Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I have them terribly. It’s definitely not anxiety because I have severe anxiety and the symptoms are completely different. Mine feels sometimes like an ocean wave going through my body and the throbbing is so bad I ask people around me if they can hear it or ask my husband if the bed is shaking. It’s not uncommon in sfn I belong to another online group and many people there experience it. I think you are correct in calling it vibrations because as soon as you say “tremors” the Drs assume Parkinson’s, functional movement disorder and such. I just think it’s yet another symptom of a disease they can’t figure out. I will say the only thing that eases mine is infact my anxiety medication (lorazepam) or sometimes I take a benedryl and that helps. I can’t take too much benedryl it makes me depressed. Anyway I’m with you though! Keep us posted if you find anyway to help!


I have internal vibrations in feet and legs. It is NOT a series of tremors as I do not shake, it goes on inside of body and I don’t know a soul who can detect it.
Tremors I think is a symptom of Parkinson’s, and I don’t believe I have that.

Other research it could be related to thyroid. So I am seeing and endocrinologist as it only started when I got a higher dose of Levothorixine.m
I am seeing an endocrinologist soon.

I can tell there is frustration about this from the ther letters. I hope someone will get a correct diagnosis.

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I have them too and it has been diagnosed as central nervous system damage, central sensitization. You can have a brain MRI done to rule out Parkinson's, MS and other things. Maybe you should double check the thyroid. I was on Synthroid for over 30 years and was just taken off by my Mayo doctor, who said maybe I never needed it. Yikes.


Hello! I just stumbled across this forum while googling, and I am glad I did. Your situation seems so similar to mine. As I was reading through your post, this part really resonated with me. "The insomnia is tough because you know it’s going to get worse when you lay down and your brain slows, so you don’t want to do it… that’s when it rears up, just as you enter sleep." This is what I was trying to explain to my husband, it's like everytime I try to relax or sleep, everything gets worse.I am not diagnosed yet, but I am in the midst of many Doctor appointments.

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What has happened since this was posted?


This has caught my eye. Wow, internal vibrations. I too have had this sensation- for three years. My jaws, which has caused pain and irritation. Seen many dentist and specialist, not help really. My jaws and face even became super swollen for days on end. My face looked odd. But, now it seems to be spreading, can feel it in my arms and legs bilaterally. At night my legs will drive me to extreme irritation. My arms will ache. Ive had a major lifestyle change over the last year and half- but nothing is helping that. Not detox off alcohol, or pharmaceuticals. I'm very detoxed. My right arm is now larger from the shoulder down, then left and sharp pain continues in the elbow. I've noticed that I can barely detect pulses in my arms, when my pulses used to be very strong. All I can come up with is keeping inflammation in my entire body down. I have had some success with this by using tumeric/curcumin regularly, and keeping my diet strictly free of anything that what make my liver unhappy, thus making my adrenals act up. Castor oil used across my abdomen and back has cleared up my GI issues and I'm regular. So grateful for that. We press on- and if anybody has a suggestion that would help these creepy crawly/vibrations, let me know.


I have them too and it has been diagnosed as central nervous system damage, central sensitization. You can have a brain MRI done to rule out Parkinson's, MS and other things. Maybe you should double check the thyroid. I was on Synthroid for over 30 years and was just taken off by my Mayo doctor, who said maybe I never needed it. Yikes.

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@mitfit how did they diagnose this? That is what I think it is because of my cervical/thoracic anatomy, and have had lots of scans and tests, but haven’t gotten to dx. Do you have other symptoms and are they treating or have you found ways to manage/minimize them?


I have been experiencing tremors, internal vibrations, trouble walking and talking. I've got to get a second opinion because my neurologist doesn't think it's anything to worry about. I have RA, Fibro, MCTD, and other things. I'm thinking MS because I have never heard of the other diseases cause this trouble. Any ideas?

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Any updates @crankyunicorn68 ?


@mitfit how did they diagnose this? That is what I think it is because of my cervical/thoracic anatomy, and have had lots of scans and tests, but haven’t gotten to dx. Do you have other symptoms and are they treating or have you found ways to manage/minimize them?

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I was tested for everything and this was the diagnosis. They rule out other things and then look at your symptoms through this lens. Yes, other issues are being dealt with. I found this interesting: You will not be able to make this "go away," but you will be able to manage it to live more of the life you wish to live. This was a new concept to me, and helpful.


Hello everyone, YES I have had them for about a year now. Finally I found a few natural remedies that has stopped them. As soon as I stop the herbs, they start up again. I will list what I started taking. Just know that any kind of soft drinks or alcohol makes it worse. I did my 6 month home test of the food that trigger it. It truly has something to do with covid. From what I understand long haulers like some of us, never got rid of covid and its in the stomach and intestine. Most Drs don't understand when we say we are buzzing in our sleep and when we sit or even walk. I was also told that I may have Parkinson's and 12 other things. I did find out that in 57 years I am surprisingly now allergic to milk eggs & nuts, but then they found that I have high histamine in my body so changing my diet to no dairy, no grains or wheat really helps. Taking the supplements have really helped. I also did a caster oil tummy thing. I hope this helps, your not going crazy. There is a group now thats studying this. I cant wait to hear the outcome. Best of luck to all of you. Couldnt get the picture to attach so heres what I am taking to stop it. took about 2 weeks.
Vit D3, Slippery Elm Bark, Magnesium, turmeric & Moringa Quersiten Bromlen and Probiotics... I know its alot but together it really works. Good luck


@novajeff I would ask for full spine MRI imaging. In my case, I had spinal cord compression at C5/C6 that caused pain all over my body. It is called funicular pain, and that was missed by 5 spine surgeons before I came to Mayo. You could have issues in another part of your spine unless that has been ruled out by imaging. I had pain in my head, neck and jaw and cervicogenic headaches, all of that was above the level of my spinal cord compression. Muscle spasms were partly to blame. I have a bulging lumbar disc which was pretty asymptomatic until I had spinal cord compression in my neck and then a lot of sciatic pain, and pain everywhere, in every dermatome in my body. At first, I cold change where the pain was by turning my head and repositioning the bone spurs on my spinal cord, and it was reproducible. None of those surgeons listed when I said that, and all denied help to me, so I came to Mayo where this was understood after I found medical literature with cases like mine. You might ask about alignment of your skull on top of your spine. If it is askew possibly from a muscle spasm, it can cause those symptoms. A lot of doctors don't put their hands on your neck to feel the alignment of the spinous processes on each vertebrae. Physical therapists do that a lot. After you get imaging and find out if you have instability in any part of the spine (Especially in cervical), you could get an assessment with a physical therapist. It is dangerous for therapist to work on your spine if there is cervical instability.

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@jenniferhunter may I ask if you have been able to manage your symptoms enough to work? This is interfering right now so much that I have had to stop and look into medical leave and maybe disability at lest for a season. What have you found to help you manage your symptoms. Your condition sounds similar to what I’m dealing with.


I was tested for everything and this was the diagnosis. They rule out other things and then look at your symptoms through this lens. Yes, other issues are being dealt with. I found this interesting: You will not be able to make this "go away," but you will be able to manage it to live more of the life you wish to live. This was a new concept to me, and helpful.

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@mitfit have you found ways to manage it, things that help?

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