right now the only one giving me fits is the IBS.  Lying here with a heating pad on my gut.  It helps some.  Gut doctor  prescribed Bentyl, which actually helps.  But I have to call about a prescription, and they may want to see me. Ugh!


Hello :). First time I’m using a chat for medical reasons. I feel quite desperate and thought I would see if I could tap into this community for help. I was recently diagnosed with hip bursitis. I’m only 42 and sometimes the pain is debilitating. It started on my outer thighs but months later is now more painful on the top of my pelvis bone (highest point) and the groin area which sometimes swells up. I have angioadema (my lower lip swells and I get a rash). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I am fortunate that this condition flares up now and again and is not something that I suffer everyday. I do get very tired - I am finding it hard to stay awake during the day. To add to all this I have 7 uterine fibroids. And also restricted blood flow in both lower legs which can make standing still and flying very painful. Such a variety of conditions but I cannot figure out whether any of these could be related or am I just incredibly unlucky ???!!!! If anyone has any insights I would be very grateful. I am aware that I do have some IgG intolerances to certain foods and recently stopped eating dairy. tips on handling chronic pain and tiredness would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

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Oh no...I gave up pills against my wishes and was given tramadol. Great!!!!!!


@susan1955 and @raina

Welcome to the Mayo Connect online community. I am a Volunteer Mentor and as such, I am not a medical professional and can only offer my own personal experience and support.

I recommend that you go back through the posts here to find out what has already been discussed. In these discussions you may already find answers to questions you have.

Please tell us more about your journey through chronic pain and anything that has given you some relief. And, keep in mind that what works for me or you, may not work for anyone else. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Volunteer Mentor

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Rani...I agree. Some days my walk is easy. Others I cannot wait to get home. But I agree my walking helps bog time 90 percent of time.


Hello, my name is raina, a new member to the chronic pain group. I have fibromyalgia, chronic pain and fatigue. I hope to get and give tips on how to live with these diseases.

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Hello @raina, here is a discussion you may find interesting in both reading through and participating in where you feel comfortable: Fibromyalgia pain,

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