Anyone dealing with symptoms of portal Hypertension if so please share

Posted by jlf2 @jlf2, Nov 10, 2023

I was told I have Portal Hypertension and I would like to know if anyone with Portal Hypertension would like to share what symptoms they are experiencing with me, I hurt all the time my stomach , my back, my liver is failing , my spleen is swollen, my stomach is swollen, And I would appreciate any information that you could share with me I was told I will most likely will need a liver transplant
Thank you ❤️🙏

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I have Portal hypertension. I also suffer the same pain. I just got diagnosed a month ago. My GI doctor has done many test. Because my spleen and liver are enlarged they have done a liver ultrasound which has measured the how it stretches it doesn’t show anything. However the blood work shows something different so he is doing an upper endoscopy. I suggest since you have portal hypertension. I would suggest You get a GI doctor and get bloodwork done and get test done to check your spleen and liver to make sure you don’t have hepatitis or to make sure you don’t have liver
fibrosis or worse. Having portal hypertension can lead to a lot of possibilities. I wish the best of luck. I do understand your pain though. I have them too.


@codatt. I already know I have Harding of the liver and cysts on my liver have had hepatitis B in the past but no longer have it my spleen is swollen. , I have cirrhosis of my and don’t drink alcohol never liked it , so it’s a strange situation.
I have Portal hypertension with a
spontaneous systemic shunt that formed its self, my body is trying to reroute the blood flow in my body I have cirrhosis, the shunt was found on a CT scan because of severe pain in my abdomen at the emergency room.
My PDP is trying to get me into a GI Doctor but finding on in insurance seem to be a problem without having to Travel 299-150 miles my PCP said she see a transplant in the near future for me.
Thank you for sharing with me now I know a little bit of what to expect when I go to my GI appointment, let me ask you do you have a lot of pain in you upper stomach/ chest area , because I do ???


@codatt. I already know I have Harding of the liver and cysts on my liver have had hepatitis B in the past but no longer have it my spleen is swollen. , I have cirrhosis of my and don’t drink alcohol never liked it , so it’s a strange situation.
I have Portal hypertension with a
spontaneous systemic shunt that formed its self, my body is trying to reroute the blood flow in my body I have cirrhosis, the shunt was found on a CT scan because of severe pain in my abdomen at the emergency room.
My PDP is trying to get me into a GI Doctor but finding on in insurance seem to be a problem without having to Travel 299-150 miles my PCP said she see a transplant in the near future for me.
Thank you for sharing with me now I know a little bit of what to expect when I go to my GI appointment, let me ask you do you have a lot of pain in you upper stomach/ chest area , because I do ???

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Yes I do, which makes it hard for me to breathe. Which I also have lung issues which does not help. But having fluid in my stomach pushes my diaphragm up which causes me having a hard time to breathe and also causes me to have chest pain. I did have an echocardiogram done and in January my cardiologist is going to go over it with me. There are things going on.


Yes I do, which makes it hard for me to breathe. Which I also have lung issues which does not help. But having fluid in my stomach pushes my diaphragm up which causes me having a hard time to breathe and also causes me to have chest pain. I did have an echocardiogram done and in January my cardiologist is going to go over it with me. There are things going on.

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Yes we have a lot of the same problems I have a few things wrong with my heart and a lot of other health issues.
I’m always sick there’s always something going on with my health it seems like , I told my husband that something was causing me to be sick all the time my health went h£// all of a sudden about 3 yrs ago I’m going to be 62 in a few days.
And have been healthy most of my life. But I’m just taking one day at a time that’s the best I can do. Hoping you and your family
have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you and I hope you feel better my friend blessings to you


Yes we have a lot of the same problems I have a few things wrong with my heart and a lot of other health issues.
I’m always sick there’s always something going on with my health it seems like , I told my husband that something was causing me to be sick all the time my health went h£// all of a sudden about 3 yrs ago I’m going to be 62 in a few days.
And have been healthy most of my life. But I’m just taking one day at a time that’s the best I can do. Hoping you and your family
have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you and I hope you feel better my friend blessings to you

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I am around the same age as you.

I am so sad you are going through all of this too. I am glad I met you though.

I hope you also have a blessed thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season. I hope you get some answers soon and feel better too.


I am around the same age as you.

I am so sad you are going through all of this too. I am glad I met you though.

I hope you also have a blessed thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season. I hope you get some answers soon and feel better too.

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Thank you same to you feel better and I hope you get some answers as well ❤️

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