Have you been cured of POST COVID?

Posted by mccoydj1 @mccoydj1, Sep 28, 2023

I would love to hear from folks that have been cured from Post COVID. What were your symptoms.... what things helped you improve? what things made it worse for you?

I ask because I am currently on a recovery journey - would love to understand what you've done

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

No, but, I am working hard at it with an Integrative Medicine Doctor and lots of supplelments. Stay tuned.....


I have had long COVID for 3 years now. I am with a Long COVID clinic. The issues I have due to COVID are non-curable. I am working on ways to mitigate symptoms. I was told by the Long COVID clinic that COVID is turning on our bad genes. I have neuropathy, POTS, CRPS- extreme neuropathy, gastroparesis, etc. None of these will ever go away. I have to learn how to manage them. They are helping with that. I am not where I want to be but I feel like I have an understanding of what is happening with my body after years of test after test after test that did not show what was wrong. I felt like I was going crazy and had one doctor who thought this was all in my head. I am so grateful for the Long COVID clinic and the doctors and clinicians I am now seeing. They may not be able to fix me but they are helping me learn how to live better. Being bed ridden, in pain, sick to my stomach and having GI issues, gaining weight when I barely eat because food either smells awful or tastes awful, passing out from sitting up or standing up has been miserable. I now wear an abdominal binder that helps to not pass out, I still have dizziness but at least I can sit or stand. I have medicines that are helping take the edge of some of the pain and mitigating my horrible GERD. I see a PT who is helping me to do minor exercises which mentally helps. I was someone who ate well and exercised regularly. I now have a new normal and am accepting the level of movement I can do. Pushing through as I had been trying to do would knock me out for days at a time. I have found that I can not push through this. We will all have our own path as we all have a different genetic make up. I wish everyone the best help and health level they can find. Here is to being able to manage what we have and find peace through accepting our new normal whatever that may be for each of us. I am doing all I can to be positive about life and that does help. It was not easy to get here. Thanks for reading/listening to me. That also helps. I am glad I found this site.


Here is my recovery story 🙂

Hi all! I wanted to post because I’ve (finally) been able to overcome my “nightmare disease” which I think was Long COVID. The past 11 months have been the most difficult of my entire life… putting strain on not only my body but my work, my marriage, my family, my friendships, etc. I have went to the Emergency room at least 4 times this year, have written goodbye notes to my wife & two children, and effectively was ready to die. Praise the Lord, I am now recovering and have my life back again. I want to tell you my story (and what ultimately cured me) in hopes that maybe it can help you.

How did it start?
I got COVID in October 2022. It was a mild case but weird stuff started happening to my body on Nov 2022.

I have been struggling mightily since the with a constellation of symptoms ranging from POTS, chest pain, difficulty breathing, difficulty walking, etc. In an effort to avoid symptoms, I moved to a very constrained diet, eliminated exercise, and severely limited my movement. I have had a plethora of medical tests, tried a multiple of supplements, and tried a variety of treatment strategies. Many things hurt, very few things helped.

How did it go away?
Some treatment strategies did work in the short term but only one strategy worked comprehensively. Amazingly- it also worked VERY FAST… im writing this on day 5 of treatment and I’m already (basically) back to normal.

I’m calling the technique “Central Sensitization Desensitization”. Basically, there were many things that I thought were bad (eating certain foods, exercising a certain way, etc)… and whenever I did one of those bad things, my body reacted (Ex. I started experiencing chest pain). What I did to recover was…

Do something “bad” (eat a food, exercise, etc)
Experience a symptom (ex. chest pain)
Remain unconcerned with symptom
Continue doing bad activity

At first, my body freaked out (I had chest pain after eating mango strips and more chest pain after eating chocolate chip cookies). Then the next day I ate even more of those things and had no chest pain. Eventually my body realized I didn’t care and quit providing symptoms.

Is this applicable to everyone? Doubtful. All I know is that this strategy did help me. What’s odd is that other stuff also helped me… but only in the short term (Ex nattokinease, tumeric). Eventually they lost their effect. So does this mean my symptoms were all in my head? Absolutely not. It was 100% real… I really did go to the ER 4 times because of chest pain. If you want to talk more, private message me, I’m happy to talk further!

Hope you can recover from your nightmare disease! God bless



Bunzman, what is happening currently is that people's symptoms are being treated one by one, as individual symptoms. Ultimately, that will NOT heal someone from long haul; at best it will help somewhat "manage" symptoms. I healed myself fully from long haul by treating the root cause of the problem/imbalance, something that is not known, or not recommended currently, by typical doctors or western medicine...

It's true that taking B-3 alone is not the magic answer, but in combination with a strict low histamine diet, anti-inflammatory diet, stress reduction, and nervous system care, it can and does work for most people.

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My son has had LC ME/ CFS symptoms since summer of 2022. We have tried several things to help him and nothing has worked thus far. He just turned 25 yesterday, so he first started with major LC issues at 23. He was extremely athletic and training for a marathon when he got COVID in March, 2022. He had been vaccinated (three total), but still got COVID a few times. His LC symptoms started after getting COVID, not the vaccination a few months prior. We have tried the protocol on Born Free and he hasn’t shown any progress. He has taken LDN, hyperbaric chamber treatment, triple anticoagulant therapy… nothing has worked. Would you please send us your protocol which helped you recover to 90%?


My son has had LC ME/ CFS symptoms since summer of 2022. We have tried several things to help him and nothing has worked thus far. He just turned 25 yesterday, so he first started with major LC issues at 23. He was extremely athletic and training for a marathon when he got COVID in March, 2022. He had been vaccinated (three total), but still got COVID a few times. His LC symptoms started after getting COVID, not the vaccination a few months prior. We have tried the protocol on Born Free and he hasn’t shown any progress. He has taken LDN, hyperbaric chamber treatment, triple anticoagulant therapy… nothing has worked. Would you please send us your protocol which helped you recover to 90%?

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I formerly posted my miracle turn-around. After 3 yeas of LC, I was finally given a Tilt Table Test, and subsequently, diagnosed with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). I am now taking a medicine called Pyridostigmine. I have so much more energy and very few LC symptoms anymore. I worked with a Neurologist to get where I am.
Good luck.


My son has had LC ME/ CFS symptoms since summer of 2022. We have tried several things to help him and nothing has worked thus far. He just turned 25 yesterday, so he first started with major LC issues at 23. He was extremely athletic and training for a marathon when he got COVID in March, 2022. He had been vaccinated (three total), but still got COVID a few times. His LC symptoms started after getting COVID, not the vaccination a few months prior. We have tried the protocol on Born Free and he hasn’t shown any progress. He has taken LDN, hyperbaric chamber treatment, triple anticoagulant therapy… nothing has worked. Would you please send us your protocol which helped you recover to 90%?

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@acuozzo after working with many specialists here in Charleston SC I finally went to Mayo Rochester and I am following their program. I am feeling better, not 100% but hopefully on my way to LC being a memory. I have had it since my booster in November 2021. It's a long story (there are a dozen parts to my plan) but one of the tenets that stuck with me is that one needs to approach recovery as if you are an injured athlete. I mention this because you mention that your son is an athlete once training for marathon. I was told by my Neurologist here in SC to keep exercising at my old levels "it'll make you feel better", wrong answer! That level was driving me backwards away from recovery. Where I was once exercising 45 minutes aerobic, Mayo has me at 10 minutes resistance (muscle focused not cardio focused). If your son isn't following a moderation approach he will not recover. I wish you and your son well and strongly urge your son to go to Mayo or another clinic where they have a proven LC recovery program.


I’ve done so many things over the past year. My latest final success was working with a naturopath who prescribed various supplements, and Dead Sea Salt baths several times per week. Those also helped my blood sugar. It has also been 15 months, so may finally be the virus or lingering effects finally leaving my system. I could list the supplements but they were many and changed a lot. And specific to my body’s needs. She did a lot of muscle testing. I also stopped eating inflammatory foods, like carbs, grains and most dairy, which made it worse. I couldn’t even tolerate sweeteners. Digestive enzymes were a constant of the supplements that helped. I also regularly saw a cranial sacral massage therapist.

My symptoms were primarily post exertional fatigue, gut issues, headaches and stiff, sore neck (coat hanger syndrome), fatigue after or during driving or computer work. I referred to it as Covid brain as it wasn’t really brain fog. It was brain fog at first but then evolved into “weird” head. Definitely inflammation going on.

The exercises I was able to tolerate were short walks and brief qi gong energy movements. There are lots of qi gong routines on YouTube.

I wish you all the best as you continue to solve your puzzle.


It’s been in 18 months and I’m in great programs and trials. A cognitive therapist told me straight in our first appointment- I will likely never return to the “old me.” My work with her will help me adapt and find new tools to help my memory, which help. I’m not cured, but living better. It’s like these people who lose a leg, then get an artificial get and develop into a great athlete whose attitude gives encouragement and inspiration to everyone.


In other words, I’m not going to let Covid define my life. When my dad was dying from cancer, he didn’t want every damn minute focused on thinking and talking about cancer, There were still a few weeks left to get the most out of enjoying friends, family, and what he could. He would acknowledge something if something hurt, but never complained. He was so thankful for the medical people helping. He’d tell them to go help another patient in worse condition. They actually gave my dad more attention cause was damn good to people until the very end. I try to be like him.


I was diagnosed with Covid in December of 2022 and since then, I’ve lost my taste and smell. I’m currently having acupuncture, as I was told that this may help. So far, I don’t have my senses back. I’m doing some research on the Stellate Ganglion Block, as I’ve heard that this is successful. I’m reaching the end of my rope!

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