Is Dr. Gundry and "leaky gut" a scam?

Posted by millerdust @millerdust, Apr 21, 2023

I want to know if Dr. Gundry's program and medicine for "leaky gut" a scam? Lucien

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The OP asked about leaky gut. Zonulin regulates the size of the cellular junctions in the gut. Inappropriately wide junctions allow larger and more passage, or ā€œleakā€. I donā€™t know how that relates to Dr Gundry because I am unfamiliar with his theories.

Although i donā€™t disagree with your recommendation to have a healthy gut, some people need to take action to obtain such a gut. I have celiac. Celiac disease causes an overproduction of Zonulin, wider junction, and the leakage of proteins, antigens, and antibodies into the blood. I have to maintain a strict gluten-free diet to keep that from occurring.

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Gluten free or not.....celiac or not - the correct combination of healthy gut colonies will insure a powerful gut lining....after all, the gut is the front line of the body's defence system!


I fell for it and they got me for about $500. It is a total 100% scam from my experience. They doubled my online order ā€œby accidentā€ and changed my card the full amount for both orders, I called customer support about the mix up and after a very long hold a very pleasant young lady assisted and assured me that all I needed to do was return the extra merchandise (I would be responsible to pay shipping both ways) and that the refund would show up on my card between 30 to 60 days. She actually laughed a few times while assisting me. She also advised me that I would end up needing the doubled order anyway because the best results occurred over a longer period of time. I kept them and took the probiotics as directed 4ea daily for 120 days with absolutely zero results.. not even a slight placebo in the beginning etc. I could have bought an awful lot of sauerkraut for $500, what a rip off. The best probiotics you can get are in organic plant based foods. It turns out that all of my low energy, bloated gut and digestive problems disappeared after 45 days of abstaining from drinking beer or any other alcoholic beverage.

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Next time contest the bill with your credit card company and block any further charges from DG (or whomever) to your card. And tell him to send you a label with paid postage for the return or youā€™ll leave his junk outside your front door for him to pick up. Heā€™ll want his junk back once your credit card company cancels the charge.


Some notable medical research online suggests that ā€œleaky gutā€ is not taught in medical school. It could mean that one needs to see a Gastroenterologist who could make a legitimate diagnosis.


Some notable medical research online suggests that ā€œleaky gutā€ is not taught in medical school. It could mean that one needs to see a Gastroenterologist who could make a legitimate diagnosis.

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Unfortunately, gastroenterologists are not very good at correctly diagnosing digestive diseases either. I know from my own agonizing experience.


Let me tell you about my experience. Iā€™ve had chronic UTIs for 30 years. For the past 2 years I had been taking nitrofurantoin daily for prevention. (Just the way Iā€™m built says doctor.) Last fall on vacation, I got another but different bacteria called pseudomonas., despite taking the antibiotic daily. Very strong bacteria, To make a long story short, the first alternate antibiotic wasnā€™t effective either so I got a stronger one, then a anti fungal to kill the yeast infection caused by the antibiotic.
All the drugs burned my digestive tract leaving me allergic to lots of different foods- gluten, apples, onions garlic. This created chaos in my system with terrible debilitating diarrhea. Now 8 months later Iā€™m still trying to find out what I can eat and have a very limited diet. Lost 15 lbs and lots of muscle mass, so that itā€™s difficult to sit for any length of time. I was in bed for days at a time and had brain fog, and the antibiotics Aldi caused nerve damage in my feet.
So think long and hard about taking antibiotics. Canā€™t eat at restaurants for fear that they will put some garlic salt on food.
I could go on an on, but you get the picture I hope

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I agree that natural is the way to go if possible. Meds are simply a treament, they won't stop the fungus or inflamation once treatments end. The natural program that helped me the most with my gut and all over inflamation is written by William Crooke, MD- The Yeast Connection Handbook. I would occasionally have vaginal yeast infections over the years. Diflucan, for vaginal yeast infections worked well. However in the last decade inflamation in my body and in my female private parts didn't test postive to yeast, but the burning inside my skin was miserable. This was complicated by Allergic Contact Dermatis, but I was patch and tested and learned what contacts to avoid, so no more eczema, but the burning inside my skin and female privates continiued.
Crooke was a pioneer in the "leaky gut" theory and scorned. This book written decades ago discusses "leaky gut" believing that the yeast colonies living in our intestines, fed by sugars, discharge their waste though the thinned intestinal membranes and into our blood stream raising our histamine armies which attack this waste trying to destroy it, but the result is elevated inflamation. We all have yeast colonies.
I found The Yeast Connection Handbook, a used copy for 25 cents. It was touted as treatment for vaious diseases on the book cover. This book is still available on line. Simple hand drawn diagrams will help you understand the process of the living yeast sending messages to the brain demanding food, sugar. His programs details a detox diet, yes, you will go through withdrawal. It was beginning to provide relief after 6 weeks, 2 months were required, but I added another month just to be certain. Don't take this on if you are not determined, yet avoidance of pain is a big motivator for me. I quit all alcohol 2 years before hoping to improve my health. I only missed alcohol for 3 weeks and it's taken years not to miss/crave processed sugar foods. After the months of detox, foods will be reintroduced but processed sugar in any form is not allowed for the rest of your life and sugars in other foods like fruit is limited (at least compared to how much fruit I used to eat). It takes years to no longer care about a processed sugar foods. I'm free of those cravings now because my yeast colonys are greatly diminished, starved out not getting their favorite food- sugar. They are not controlling my brain. I have resumed all my previous foods now 5 years later, however I never eat processed sugar. The difference is dramatic, naturally achieved and cost me no more than the 25 cents spent at a library book sale.


Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response šŸ™

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Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response šŸ™

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I've had many spine surgeries and on alot of opiates that constipated meā€¦bad I learned over the years that Metamucil is the most affordable. I do a heaping tablespoon or so before bed with about 20 Oz of waterā€¦fast. then in the morning I take a pill my doc prescribed years ago.called symproic 0.2mg
Between my insurance and a coupon it's no charge ..for me. It causes your colon muscles to contract which makes it work with-in an hourā€¦but I drink coffee to help it In The morning.
The more fresh veggies like celery and basic salad and less gluten the better.
I hope this helps in timeā€¦ and remember drink lots (about a gallon)of water until don't want to dig it out manually. 😱🤢💩


Yes, I think so.
I ordered a 6 month supply of microbiome pills on July 1, 2023.
I have been taking 2 twice a day since then.
I haven't noticed any difference in my health or my elimination patterns.
Furthermore, I think they were somewhat expensive.
And having read some of the copious junk mails that I was receiving, I started thinking not even half of this can be true. It's more like he's trying to start a hysteria about food choices than using any common sense.

So then I tried to opt out of all the Gundry emails. More than once. I still have one pesky notification coming through on a regular basis from this email address: < newsletter> I finally had to create a filter for disposing of emails received from this email address.

Even if the pills were doing anything for me, I still find the relentles marketing very annoying.
I started a personal swimming program back in early May, and in my opinion that has done a lot more for me than any pills. I'm steadily firming up and losing weight and my appetite is steady and reasonable. My breathing is very good. I'm less winded going up staircases.

I think that could have saved myself the $300 that I spent on the pills. Wasted money. I still have 3 months left (because though I ordered them in July, I didn't start taking them until August, and I plan to continue taking them, but after 3 months with no visible changes, I'm not holding my breath.

Hope this helps anyone else who is thinking of joining a Gundry Program.


Hi, @tokyok. What I have found most disconcerting about this and a half dozen other "expert professional" advertisers (most notably Dr. Gundry and Sanjay Gupta) is that they undermine information about a number of medications so that their ads ultimately address "the only solution that works." Of the solutions they blackballed are a number approved by the FDA and the American Medical Association and foundations established by groups of medical specialists to expand the use of reliable medical diagnoses and processes across the nation, including the victims of the rifle-shot ads that are paid to mislead, even lie to, those of us in need of considering the full range of help from organized medicine.


Unfortunately, gastroenterologists are not very good at correctly diagnosing digestive diseases either. I know from my own agonizing experience.

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I agree with you, and that doesn't always go for Gastro doctors! Lots of doctors misdiagnose and that's a sad case, plus Pathology reports you NEED to be careful in always trusting them. I got a second opinion for my hubby and the 2nd opinion was correct, and the first report wasn't BUT you can't do much about it since most cover each other's butts in that situation, and I say that because of what the 2nd opinion said to us. The opening statement was "we don't necessarily agree" with this report, and will redo the scan! They were right which was great news for my hubby at that time! Also, my opinion only, right now I think we are in Socialized Medicine even though they don't say so. Compare it to Canada's socialized medicine and we are almost just like them now! I don't like it, but that is ONLY MY OPION, so we don't need to debate this. Wish the medical field was like it was before at least showing an interest. Not saying all doctors are like that but there are quite a lot like that now. Sad, Sad, world!

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