Spotting Following Cortisone Injection

Posted by toromama @toromama, Feb 19, 2021

Anyone else experienced spotting following a cortisone injection? This is my second experience. Both times it started about 10 days after the injection. Just wondering how long it usually lasts. The first time was a number of years ago and I thought it only lasted a few hours. I'm now on Day 2. I'm 61 years old and went through menopause when I was 52.

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Did you bleed everyday after the biopsy for six days?

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Yes, though it lessened every day. It is possible that the cortisone was also a factor since it does stay in your system for awhile. But I have had no issues since.


I bled for about 8 days, not a lot but enough to worry me. I'm always a nervous wreck. I am so paranoid every time I go to the bathroom. Now I have a consult for the D & C the day after my birthday, some birthday.

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I feel the sane as you. Wishing you all the best.


Im 67 years old I have had hip Injections. Last on was 8/10/2023. Week or so latter spotting. Every time this happens I have to do ultrasound then biopsy,which neg. I tried telling my gyno this happens after injections. She wants me to do a d & c now. I'm like no this happens only after hip injections. She is not happy with
me and sending me for another ultra sound. Check if endometrial lining thickened more. Said post menopausal bleeding not normal. So upset.

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Did the ultrasound today. Since I can see results in my chart before doctor I looked. Lining increased again to 0.7cm from 0.6cm. 1st time I went it was 4.3mm. I know she is gonna want to do a d&c like she said. According to her from steroids shots your endometrial lining wouldnt go up. I am afraid to be put out under general anesthesia with tube down throat. I also have sleep apnea. So confused on what to do.


Did the ultrasound today. Since I can see results in my chart before doctor I looked. Lining increased again to 0.7cm from 0.6cm. 1st time I went it was 4.3mm. I know she is gonna want to do a d&c like she said. According to her from steroids shots your endometrial lining wouldnt go up. I am afraid to be put out under general anesthesia with tube down throat. I also have sleep apnea. So confused on what to do.

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I had a negative biopsy but my doctor still wants to do D&C to check


I had a negative biopsy but my doctor still wants to do D&C to check

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I get checking,even though it is probably from injections. Did u do a pelvic ultrasound was you endometrial stripe Thickened. I'm more afraid of being knocked out tube down throat with sleep apnea. This is 3rd day my results showed up under my xhart,still says no one has checked results yet.


Had my hysteroscopy with myosure under general anesthesia. Know we wait for results. Doctor said all looked and went well. Fingers crossed.


Had my hysteroscopy with myosure under general anesthesia. Know we wait for results. Doctor said all looked and went well. Fingers crossed.

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What's myosure?

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What's myosure?

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From what I under stand it has to do with the surgical tools used. More like a d&c. I can tell you, other than mild cramping in post op and a bit of heavy bleeding in recovery.. I felt great since I got home. No cramping and a bit of spotting.


Did the ultrasound today. Since I can see results in my chart before doctor I looked. Lining increased again to 0.7cm from 0.6cm. 1st time I went it was 4.3mm. I know she is gonna want to do a d&c like she said. According to her from steroids shots your endometrial lining wouldnt go up. I am afraid to be put out under general anesthesia with tube down throat. I also have sleep apnea. So confused on what to do.

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Well I could see in my chart last Friday someone looked at my ultrasound results. Today week later still no call. I guess doc is upset I didn't agree with d and c. But she offered the ultrasound again. I'm not calling there. She didn't want to take time in office and discuss my fears,or comment on my scans. I'm thinking on waiting til after holidays and find another gyno to discuss all this. Done 3 ultrasounds 2 biopsies,neg. Yes lining thickened slightly again but since shot has hormone in it,I assume it will thicken lining.


How many here after the injections beside spotting also had ultrasound and endometrial lining thickened. My 1st ultrasound edometrial lining was 4.3, 2nd one was 6 3rd ultrasound 7 now. Doctor office staff did call said doc wants to still do hyperscopy with d and c still. I'm so afraid especially with sleep apnea. Thinking of saying no I know it's the injections. Staff said will have doc call. I can't handle the stress and fear.

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