Overthinking and living in fear

Posted by desidawn @desidawn, Sep 26, 2023

I need help with fear and overthinking. Most of this fear centers around my health. How can I stop worrying so much about health issues. Today I have set paralyzed in fear over a medication I took. I read that it has put people in wheelchairs and ruined peoples lives. I am praying that this doesn't happen to me. Please if you have any advice for me, I will take it. I am 39 and have dealt with this since I was 16.

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I totally understand and know the feelings. My heart and prayers are with you and all who suffer from these horrifying situations. It's saddens me that people who have never experienced anxiety/panic attacks feel like it's all in our heads and feel we can easily overcome such episodes by simply getting busy and thinking about something else....it's not that easy!!!!!!!

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Thank you! It does me too. With all the advances in science and medicine, why are so many of us still having to live like this?


I have the exact problem. I’m a bit older than you and am going through so much with my mental and physical health. My health anxiety started in my mid 20s. My biggest mistake was reading the internet. It literally has aided in my decline. Please take some advice from someone who’s walking the same path. Stop reading the internet. Find a good doctor and let him and God guide you. I’ve learned the hard way to lean on God. Please do these things before it makes you physically sick…because it CAN! Pray for wisdom and don’t lean to your own understanding. Btw I’m preaching to myself 😉.


I'm 64 and have dealt with OCD and abuse and depression all my life. I over think mostly because I have no support net work. The stigma has left me alone. Basically homebound. If I just had someone to spark a differant thought and get me back on course. Obsessions are awful in a lonely world. You are young. I'll order the book too. Maria.

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Although I’m married my husband is often working and I’m alone with my health worries. My family is far away. I’ve exhausted everyone with my panicked calls and crying. Begging them to come see me. I often wish ppl like us could gather together in person and support each other. Get an actual hug. Loneliness with ocd with an actual serious health condition is a recipe for disaster without help. I see a therapist weekly but wish it could be daily. You’re not. Alone friend.


@desidawn and the others whom have responded….

I’m going to share some of my personal story in order to really help you get out of the place of worry.

I was a 100% healthy and young at 37 yrs old. I did not know what anxiety was/meant or how it expressed itself in the body.

I made a simple doctor appt for a simple thing that I shouldn’t have.
This doctor ran tests that I didn’t need, prescribed meds that I did not need and caused harm based off of giving me a catastrophic presentation of what “could be” a problem. This cycle of worry that was created in the environment of medical doctors that are meant to be of service and help, caused me harm which I have now been taking care of since that doctor visit.

I can tell you from start to finish this was all based off of “worry”. I made an initial appointment based off “small worry”. The doctor I met with, rather than calm my unnecessary worry, perpetuated it and kept me in a repeating cycle that grew. While I was in the middle of it, all I was focused on was my health, so I had the inability to feel that it was my worrying causing me additional symptoms.

What I have now learned is that worrying can literally make you sick. It is the brains way of thinking it is keeping us safe. And it is not. Every thought becomes a feeling.

If you can meet with someone whom can explain this to you in person and start to get you on the path of new healthy thought patterns, you will realize it.

I only came to this forum after this bad encounter with a medical doctor and western medicine. And all started by one worried thought that would’ve been nothing had I not acted on it.

So please get out, get fresh air, look at nature and how beautiful it is. Seek out things that make you laugh. Create something. Draw something.

Health forums can be a place of reassurance to not feel alone, but they can also cross over into a place of worry perpetuating worry.

Don’t stay too long on a health forum. Get out and live!!!!

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I second every single word.


Although I’m married my husband is often working and I’m alone with my health worries. My family is far away. I’ve exhausted everyone with my panicked calls and crying. Begging them to come see me. I often wish ppl like us could gather together in person and support each other. Get an actual hug. Loneliness with ocd with an actual serious health condition is a recipe for disaster without help. I see a therapist weekly but wish it could be daily. You’re not. Alone friend.

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Wish we could get together too! I don't drive much but volunteer in a nearby nursing home. Do house chores. Hard to do with chronic foot pain but hate sitting around. Can't get to a therapist and don't do the virtual thing. Really need one though. I do lean heavily on God because His ways are far above mine. But you are right. Feeling alone all the time is a killer. How can people be so uncaring? Not make time for the suffering!


Wish we could get together too! I don't drive much but volunteer in a nearby nursing home. Do house chores. Hard to do with chronic foot pain but hate sitting around. Can't get to a therapist and don't do the virtual thing. Really need one though. I do lean heavily on God because His ways are far above mine. But you are right. Feeling alone all the time is a killer. How can people be so uncaring? Not make time for the suffering!

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Yes the ill and elderly are often forgotten in a sense. I awaited a call from my old pastors wife all day yesterday. Just wanted to ask for prayer and brief her on what’s happening….well that call never came. Can’t tell you how it hurt. I was raised in that church. My family gave loads of money to help them build a huge church. Heck, we helped build the church. Anyway enough self pity. I wish we could visit but I figure you’re no where near here. But if you ever want to chat, it would be nice.


I just got blown off last nite from a clergy member! Need prayer and support. I'm going to quit asking because no one cares. Can I ask what your health issues are? I live in Iowa. Maria.


I’m sorry for all of the people who are having trouble finding comfort and understanding. Even those of us who have family but they are too busy with their own lives..having had cancer twice in the past few years didn’t do much better..of course I hurt from this but I am trying hard not to let it continue so I go back to being my own caregiver. I believe that what goes around comes around but I’m not vindictive.. I do feel that if it’s more apathetic today than ever before, I worry about what they are in for if they have problems with their health or any other issues .. we all need love and support especially when we are faced with frightening health issues.


I’m sorry for all of the people who are having trouble finding comfort and understanding. Even those of us who have family but they are too busy with their own lives..having had cancer twice in the past few years didn’t do much better..of course I hurt from this but I am trying hard not to let it continue so I go back to being my own caregiver. I believe that what goes around comes around but I’m not vindictive.. I do feel that if it’s more apathetic today than ever before, I worry about what they are in for if they have problems with their health or any other issues .. we all need love and support especially when we are faced with frightening health issues.

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Are you cancer free now? I wish family would take care of family. Are you alone? You are very strong! Maria.


For a long time after having a stroke, I was in constant terror of having another.

Long before that, I worried about my health a lot.

Now I realize that was a huge amount of wasted worry -- and wasted time. (Almost all worry is, of course. as the Bible tells us.)

Years of psychotherapy have helped me a lot. I'm not by any means a fatalist, but I now look at what's right with me instead of wrong. It's a long list.

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