Almond Milk and GI symptoms from additive carrageenan

Posted by mikeynorth @mikeynorth, Apr 18, 2022

I thought I was doing something healthy by substituting Almond Milk instars of dairy milk. I am a 7 heart bypass survivor and a senior.
I am writing this to warn people about my experience.
I felt just terrible and didn't know why, until my wife researched what I had been consuming lately. It turns out that Almond Milk was the culprit.
I had nausea, severe stomach pain, bloating and gas all at once.
After 1 to 2 days it disappeared. I had the worst sleep of my life.
I just wanted to pass this along.
You think you are doing something good for yourself and Yikes, that was a mistake.

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I also heard this ingredient may cause or promote cancer . It is in many foods especially dairy . I watch labels and do not buy anything with this ingredient


It’s funny as I had never heard of carrageenan until I was made aware of cancer possibilities for cats when added to their food so I’m careful not to get any cat food with carrageenan. One day I was looking at sandwich meats to buy and saw carrageenan and low and behold discovered it to be in many foods for humans! It is hard to avoid this ingredient 🥺

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Hi Hawkssr,
I had heard of this also. Good for you for reading labels! I am constantly reading labels. My husband sometimes gets tired of me reading them in the grocery store but we only eat foods with natural ingredients in them. This leaves out a lot of prepared foods, TV dinners, lunch meats etc. We are a lot healthier because of it. We try and eat fresh vegetables when we can and our meat always comes from a reputable place that feeds their animals no preservatives! Also we make a lot of things from scratch such as our own muffins, cookies, pies, stew, soups, gravies etc. We feel better because of it.


I am realizing that I must be suffering from the effects of almond milk in my smoothies. It didn’t start right away but I have gone through one whole package of kachava and I’m on my second one. My stomach began to hurt so bad for 10 days. I felt like I had an ulcer. My daughter is a critical care registered nurse in ICU, and she told me that my symptoms sounded like an ulcer so I stopped the smoothies for a week. My stomach has been feeling better for three or four days so I decided to make another smoothie tonight. My stomach started hurting again right away. It has to be the almond milk!
Thank you for this article I didn’t want to stop my proteins shakes. Now I think that I can continue them but with water instead of almond milk


I am realizing that I must be suffering from the effects of almond milk in my smoothies. It didn’t start right away but I have gone through one whole package of kachava and I’m on my second one. My stomach began to hurt so bad for 10 days. I felt like I had an ulcer. My daughter is a critical care registered nurse in ICU, and she told me that my symptoms sounded like an ulcer so I stopped the smoothies for a week. My stomach has been feeling better for three or four days so I decided to make another smoothie tonight. My stomach started hurting again right away. It has to be the almond milk!
Thank you for this article I didn’t want to stop my proteins shakes. Now I think that I can continue them but with water instead of almond milk

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It may be the carrageenan in certain brands of almond milk and oat milk which has been linked to IBS. I love almond milk and use Califia brand. I don’t know if carrageenan would bother me but this is the only brand I have ever had. I don’t do smoothies just like the taste of it…unsweetened…when I want some milk.

FL Mary



It may be the carrageenan in certain brands of almond milk and oat milk which has been linked to IBS. I love almond milk and use Califia brand. I don’t know if carrageenan would bother me but this is the only brand I have ever had. I don’t do smoothies just like the taste of it…unsweetened…when I want some milk.

FL Mary

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I use Silk Organic Almond Milk and it has no carrageenan in it. I love having protein smoothies too. Everything is Organic that I use and the protein has no whey in it.


I am realizing that I must be suffering from the effects of almond milk in my smoothies. It didn’t start right away but I have gone through one whole package of kachava and I’m on my second one. My stomach began to hurt so bad for 10 days. I felt like I had an ulcer. My daughter is a critical care registered nurse in ICU, and she told me that my symptoms sounded like an ulcer so I stopped the smoothies for a week. My stomach has been feeling better for three or four days so I decided to make another smoothie tonight. My stomach started hurting again right away. It has to be the almond milk!
Thank you for this article I didn’t want to stop my proteins shakes. Now I think that I can continue them but with water instead of almond milk

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Look for a milk-alternative such as oat milk. Or look for an ‘oil-free’ oat or nut milk (though the problem could bided be the almonds themselves; for instance, I can’t tolerate nuts if any kind after Noon time). I’ve found a brand at Whole Foods & Sprouts here in the S.F. Bay Area.


I am realizing that I must be suffering from the effects of almond milk in my smoothies. It didn’t start right away but I have gone through one whole package of kachava and I’m on my second one. My stomach began to hurt so bad for 10 days. I felt like I had an ulcer. My daughter is a critical care registered nurse in ICU, and she told me that my symptoms sounded like an ulcer so I stopped the smoothies for a week. My stomach has been feeling better for three or four days so I decided to make another smoothie tonight. My stomach started hurting again right away. It has to be the almond milk!
Thank you for this article I didn’t want to stop my proteins shakes. Now I think that I can continue them but with water instead of almond milk

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Quick FYI, my almond milk does not contain carrageenan and although I am allergic to most chemicals, I have zero issues with this product. I learned decades ago that reading labels is an absolute necessity for health. Good luck to you!


Quick FYI, my almond milk does not contain carrageenan and although I am allergic to most chemicals, I have zero issues with this product. I learned decades ago that reading labels is an absolute necessity for health. Good luck to you!

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Hello @tulips42 and welcome to the Aging Well support group on Mayo Connect. I appreciate your reminder of the importance of reading labels. It sounds like you have difficulties with many chemicals.

How did you find out about these food sensitivities?


It’s funny as I had never heard of carrageenan until I was made aware of cancer possibilities for cats when added to their food so I’m careful not to get any cat food with carrageenan. One day I was looking at sandwich meats to buy and saw carrageenan and low and behold discovered it to be in many foods for humans! It is hard to avoid this ingredient 🥺

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@ hawkssr .. We learned for our dog. Oh my what a horrible afternoon and night we had after he ate some pouch food that contained carrageenan. Ziggy growled constantly and was snapping at us. He was just miserable. He had diarrhea … threw up and felt better. We sure gave him lots of love to try and make up for the mistake.

I cannot drink dairy milk. I have tried soy, rice, and almond milks .. my stomach hates them as much as the dairy milk. I have not tried oat milk in a carton. I did make my own and did fine with it. It does not keep well and you have to be careful not to make it slimy. Out of a dozen times I only got it slimy twice. Just not worth it for me to make it though. I don't eat much cereal to put it on .. I usually just splash it with water or get a cereal that can be eaten dry.

I have not found a protein drink I can tolerate either . I get so nauseated with them and bloated if I can get them down. I was on feeding tube for over a year and I was nauseous all the time and had belly pain. Had to take pills for the nausea and sometimes they did not help.

I think it is the carrageenan or perhaps other ingredients that make me miserable with the milks.


@ hawkssr .. We learned for our dog. Oh my what a horrible afternoon and night we had after he ate some pouch food that contained carrageenan. Ziggy growled constantly and was snapping at us. He was just miserable. He had diarrhea … threw up and felt better. We sure gave him lots of love to try and make up for the mistake.

I cannot drink dairy milk. I have tried soy, rice, and almond milks .. my stomach hates them as much as the dairy milk. I have not tried oat milk in a carton. I did make my own and did fine with it. It does not keep well and you have to be careful not to make it slimy. Out of a dozen times I only got it slimy twice. Just not worth it for me to make it though. I don't eat much cereal to put it on .. I usually just splash it with water or get a cereal that can be eaten dry.

I have not found a protein drink I can tolerate either . I get so nauseated with them and bloated if I can get them down. I was on feeding tube for over a year and I was nauseous all the time and had belly pain. Had to take pills for the nausea and sometimes they did not help.

I think it is the carrageenan or perhaps other ingredients that make me miserable with the milks.

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I am lactose intolerant and have been taking Now Dairy Digest complete and it’s been great and I have been able to do dairy. Also have problems with IBS and started taking Philips Colon Heath Dailey and it’s been a miracle for me. Saw it recommended on this forum.

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