Invasive ductal carcinoma, what should I expect?

Posted by sassyredhead @sassyredhead, Nov 14, 2023

I just found out today that I h ave invasive ductal carcinoma. What should I expect?

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I am newly diagnosed too and it is very helpful to read everyone’s experiences. I meet with a surgeon tomorrow to decide if I want to proceed with lumpectomy or mastectomy. Surgery date is planned for December 20th.

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Hey tb I wish you luck! I almost want them to take both breast off. A girlfriend of mine had one then 7years later had the other. Wow, I hope you have help at Christmas.

I too want it as soon as possible. My step son offered to come help us. My Husband is doing Chemotherapy he has 2 different lymphoma’s. He won’t be done with treatments until February. Then they will tell him if he has to have a stem cell transplant. So we are up to our eyeballs in this cancer stuff, but we’ve got it.
I will keep you in my thoughts and sending you all the positive vibes possible! 💕


Thank you for sharing. My oncologist told me I need surgery but that’s it so far. I will know more on Wednesday! I too am allergic to many med. the scary part is not the surgery, it what Abe they gonna put me back together with? I’m allergic to all adhesive now! It will be interesting! I guess I will find out everything Wednesday. My husband is going through Chemotherapy too! I guess I could not let him go through it alone.😂

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When I had my surgery they used glue, so I had no stitches, gauze or tape. Before your surgery, or before mine, I had prep call & they go over any allergies you may have &/or medications. Prayers for you & your husband. I’m sure the chemo is pretty rough. Best wishes to you & yours!!


We are in this together. I just found out a few days ago that I also have invasive ductal carcinoma. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Friday and I should find out more regarding the treatment. Not sure what they will want me to do since I had a different breast cancer in my other breast almost 4 years ago. I know that they will look at how large the tumor is and how fast it is growing and whether it is estrogen and progesterone positive. Also, they will see if the cancer has moved to the lymph nodes. After they look at everything then they decide the right steps to take.
I am sorry that you received this diagnosis. Let's keep each other posted.

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Thanks Katrina, I hope your appointment goes well. I will be sending positive thoughts your way. Stay connected.
Be positive too! ~Sassy


Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!
As you have seen, you are not alone with this diagnosis. I hope you will get an idea of what’s going to happen.
I was diagnosed 31 years ago- hormone receptors negative.
I had mastectomy and chemo.
It’s always a good idea to get a se one opinion before you start treatment.


Thanks Katrina, I hope your appointment goes well. I will be sending positive thoughts your way. Stay connected.
Be positive too! ~Sassy

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I saw my oncologist today. She has decided to order the Integrated Brac analysis blood test and the Myriad My Risk update test for me. The fact that I have a new breast cancer in the other breast 4 years after the last breast cancer and the fact that there has been so much cancer on my mom's side of the family has encouraged her to do this testing. I am concerned because if it is positive that means I will need to have a double mastectomy. She said that the test can take 2 to 3 weeks. I have an appointment with the breast oncology surgeon on the 27th. I am sure she would wait until this lab work comes back before she will make a decision on what to do next.
I can't imagine what you are going through. It must be so very difficult.
I will be thinking of you,


For additional discussion dealing with invasive ductal cancer, please also see:
- Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): Anyone else?

All IDC-related discussions


Hey tb I wish you luck! I almost want them to take both breast off. A girlfriend of mine had one then 7years later had the other. Wow, I hope you have help at Christmas.

I too want it as soon as possible. My step son offered to come help us. My Husband is doing Chemotherapy he has 2 different lymphoma’s. He won’t be done with treatments until February. Then they will tell him if he has to have a stem cell transplant. So we are up to our eyeballs in this cancer stuff, but we’ve got it.
I will keep you in my thoughts and sending you all the positive vibes possible! 💕

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Same to you! Prayers coming your way


Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!
As you have seen, you are not alone with this diagnosis. I hope you will get an idea of what’s going to happen.
I was diagnosed 31 years ago- hormone receptors negative.
I had mastectomy and chemo.
It’s always a good idea to get a se one opinion before you start treatment.

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31 years ago! Inspirational 💕


There's not enough info here to say what to expect, except expect a treatment plan from your doctors and expect to be tired. Expect a lot of visits to the hospital. I had that, triple positive. I was treated and cleared over 8 years ago. I had the genetic testing - okay. I still have all my parts. I was desperately afraid of chemo but it was not as bad as I imagined. You have to be patient with the process. Big hug.


I am newly diagnosed too and it is very helpful to read everyone’s experiences. I meet with a surgeon tomorrow to decide if I want to proceed with lumpectomy or mastectomy. Surgery date is planned for December 20th.

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This is Mulkey 518 -- when I was first dignosed with my first cancer I had 3 lumps which were hard to find and I complained for 2009 til 2014 when they finally found the lumps. My surgeon told me that they will do a Lumpectomy (May 2014) and 6 weeks of radiation along with an AI pill. I told my Surgeon on several ocassions that I wanted to have my breast totally removed. I was talked out of the Masectomy and into the Lumpectomy with radiation and the Ai pill. Well I had pain from the Lumpectomy from 2014 til they found the 2nd breast cancer on April 2023 (fro 9 years I had been constantly complaining of pain with each Mammogram and Ultrasound performed). Now this breast cancer is Angiosarcoma (bad news all around). So in my research I found that it was standard several years ago to do a Lumpectomy with 6 weeks of radiation and the AI pill (I took femora with no problem for 5 years) for low stage cancer, BUT IT HAS NOW BEEN FOUND that this isn't the thing to do anymore. Now it is stuggested that a Masectomy be performed instead of the Lumpectomy - no radiation - and the AI pill (what ever one your Medical Onclogist suggests). I do regret that I did not stand up to getting my breast remove the very first time - and I would not have gone through with the radiation - but would have taken the AI pill. The Study on this came out in July 2014. So I got radiation cancer in my blood vessels from taking radiation treatment with my first breast cancer. I am not trying to scare you but just know what the current protocol is now. So far I know of 3 people who have gotten this radiation cancer. It is Rare and Agressive and scary and I can not find any Trials or Studies on this Angiosarcoma. Do your research - read for yourself - There are 7 out of 100,000 people who could get this radiation cancer. I wish you well and success in your treatments. But also remember that the "Dumb Question" is the one not asked.

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