Almond Milk and GI symptoms from additive carrageenan

Posted by mikeynorth @mikeynorth, Apr 18, 2022

I thought I was doing something healthy by substituting Almond Milk instars of dairy milk. I am a 7 heart bypass survivor and a senior.
I am writing this to warn people about my experience.
I felt just terrible and didn't know why, until my wife researched what I had been consuming lately. It turns out that Almond Milk was the culprit.
I had nausea, severe stomach pain, bloating and gas all at once.
After 1 to 2 days it disappeared. I had the worst sleep of my life.
I just wanted to pass this along.
You think you are doing something good for yourself and Yikes, that was a mistake.

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Wow…I use almond milk occasionally mainly for cereal. If you still have the container…or remember the brand, see if it contains carrageenan. That is the likely suspect for your stomach issues. Not all almond milk is created equally and some have more additives than others. I use and happen to like Califia unsweetened brand. They also say that if you drink too much, that an over abundance of almonds could wreak havoc with your digestion also. I occasionally drink a warm cup at night to help sleep (it does for me) and I like the idea of the long shelf life because I don’t drink or use a lot of milk. I do like the taste though.

But, if I had your experience I would probably never buy again. Just go with the regular whole milk…organic if possible and thanks for letting people know.

FL Mary


@mikeynorth, do you know if you are allergic to almonds or have a sensitivity to nuts?


@mikeynorth, do you know if you are allergic to almonds or have a sensitivity to nuts?

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@mikeynorth, @colleenyoung, @imallears, and all...Thank you, Mike. I was just chatting with a Mayo nurse who called to ck on me since leaving the hospital a few days ago. I love this program...they call to ck on patients to see if we're improving, or whatever.

I told her I am having some of the same issues, etc. Darn if we didn't discuss almonds and almond milk. I thought, like you, I was doing such a good thing, since I can't drink milk. I eat almonds for a snack, too. Well, it may be the almonds milk has additives causing me gastro issues. I use it for smoothies...
No more almonds at all for now.

I also have added protein drinks recommended by a nutritionist. As we looked at specific ingredients we noticed several items I don't need to have in my body. A real lesson.

Thought I was careful, but need to ck more carefully now with all that's going on at this age. and be very alert. Not allergic, but sensitive and my gut is sensitive like crazy.
Thanks again...Mary, thanks for your reminders, too.



Wow…I use almond milk occasionally mainly for cereal. If you still have the container…or remember the brand, see if it contains carrageenan. That is the likely suspect for your stomach issues. Not all almond milk is created equally and some have more additives than others. I use and happen to like Califia unsweetened brand. They also say that if you drink too much, that an over abundance of almonds could wreak havoc with your digestion also. I occasionally drink a warm cup at night to help sleep (it does for me) and I like the idea of the long shelf life because I don’t drink or use a lot of milk. I do like the taste though.

But, if I had your experience I would probably never buy again. Just go with the regular whole milk…organic if possible and thanks for letting people know.

FL Mary

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Yes it is the Carrageenan that caused my stomach issues, as I have no problem when eating almonds.
I learned that the food industry is aware of the problem it causes some people but refuse to remove the carrageenan that they use as a thickener. I also learned it is in many other products.


I switched to almond milk 7 months ago. I love it . it's better for you, cheaper and has a longer shelf life. I buy organic unsweetened and it does not contain carrageenan. Anyone willing to try it again may want to check out another brand and check the ingredients.


I'm new to Connect and as a retired nurse I always used the Mayo clinic research and up to date info for my patients. I'm glad to now find Connect. Excited to get to join and to meet others. Many chronic problems I suffer with and have most of my life. Looking forward to chats.


I'm new to Connect and as a retired nurse I always used the Mayo clinic research and up to date info for my patients. I'm glad to now find Connect. Excited to get to join and to meet others. Many chronic problems I suffer with and have most of my life. Looking forward to chats.

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Welcome @susiecats10. What chronic issues are you managing?


Can you help put my question in the correct group? I’m wanting to see if anyone has had a stem cell transplant to treat their ulcerative colitis and if so, what was their experience. I’m contemplating it.


Can you help put my question in the correct group? I’m wanting to see if anyone has had a stem cell transplant to treat their ulcerative colitis and if so, what was their experience. I’m contemplating it.

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Hi @ritabtripp, I responded to your question in another discussion here so that you can meet other members talking about ulcerative colitis and their experience. If you click the link below it will take you to the discussion.

-- I’d like to meet others with ulcerative colitis:


Yes it is the Carrageenan that caused my stomach issues, as I have no problem when eating almonds.
I learned that the food industry is aware of the problem it causes some people but refuse to remove the carrageenan that they use as a thickener. I also learned it is in many other products.

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It’s funny as I had never heard of carrageenan until I was made aware of cancer possibilities for cats when added to their food so I’m careful not to get any cat food with carrageenan. One day I was looking at sandwich meats to buy and saw carrageenan and low and behold discovered it to be in many foods for humans! It is hard to avoid this ingredient 🥺

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