Anyone take new drug Camzyos (mavacamten) for HCM?

Posted by captainterry @captainterry, May 25, 2022

Since FDA approval in April has anyone (non-clinical trial patient) actually obtained a prescription and had it filled? If so, when and where was the cardiologist located? Is the registration process for doctor/patient/Rx taking a long time for this much anticipated drug?
Thanks from a fellow patient!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Support Group.


Hello @dwc62, I'd like to add my welcome to @karukgirl's. I moved your discussion and combined it with the discussion @karukgirl shared, titled: "Anyone take new drug Camzyos (mavacamten) for HCM?

I did this so you could meet the many members sharing their experience taking Camzyos like @newtosohcm and @whidbey.

@dwc62, if you are comfortable sharing, were you recently prescribed Camzyos or are you just trying to learn more about it before you start a new medication?

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I will be starting camzyos next Wednesday or Thursday.



Welcome @dwc62 . Lots of supportive people here to bounce questions and concerns with. I just started Camzyos exactly 5 weeks ago today. So far I'm one of the lucky ones who have had only positive side effects. Within just a couple days my symptoms were starting to vanish, and since the 2 week point I have not experienced a single instance of palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, or any of the other things that had been dogging me for 17 years. I now just live in fear that this is too good to be true and Rod Serling is going to jump out from behind a bush and say "just kidding." Seriously, if it continues like this, it's a miracle drug for me. If you are on this path, I hope you have the same results.

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Understand the twilight zone, however some times luck changes, I hope things continue going well for you.



Welcome @williampconley! I am so glad you are here and shared your Camzyos story with the group. You must feel pretty happy about those results from your echo. There a so many great members on here who share your same story, and they have been so helpful to one another in the ups and downs of Camzyos. I hope you do well on the lowered dose, and thankfully you have another echo coming up in three weeks. When were you diagnosed with HOCM?

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Thanks for your reply !
I was diagnosed in July (by echo)...pretty quickly after reporting minor symptoms to my primary care Dr.
Met with the Lahey team in Sept ... GREAT team !!
Now here I am Nov 1 ! As far as diagnosis and getting a plan together, not bad. Of course, surgery was suggested as the other option, but I chose to give Camzyos a chance first !


Hello All, I've being following this group since July. I start the Camyzos this coming Tuesday. I was diagnosed with HOCM in 2016. Thought the shortness of breath was age related and fatigue also. This June had an episode with dehydration. That's when I was introduced to this therapy. My apprehension or fear is countered by my excitement.
How about the genetic component of this condition. Have any of you done any genetic testing? I have and my kids will be soon. So many unexplained breathing/heart conditions with my Mom and her siblings...


Hello All, I've being following this group since July. I start the Camyzos this coming Tuesday. I was diagnosed with HOCM in 2016. Thought the shortness of breath was age related and fatigue also. This June had an episode with dehydration. That's when I was introduced to this therapy. My apprehension or fear is countered by my excitement.
How about the genetic component of this condition. Have any of you done any genetic testing? I have and my kids will be soon. So many unexplained breathing/heart conditions with my Mom and her siblings...

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Hello @lakehappy, and a warm welcome to Mayo Connect! I was a stalker on here too when I first joined, so I am happy you feel comfortable enough to jump in! You have come to the right place to find information about Camzyos. There are some incredible members here that have shared their journey with all of us, and I hope as you begin Camzyos this coming Tuesday, you will feel free to ask them your questions. @kelliw and @jaymaysea are Camzyos champions and have shared their ups and downs honestly and openly with the group.
There is a strong genetic link, have you read this? It's very informative...
HOCM/HCM is so difficult to diagnose because the symptoms mimic so many other heart conditions. Starting on Camzyos I would expect you to be apprehensive, it's an experimental drug, but there has been a lot of success, and also some failures. I think you are very brave to try it! I had open heart surgery at Mayo Rochester, so I didn't get an opportunity to try Camzyos, but I can tell you the Camzyos group is a wealth of information. Have you had a chance to read some of the stories here in the Camzyos group?


@lakehappy welcome to the “family.” Please feel free to ask the group any question. We are here to support you. We cannot give you medical advice; but we can give you the benefit of our individual experiences, which are varied. You will find that the drug is a miracle for some and not for others. Listen to your body and have faith. Ask the medical professionals questions, push back when you need to; remember you have to be your own advocate. You are not alone!


Good evening folks. Geoff in Canada. Starting Camzyos this coming Tuesday. Have been trying to track down the problem since 2006, and a month ago a new echo and a new cardiologist said HCM, bring on the Camzyos. I've been lurking and reading all of these posts for the last week. Encouraging to see that many (most?) of you end up with positive responses to the med. Scary to see the "5mg-2.5mg-stopping" path some of you have had to take. Makes me remember the 1990 Robin Williams movie Awakenings. Will update the group as my journey proceeds.

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Hello again Camzyos family. An update at the 6 week mark. I feel ... GREAT! Noticed some possible positive effects after the first couple days then a bit of a wobble around days 10-12, and since that time it has been the most amazingly smooth sailing I could have hoped for. Sometimes I forget and start walking a little too briskly and feel some minor effects - just exactly what one might expect from being 15 years without any real kind of exercise. I have no idea what my numbers are from my pre-Camzyos echo and my 4 week echo, and I'm intentionally not finding out. I know how easily I can psych myself out trying to understand all the stuff in anything like an echo report - especially with my medical degree from the School of Google. My cardiologist has been asking how I am feeling, and is replying with positive comments and has not changed my dosage yet, so I am content to let him do his job at this point. Saw my family doctor last week and told her how great I am feeling. She said it was probably too early to see much in the numbers yet, and then it was fun watching her jaw hit the floor when she compared the 2 echos. So I'm just riding a high for now.


Good day all. I’m waiting to start Camzyos after being diagnosed HCM 6 months ago. I’ve gone down hill quickly and other drugs have not helped. I’m anxiously waiting to get my life back. All the best Susan in Canada.


Good day all. I’m waiting to start Camzyos after being diagnosed HCM 6 months ago. I’ve gone down hill quickly and other drugs have not helped. I’m anxiously waiting to get my life back. All the best Susan in Canada.

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Welcome @susanml . The folks here are very supportive and it's a good place to see what others have been experiencing with HOCM with or without Camzyos. You won't get medical advise here of course. I hope you have results as good as mine have been so far!


My meds come direct from the brystal meyerssquib manufacturer. I was told no pharmacy carries it

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