Post Covid weird symptoms

Posted by gail333 @gail333, Oct 23, 2023

Since I had Covid (3x) I have been experiencing a kind of electric shock type of feeling that starts at my toes and zaps me up my body to my fingertips. Almost like a fork in a socket but not as intense. I experience this anywhere up to 6x a day. Is this normal? What is this? Is it just weird remnants of covid?
I’ve had 3 Covid shots btw. But I have a weak immune system.
Thanks in advance for any advice or input.

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I have the same issues. My tingling or vibrations. Most of the time happen at night when I’m sleeping and they wake me up and the brain fog is very real. I have issues, remembering peoples names that I have known for years. I’m 57 and very good health. This long Covid has caused high histamine intolerance. I am also now apparently allergic to milk all dairy eggs, peanuts seeds, which is so unreal before Covid. I was not allergic to these items now when I eat them, my heart rate jumps, extremely high lips, well throat swells Severe fatigue and anxiety took the doctors forever to figure it out but now no one knows what to do. After eight specialists I don’t know what to do either.


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this! I want to tell you that I recently had a food allergy test done to see what foods I’m allergic to since having 18” of my colon resected in April of 2022, due to severe diverticulitis. I was told that I have high histamine in my body as well. I also was recently (November 2022) diagnosed with Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism, which is an autoimmune disease. I would suggest to you to have your Thyroid levels checked. The tests that your doctor should perform are, TSH Levels, T3-Free levels, T4-Free levels, and your Thyroid antibodies. They are all a simple blood test and you shouldn’t have a problem having this done by your doctor. I also should tell you that I have given up eating Gluten, dairy and soy due to the inflammation they cause in my body. I have lost some weight and am slowly starting to feel better. I wish you all the best on your personal health journey.


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this! I want to tell you that I recently had a food allergy test done to see what foods I’m allergic to since having 18” of my colon resected in April of 2022, due to severe diverticulitis. I was told that I have high histamine in my body as well. I also was recently (November 2022) diagnosed with Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism, which is an autoimmune disease. I would suggest to you to have your Thyroid levels checked. The tests that your doctor should perform are, TSH Levels, T3-Free levels, T4-Free levels, and your Thyroid antibodies. They are all a simple blood test and you shouldn’t have a problem having this done by your doctor. I also should tell you that I have given up eating Gluten, dairy and soy due to the inflammation they cause in my body. I have lost some weight and am slowly starting to feel better. I wish you all the best on your personal health journey.

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Am curious what are you doing for the high histamine? I have heard that one of the problems of LC is high histamine levels in the body.


Hi Gail, I also had nerve pain after covid - shooting pain down my left leg, and also numbness, odd sensations like cobwebs on left side of face. This was early in the pandemic and the neurologist I saw at that time did not know what to make of it. I’ve seen lots of posts describing similar nerve pain symptoms. In my case it stopped on its own after a few months. Neurologists should be more covid-aware these days, should be able to advise and help.


Am curious what are you doing for the high histamine? I have heard that one of the problems of LC is high histamine levels in the body.

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I have cut out all of the foods that I had a reaction to and after 6 months, will try 1 food at a time and see if I have a reaction. If I don’t have a reaction, then I’ll add another food and so on. I also don’t have any taste or smell since I had Covid back in December of 2022. I’m currently trying acupuncture to try to regain my taste and smell.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by LC. Can you explain what that means.


I have cut out all of the foods that I had a reaction to and after 6 months, will try 1 food at a time and see if I have a reaction. If I don’t have a reaction, then I’ll add another food and so on. I also don’t have any taste or smell since I had Covid back in December of 2022. I’m currently trying acupuncture to try to regain my taste and smell.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by LC. Can you explain what that means.

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LC is long Covid. I don’t like all the acronyms, but it seems to be a way of life now.


Hi Gail, I also had nerve pain after covid - shooting pain down my left leg, and also numbness, odd sensations like cobwebs on left side of face. This was early in the pandemic and the neurologist I saw at that time did not know what to make of it. I’ve seen lots of posts describing similar nerve pain symptoms. In my case it stopped on its own after a few months. Neurologists should be more covid-aware these days, should be able to advise and help.

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ALL providers SHOULD be more covid literate but sadly they are not. With a few exceptions the patients usually know more than providers. Have gone thru this BEFORE as a CFS/ME survivor of over 46 yrs. HERE WE GO AGAIN.


I have cut out all of the foods that I had a reaction to and after 6 months, will try 1 food at a time and see if I have a reaction. If I don’t have a reaction, then I’ll add another food and so on. I also don’t have any taste or smell since I had Covid back in December of 2022. I’m currently trying acupuncture to try to regain my taste and smell.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by LC. Can you explain what that means.

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ALL providers SHOULD be more covid literate but sadly they are not. With a few exceptions the patients usually know more than providers. Have gone thru this BEFORE as a CFS/ME survivor of over 46 yrs. HERE WE GO AGAIN.

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CFS is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but what is ME?


I have cut out all of the foods that I had a reaction to and after 6 months, will try 1 food at a time and see if I have a reaction. If I don’t have a reaction, then I’ll add another food and so on. I also don’t have any taste or smell since I had Covid back in December of 2022. I’m currently trying acupuncture to try to regain my taste and smell.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by LC. Can you explain what that means.

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LC = long covid

I haven't had taste or smell since Feb 2020.
Virus had no official name yet then. I have long list of symptoms. Been to MayoCovidClinic. They ran multiple tests and blood work of course. No cure of course. Basically they outlined strategies to give my Covid inflamed brain&senses
necessary rest periods to heal. Easier said than done. I was always the energizer bunny and aerobics& power run/walker. I have some improved energy. But stress or overdoing an afternoon of errands will do me in....maybe even the next day. It taxes me to figure out math issues, or puzzle out problems in household.
I have learned to be content most of the time, but I sure miss my old dynamic me.

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