Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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The doctors put me on cymbalta and Lyrica a few days ago and I've been using a stimulator as well. I had a very wonderful day yesterday no pain I couldn't believe it. The only thing about the stimulator is I keep going through batteries and I need a new stimulator. Anyway today's a new day I'm going to take my medication and put my stimulator on and have a wonderful day with my mom. Please pray for me that I get a call from Stanford pain management the best around. My file is in for clinical review and I'm waiting to see if it will accept me. I'm hoping to get some type of block to help me be able to sit down more comfortably. How have you been doing lately?

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Sending prayers for you now🙏🙏🙏


I have this pain in the right butt for three years now. My family thinks it’s a joke. I am on Lyrica for 3 plus years & oxycodone for severe pain. When this first started I thought I sat on a needle & it went in deep. X-ray & CAT scan were negative. PCP did not know what was up. Sent to pain Dr given 3 epidurals. No help.I’m 76 and have had a lot of surgeries related to neurological problem from falls and auto accidents. Pain doc has offered spinal stimulation. Afraid of surgery. I coded during my laminectomy. I know I’ve rambled on but feel like going crazy at times. Did not know this was a problem for so many others. Thanks for allowing me to share & not feel so alone


The thing to do is to have the trial, which is fairly non-invasive. That will give you a good idea of how well the device will work for you.


I had bulging /slipped disks with bone spurs that pinched 2 nerves in lumbar/ pain going down left leg-couldn’t stand- move to sit or lay down/excruciating pain/ slowly relieved with epidural shot:caused spinal stenosis


I have this pain in the right butt for three years now. My family thinks it’s a joke. I am on Lyrica for 3 plus years & oxycodone for severe pain. When this first started I thought I sat on a needle & it went in deep. X-ray & CAT scan were negative. PCP did not know what was up. Sent to pain Dr given 3 epidurals. No help.I’m 76 and have had a lot of surgeries related to neurological problem from falls and auto accidents. Pain doc has offered spinal stimulation. Afraid of surgery. I coded during my laminectomy. I know I’ve rambled on but feel like going crazy at times. Did not know this was a problem for so many others. Thanks for allowing me to share & not feel so alone

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Visit your local physical therapist and get stretches for 'Piriformis Syndrome." I do them as needed and haven't had a shot for it in years. There is an online demonstration on you tube, but seeing someone first would be wise.


Visit your local physical therapist and get stretches for 'Piriformis Syndrome." I do them as needed and haven't had a shot for it in years. There is an online demonstration on you tube, but seeing someone first would be wise.

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Thanks for your reply. I have done and still have PT for I piraformis syndrome. I’ve had epidural injections that last 2 months or so. This has been an ongoing problem. I’m going to anew pain mgmt doc.Thanks again.


I am sorry that so many, like me, suffer from intense buttock pain...and cannot find any relief. Whenever I walk any distance my buttocks and back of my thighs really begin to cry out in pain. My condition is from a fall eight years ago on my butt and lower back. The pain was mitigated fairly well for a couple of years with the help of meds and a spinal cord stimulator, but came roaring back in 2021. You name it, I've likely had it done. Injections, nerve ablations, PT, Meds, etc. I had a pain pump implanted in 2023 which has not provided any relief.
Has anyone else experience chronic buttock pain that is ramped up after walking for a while? Walking is supposed to be great for practically everything that ails you. But, how can you do it if it only causes more pain. Please share your thoughts, expeiences, solution, etc.


I am sorry that so many, like me, suffer from intense buttock pain...and cannot find any relief. Whenever I walk any distance my buttocks and back of my thighs really begin to cry out in pain. My condition is from a fall eight years ago on my butt and lower back. The pain was mitigated fairly well for a couple of years with the help of meds and a spinal cord stimulator, but came roaring back in 2021. You name it, I've likely had it done. Injections, nerve ablations, PT, Meds, etc. I had a pain pump implanted in 2023 which has not provided any relief.
Has anyone else experience chronic buttock pain that is ramped up after walking for a while? Walking is supposed to be great for practically everything that ails you. But, how can you do it if it only causes more pain. Please share your thoughts, expeiences, solution, etc.

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You mentioned you’ve tried PT. Have you consulted specifically a pelvic floor physical therapist?

They have more specialized training for this part of the body. I had very similar pain to what you are experiencing, though not as severe. It’s been diagnosed as coccydynia and pelvic floor dysfunction.

The muscles of the pelvic floor can get tight and spasm referring pain to the glutes, hips, etc. A pelvic PT would be able to assess what’s going on and determine if you could benefit from muscle release exercises and/or strengthening.

I’ve had regular PT, seen doctors, etc. No one would have mentioned that at all if not for me seeing a pelvic floor PT.


I had a GYN go in my rectum and put it back in place. They do it 2x and it really hurts but then it is back in place and you feel good.


I am sorry that so many, like me, suffer from intense buttock pain...and cannot find any relief. Whenever I walk any distance my buttocks and back of my thighs really begin to cry out in pain. My condition is from a fall eight years ago on my butt and lower back. The pain was mitigated fairly well for a couple of years with the help of meds and a spinal cord stimulator, but came roaring back in 2021. You name it, I've likely had it done. Injections, nerve ablations, PT, Meds, etc. I had a pain pump implanted in 2023 which has not provided any relief.
Has anyone else experience chronic buttock pain that is ramped up after walking for a while? Walking is supposed to be great for practically everything that ails you. But, how can you do it if it only causes more pain. Please share your thoughts, expeiences, solution, etc.

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I experience what you experience and currently in serious pain in my lower back, hip and buttock on the right. I just had a hip MRI on Thursday last week to see what could be causing this pain. I already know I severe lumbar spinal stenosis but after 3 spinal injections in L4L5 December, January and February, I am still experiencing pain. I wonder if I have something going on with my sacrum, soft tissues, etc. I read about sacroilitis and wonder if I have that. It is so painful and I can’t find any position to sit in that doesn’t hurt. I just walked my dog earlier this morning and now seem to be paying the price for it now. I almost feel like I am getting electrical pain lower back through my hip/buttocks and upper right thigh now. Ugh!

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