Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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I have neuropathy from alcohol abuse and liver disease. I stopped drinking over three years ago and the neuropathy is continuing to get worse. Any advice or hope it will improve?

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Hello @ppier, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @artscaping. While there is no cure for neuropathy there are things that we can do to help us live with the condition as Chris mentioned. You might find the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy site helpful for other suggestions -

Also, there is a wealth of experience on Connect with members with neuropathy. If you have specific questions, you might want to use the search function and typing a few words in the search box at the top of any Connect page. Here is a list of the search results using "neuropathy +what helps" in the search box (without the quotes) -


Good evening @ppier and welcome to Connect. Good for you to be able to control your alcohol abuse. this point in time, there is no cure for neuropathy and it is a progressive disease. It takes so long for the nerves to regenerate that the brain continues to respond to the pain as the process continues.

My diagnosis was confirmed in 2013. Immediately I was referred to medical cannabis. It has been on my daily list of treatments for 10 years. My usage has increased and so has my tolerance which happens with many medications.

May you be safe, free and protected from inner and outer harm.

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I have neuropathy from the chemo. I know there is no cure. Have you ever tried acupuncture?


Hi everyone my name is Leslie and I am 46 years old. I have sensory ganglionopathy. With my disease I have hard core neuropathy in my hands and feet. I have had this for a year. I was on Gabapentin for a year to realize it made everything worse. Got tapered off and things got a bit better. I have equilibrium, balance, and dead nerves. They go from my elbows to my hands. And from my knees to feet. That is why my neuropathy is so bad. My question is do compound creams work for neuropathy?? And if anyone needs to chat. I am no expert with any of this. But am a good listener and think I could benefit from other’s experiences.

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My podiatrist ordered a compounded cream at a pharmacy for my foot pain.
I think it’s helping a little, doesn’t take pins and needles away,but definitely takes edge off my pain.
The pain is so bad sometimes I can’t even walk.


My podiatrist ordered a compounded cream at a pharmacy for my foot pain.
I think it’s helping a little, doesn’t take pins and needles away,but definitely takes edge off my pain.
The pain is so bad sometimes I can’t even walk.

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I can only stand for about five minutes on my good days. Thanks for answering my question. I have a feeling it will just take the edge off. But relief just that little gives me hope. I am patiently waiting for the compound to be mailed to me.


I have neuropathy from the chemo. I know there is no cure. Have you ever tried acupuncture?

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Hi there @ppier
As a matter of fact, I have tried acupuncture. I think it was long ago after one of my orthopedic surgeries. I remember calling it a nuisance and never went back. Do you receive acupuncture treatments? If so, what would you recommend to get the most out of this treatment?



Hi there @ppier
As a matter of fact, I have tried acupuncture. I think it was long ago after one of my orthopedic surgeries. I remember calling it a nuisance and never went back. Do you receive acupuncture treatments? If so, what would you recommend to get the most out of this treatment?


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I have only been doing it for five weeks. It has helped with the circulation. But I was told it would take awhile. So I am hopeful and do a lot of praying. If it helps some I will be happy. Will keep you posted


I have neuropathy from the chemo. I know there is no cure. Have you ever tried acupuncture?

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I also have PN from chemo. Acupuncture did not help me.


I also have PN from chemo. Acupuncture did not help me.

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Thanks for the info, I have read where it helps some, I think I may have waited too long to try it. But I will continue for awhile longer,


Hello everyone; I also have neuropathy. It started when the pain in my neck became unbearable. There were numerous trips to the ER, hoping and praying they would help me with so much pain. Finally! My PCP ordered a full neck and back MRI. What the MRI showed was unheard of because I had not seen any reports of it anywhere. Two discs in my cervical neck had somehow slipped out from the vertebra and were compressing the spinal cord.
And there was a herniated discs in my lower back. When I looked at the MRI of my neck those two discs in my cervical neck to me had compressed the spinal cord just about in half. I was referred to a neuro surgeon to have those discs removed. But the damage had been done, first was the needle pain in my arms and hands, at times I did not welcome anything touching the upper part of my back before the operation. The neurosurgeon when removing those discs opened a slit in my neck, then through the back of my throat the discs were removed, and metal screws and plates to bind my spine where the discs were removed, and they are still in my neck. As for my lower back with the discs, has not been operated on and continues to give me grief, and miserable pain. As for the rest of me, I now walk with a cane and use a walker around the house. My brain because of how far the discs had compressed my spinal cord has left me with a lot of forgets and don't remembers. I take morphine and Percocet for pain in my neck, back, feet, and legs, I use pregabalin for the neuropathy which does little to help with the neuro. My wife drives me to most of my doctor's appointments. I don't know why for I have continued to drive, not very far mostly to supermarkets. and sometimes minor doctor's Appts. but have to be careful driving because of the muscles in my feet are always fighting me not to press the gas and brakes. I have been in two really bad car wrecks, the first in 1960 when riding with a drunk the car left the road at high speed and flips end over end. As the car flips. I felt severe pain in both arms and lost conscious. As the car keeps flipping. I'm thrown out and landed up on a hillside. The car rests upside down somewhere beyond where I could not see it. And it's Jan. 30th 1960, on a cold and windy night when I regained conscious without knowing what had happened to me. When I try to stand using my left arm. I could not move that arm for it was broken with a compound fracture, so trying to move my right arm it's also broken but I could move it and using my right arm holding my left arm to my waist I am able to stand somewhat unsteady. I stumble fall and get off that hillside down to the highway where I sat near as possible to the highway hoping to flag down a car or truck. To let y'all know I am in Virginia in a rural county where there would be little traffic this time of night. Nevertheless. I finally see two cars heading my way at high speed when they arrived where I'm sitting down by the road. I hold my bent right arm high as I could hoping someone in either car would stop and take me to nearest hospital. Neither car driver put a foot on their brakes. I fall into unconsciousness and awake when I hear a semi-truck changing gears somewhere, for I could only hear them long before I see the big semitruck. Again. I get ready to hold my right arm high as I could hoping they would surely see me for it was cold and windy the lightweight jacket I was wearing was not with me also I was in my sock feet for my shoes were somewhere on that hillside or still in that car that I could not see, nor did I look for it. As the truck drives by me and keeps going. O no I cry I didn't want to die out here but just then I hear their air brakes, and I felt they would come to where I was sitting by the highway but did not. After some minutes I rise and walk toward that truck when I get near someone opens the door and exclaims!! What in the hell happened to you? Before I could answer I lost conscious again and fell to the ground. It was sometime later don't 't know how long but they must have picked me up and set me inside their truck. When again I regain conscious. I was sitting in their truck and looked out the window and see a small crowd lingering about where the truckers had stopped at a twenty-four-hour service station and one of the attendants there was a volunteer rescue person. When they came for me serval men on the ground and someone in the trucker's cab behind me took me from the truck and laid me on a stretcher. I was put in their ambulance and someone beside the stretcher starts wrapping my arms and asserts. You have been very brave, again I lose conscious, and awake in a hospital x-ray room where they had actually already x-rayed me. Both arms were casted after stabbing both arms with a needle which were very painful. When the ER doctors had finished with the cast, I was taken to another room where the doctor there was busy cutting my shirt of and I said something about him cutting my shirt and he growls. We have a smartass here. My lips and chine were such as hamburger a nurse later tells me. That doctor sticks me with needles in my lips and chine before sewing them back together. And there are lots more I liked to write later about my stay at this hospital and also write of another wreck a pickup truck wreck that happened to me as the driver in 2007 near Sante Fe New Mexico.


I searched for a product review on snake oils , lol for help with my neuropathy, and this product is found on one article posted by John, volunteer mentor on a page of Mayo Clinic , looks like a troll to me , but is it ?

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