Has anyone heard of low dose Naltrexone as a potential treatment?

Posted by prancer20 @prancer20, Aug 28, 2023

Has anyone tried low dose Naltrexone or CQ10?
The Long Covid Clinic at Scripps has not been very helpful, with the exception of the physical therapists. I am desperately trying to crawl out of this syndrome . I start feeling better then increase my activity and that is followed by fatigue. I will start the low histamine diet and see how that goes.

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@prancer20 Per your "I start feeling better then increase my activity and that is followed by fatigue." The Mayo Clinic and my personal experience would tell you that you aren't practicing moderation and graded gradual increasing activity and exercise. I was in the same place earlier this year. I would exercise and crash. Once I went to Mayo Rochester all of my reading, listening, and local medical professional visits coalesced into an understanding of using moderation as part of my recovery strategy. I am recovery as a result. I too am tempted on the days I feel good to just let it rip and go do things in the yard or exercise more, bad choice. I will crash and hurt my recovery not help it. Highly recommend getting to Mayo to build your plan. Art


There is not yet a magical pill, including Naltrexone, but individual symptoms (brain fog,etc.)may find it helpful. No cures, only coping strategies. These involve monitoring your daily habits to avoid Rollercoaster behavior.


I have been on low dose naltrexone ie 4.5 mg daily for 8 weeks, combine with NAD (a supplement( as per protocol at Mayo climic). It has helped me significantly. My first prescription was from Mayo pharmacy, subsequent refills from a local compounding pharmacy.

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What type of physician prescribed it for you? Was it a Mayo physician?


@prancer20, yes on both. Went to Mayo Rochester in August and am now on Cymbalta and Naltrexone by their program. These two scrips, many supplements, and 'the plan' we put together have my symptoms breaking up and I look forward by years end to this all being history. Highly recommend Mayo. I am on Medicare A and B total cost has been ~$300 not including travel of course.


Hello All,

I take LDN for sleep. I do not necessarily sleep longer but I have found I sleep soundly when I actually sleep. This has helped me have a bit more energy during the day. I am still tired, but there is definitely some improvement.


Small improvement. Not enough to balance out of pocket costs.


Q10 did not do anything for me, but LDN was life saving. My health was in free fall when I started it and right away the rapid decline stopped and then I got modest improvement. I stared at 0.5mg and slowly worked up. 4mg was too much, so now I take 3mg.


For those of us getting better, recovering, cured (however you want to say it) I assert that there is no way to point to any one thing that caused us to no longer experience Long COVID symptoms. Since November '21 (when a booster triggered my symptoms), visiting many local Charleston SC Medical Professionals and then in August '23 finally (and gratefully) getting to Mayo Rochester the plan I am executing is made up of over a dozen 'things'. Prescriptions, supplements, measured exercise, coaching, reading, acupuncture, cranial sacral - point blank it is impossible to point to any one thing that has caused my symptoms to break up and for me to be on a steady 'feel better' trend. Maybe it was just the passage of time? Who knows? I with there was one pill, one thing, a rifle shot instead of shotgun blast so to speak that I could say "that was it". I am simply grateful to all the people who helped me along the way to understand, have a working theory and develop a plan, and to my commitment to executing the plan. I feel better and look forward to Long COVID being in my rearview mirror. I wish you all the best.


who developed the plan--- my wife needs one!!!


For those of us getting better, recovering, cured (however you want to say it) I assert that there is no way to point to any one thing that caused us to no longer experience Long COVID symptoms. Since November '21 (when a booster triggered my symptoms), visiting many local Charleston SC Medical Professionals and then in August '23 finally (and gratefully) getting to Mayo Rochester the plan I am executing is made up of over a dozen 'things'. Prescriptions, supplements, measured exercise, coaching, reading, acupuncture, cranial sacral - point blank it is impossible to point to any one thing that has caused my symptoms to break up and for me to be on a steady 'feel better' trend. Maybe it was just the passage of time? Who knows? I with there was one pill, one thing, a rifle shot instead of shotgun blast so to speak that I could say "that was it". I am simply grateful to all the people who helped me along the way to understand, have a working theory and develop a plan, and to my commitment to executing the plan. I feel better and look forward to Long COVID being in my rearview mirror. I wish you all the best.

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You said your symptoms were "triggered" by a booster. Did you have symptoms right after covid that went away and then the same symptoms started back up again after the booster? Or were they different?

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