Killer Migraine: Looking for Treatment Suggestions

Posted by kimmycorvette1 @kimmycorvette1, Nov 13, 2023

Im having BAD Migraines all month. Can you wonderful people give me suggestions? Ty

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God Bless You! I empathize. I have had them for years. This sounds so simple, but, I take 2 B2 vitamins (400 mg) a day and it has helped tremendously by Micro Ingredients (Amazon). Also, use either heat or a cold pack. I would put a heat pack on my head and one on my neck. Migraines cause my neck to hurt. Try taking a hot shower or if you respond better to a tepid shower then do that. I use Zomig 5 mg tablets (Prescription) for migraines. I take one and lie down in a dark room. Sleeping it off helps tremendously. If I am nauseated, I take Emetrol, over the counter for nausea. If it's stress.....try to get a handle on it. If it's weather related, try and not go outside when allergen count is high. Yes, allergies can cause sinus induced migraines. Is your heat in your house drying out your sinuses? Use a cool mist humidifier... Keep a food diary. I cannot eat: soy, msg which is in Chinese food, homemade chocolate fudge candy and red hot dogs. The heat in the car blowing in my face & perfumes will give me a migraine. Stay hydrated. Some folks do well with the Excedrin Migraine....I cannot tolerate that. I hope you can see your primary doctor soon and get treated before you try any of the above. Praying for you right now. Keep me posted. I care.


I'm sorry that you're being so tormented!

Ever since having a stroke, I find that I often get migraines.

I've learned that preventing is easier than treating. Mine seemed triggered by bright light, dehydration, and certain patterns (checkerboard, vertical/horizontal lines, etc.).

But when they hit, all I can do is find a very dark spot and lie down. Not much help when I have one that lasts for days! Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen help a tiny bit, but not much.

So I do my best to stay hydrated, keep out of bright light (a challenge here in Texas!), and be very aware of backgrounds, even in TV programs.

I hope that helps a little. Hang in there.


Ty for responding. Smells is my #1 trigger and I been lighting candles and wax burners at night to relax. No more! Mean it. Last night I was bawling from the pain.


God Bless You! I empathize. I have had them for years. This sounds so simple, but, I take 2 B2 vitamins (400 mg) a day and it has helped tremendously by Micro Ingredients (Amazon). Also, use either heat or a cold pack. I would put a heat pack on my head and one on my neck. Migraines cause my neck to hurt. Try taking a hot shower or if you respond better to a tepid shower then do that. I use Zomig 5 mg tablets (Prescription) for migraines. I take one and lie down in a dark room. Sleeping it off helps tremendously. If I am nauseated, I take Emetrol, over the counter for nausea. If it's stress.....try to get a handle on it. If it's weather related, try and not go outside when allergen count is high. Yes, allergies can cause sinus induced migraines. Is your heat in your house drying out your sinuses? Use a cool mist humidifier... Keep a food diary. I cannot eat: soy, msg which is in Chinese food, homemade chocolate fudge candy and red hot dogs. The heat in the car blowing in my face & perfumes will give me a migraine. Stay hydrated. Some folks do well with the Excedrin Migraine....I cannot tolerate that. I hope you can see your primary doctor soon and get treated before you try any of the above. Praying for you right now. Keep me posted. I care.

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Awe ty and God Bless you too. Yes, yes, yes do all that. EXCEDRIN Migraine don't do nothing including EXCEDRIN Tension Headache. I take 5,000 MSG of B-12 under tongue and does nothing. I take Zofran(RX for nausea) at night for nausea, pain, sleep helps some.


Awe ty and God Bless you too. Yes, yes, yes do all that. EXCEDRIN Migraine don't do nothing including EXCEDRIN Tension Headache. I take 5,000 MSG of B-12 under tongue and does nothing. I take Zofran(RX for nausea) at night for nausea, pain, sleep helps some.

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Kimmycorvette1, B2 is different than the B12 that you take. Sometimes I had them on a daily basis like you and the doctor had to give me a steroid (prednisone) taper to BREAK the migraine cycle. Sounds like you need to be on a migraine triptan (prescription) like Zomig, Maxalt, etc., It sounds like you are having rebound migraines and they are miserable. I feel for you and understand. Please go to your doctor and ask him what he thinks will help break this cycle for you. Praying for you right now. Keep me posted. I care and understand.


Kimmycorvette1, B2 is different than the B12 that you take. Sometimes I had them on a daily basis like you and the doctor had to give me a steroid (prednisone) taper to BREAK the migraine cycle. Sounds like you need to be on a migraine triptan (prescription) like Zomig, Maxalt, etc., It sounds like you are having rebound migraines and they are miserable. I feel for you and understand. Please go to your doctor and ask him what he thinks will help break this cycle for you. Praying for you right now. Keep me posted. I care and understand.

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TYty. Oh didn't realise just Vit B. But I see your name Covidstinks! Yes!!!!! Hubby + I finally got it 6 weeks ago. He caught it from the hospital 🙁 He was in there for 2 nights. But we had it severely for 3 weeks.


TYty. Oh didn't realise just Vit B. But I see your name Covidstinks! Yes!!!!! Hubby + I finally got it 6 weeks ago. He caught it from the hospital 🙁 He was in there for 2 nights. But we had it severely for 3 weeks.

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In reply to @kimmycorvette1 "B2" + (show)

I'm so sorry. Horrible virus. My husband and i just had it for a 2nd time. I have Long Covid from having it last year. It can cause bad headaches...just a thought. Praying much for you & yours. Blessings & Prayers....


TYty. Oh didn't realise just Vit B. But I see your name Covidstinks! Yes!!!!! Hubby + I finally got it 6 weeks ago. He caught it from the hospital 🙁 He was in there for 2 nights. But we had it severely for 3 weeks.

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I just ordered the Vit B2 on Amazon! Will be here tomorrow. It had a lot of positive talk regarding migraines. Ty!!!!!!


I'm so sorry. Horrible virus. My husband and i just had it for a 2nd time. I have Long Covid from having it last year. It can cause bad headaches...just a thought. Praying much for you & yours. Blessings & Prayers....

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Yea I read up about Long Covid. Its not it, its my usual migraines I been having on & off since I turned 42. Im 58 now.

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