How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Okay…finally hit me lol. That kind of bar! A thinking man’s joke.

FL Mary


Thanks for the explanation Mary.
Remember everyone, stick in a 4th grade joke now and then so I can understand it.
Thanks, everyone for your 2,674 contributions.


As a former educator in NYC for over 40 years, it saddens me to hear about Math Phobia! I loved teaching it to my fifth graders and was successful in getting them in not only liking math, but also valuing its purpose in their lives! The key is to understand why something is being done. Slow. Steady. Lots of mainpulates. Sometimes even a song and dance! Anything to frighten the Math Phobia away and open up my students' knowledge and learning abilities.

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Math becomes easy when we can Show them how INTERESTing it is, or as you say when we show them the Purpose behind it. But what do we do when we have math teachers who don't Like math. And I'm talking about dividing 3 by a third, student are told you flip the fraction and then multiply with it! Bingo!

But Why Flip; why Multiply when u r to divide? Not making up, it was on national radio in Canada...and Canada does better than America!

Jordan Ellenburger, an American Math prof recently appeared on National Radio, said, unlike other field of knowledge, Math proves itself. Therefore scary, as it needs no authority. Now that's a beautiful thing to know. Show that if nine kids need to eat 3 pizzas, each gets a third. No flipping of a fraction!

Anyway, glad you'd an interesting job, it's good for our health when teachers love what they teach.


Three guys walk into a bar, two ended up with a concussion, the other needed 4 stitches

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Dan'l Boone walked into a bar' and the only thing they found was his coon skin cap.


Math becomes easy when we can Show them how INTERESTing it is, or as you say when we show them the Purpose behind it. But what do we do when we have math teachers who don't Like math. And I'm talking about dividing 3 by a third, student are told you flip the fraction and then multiply with it! Bingo!

But Why Flip; why Multiply when u r to divide? Not making up, it was on national radio in Canada...and Canada does better than America!

Jordan Ellenburger, an American Math prof recently appeared on National Radio, said, unlike other field of knowledge, Math proves itself. Therefore scary, as it needs no authority. Now that's a beautiful thing to know. Show that if nine kids need to eat 3 pizzas, each gets a third. No flipping of a fraction!

Anyway, glad you'd an interesting job, it's good for our health when teachers love what they teach.

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Totally agree! I knew way too many teachers who should NOT have been allowed to teach! But that is another thread! Have an awesome day!


Where does a ghost go on vacation? Maliboo! Who do demons and ghouls hang out together? Because demons are a ghouls best friend! Why don’t mummies have friends? Because they’re too wrapped up in themselves… and hats a vampires favorite fruit? Neck-rines… What’s a vampires favorite ice cream? Vein-illa! What do witches get when their shoes are too tight? Candy Corns!


Now that it's colds and flu season, remember:

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you're built upside-down.

[Old joke from Boys' Life magazine, circa 1968.]


Totally agree! I knew way too many teachers who should NOT have been allowed to teach! But that is another thread! Have an awesome day!

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In summer school we met the parents the day before school starts. Would tell the parents “math is fun and fundamental”. Next day told the students the same thing…we had a great start and a strong finish.



Okay…finally hit me lol. That kind of bar! A thinking man’s joke.

FL Mary

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Yup, looks like thinking man's joke about Unthinking kind of men.


Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reason.

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