What helped to reduce my internal vibrations

Posted by Jo @sen4, Mar 1, 2023

I am sorry to read everyone's story and relieved that I am not alone. I have never tested postitive for covid but I feel that vaccine has a part in cauaing or at least contributed in worsening my symptoms; pain, tinglings, twitching and internal vibrations. I have complex symptoms I cannot count. I have a lot to say about my experience, maybe another time but just a quick message to say that I don't know what's causing them but some supplements, especially making radical changes in my diet seem to reduce my internal vibrations. Supplements alone didn't indeed stop them but stopping to eat many food did reduce them significantly. I don't know if it will work in your own case but maybe worth trying. Fasting also reduce the vibrations. I basically eat meat, chicken, vegetables (greens, cauliflowers, broccoli, zuccini, fresh peppers, hot pepper, spices, seeds, etc.) and mostly shelled nuts (less processed) but other nuts and seeds as well and drink bone broth. No gluten, no diary, no lactose, no fruit. I avoid eating scratcy vegetables (no peas, potato, etc), no rice, grains, lentils or fruit except blueberries and alike. I lost about 3 kgs but feel better although muscle twitchings are happening more often. I opted to olive oil mostly. I avoid frying my food. Also no sugar, no desserts, no coffee (rarely), eggs (rarely), no herbal tea, no gluten free flour or packaged gluten-free food because they are processed and have rice and corn flour in them etc. Avoid flour in general. I prefer hot water with frech ginger, fresh lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves black pepper and turmenic powder. I make green vegetable soup with chicken, ginger, hot pepper, etc. mostly. Be careful with the amount of lemon juice. I make my choices based on anti inflammatory and anti toxic approach as much as possible. I stopped using cosmetics like creams. I use natural soap. I opted for natural oils for my face and body which I use every day. I mix some oils and apply this on my body which seem to reduce or stop esp. nerve(?) pain on my low left side + my low back pain. I have been taking propolis powder and bee polen every day with water, vitamin B complex, a-lipoic acid (2 months), probiotics that are bile resistant (continous), - Vitamin C (could be with Rosehips & Citrus Bioflavonoids) - one table each gluten and lactose free. Also omega 3 (in triglyceride form, 2x1) OR krill oil (1×1). I have been taking probiotics for the last 7 months. I have been taking all others for the last 1,5-2 months. I have also used anti-parasitic medicine a few weeks ago and was on some anti-fungal medication for vaginal ph imbalance die to previous infections. I have a history of reoccuring UTIs and antibiotics didn't seem to work but make me feel worse. My immune seem to be weak. I try to avoid taking medicatios excepts some supplements as mentioned above. I will probably stopped alpha lipoic acid after finishing the box, and switch to a multivitamin and mineral after I finish vitamin B complex. I would particularly suggest to begin with a slow elimination of your diet and be patient. My approach again was to not eat too much and target healing the gut. I know how desperate one can feel and hope this helps someone. Please be careful when applying, always observe how you feel. I guess one needs to stick to this strick diet to see results if one can tolerate it. Please let me know if you see any changes. I still have other symptoms but this approach helped with reducing the internal vibrations significantly. I will try to write my story maybe another day. Best wishes.

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I want to to write an update. I have had many tests done and I still have no diagnosis except that I have an overactive nervous system and that those random muscle twitches I feel on the surface or deep in my body are called fasciculations. I refuse to use any drug of pain management because that is not a cure for a diagnosed disease or condition but symptom management probably with some side effects. I don't know if I have had covid, never got a positive test yet I still wonder if my case is related to covid infection of vaccine. My symptoms are mostly on my left side, upper abdomen and back. I have pain or at times burning pain on my upper left back, left shoulder (between left shoulder blade and spine and under left shoulder blade), upper left abdomen to navel, and left pelvic area and left low back. Wide spread tingling and abdominal internal vibrations. Occasional vibrations on particular places of left side of my body. Anti-inflammatory and no sugar (including sweet fruits etc.) diet seem to help with the low back pain and crawling feeling around that area. It also reduce internal vibrations as I mentioned in my previous input.

Food and stress can affect my abdominal internal vibrations - I feel them especially when I lie down. Interestingly, when I lie on my face down and my abdomen is pressed over the bed, my internal vibrations are felt up to my chin and lower lip. When I rest more and have less stressful periods of time, my symptoms do not disappear but are significantly reduced. So rest, rest, rest and rest as much as you can. Cancel things and rest. Keep resting whenever you can and eat well. If I get tired, I would still get very bad fasciculations and other symptoms.

It helped to colour the painful areas/points in a body drawn on a paper (found one on the internet), and to show it to my doctor. It helped to understand that the pain is localised. I'd suggest everyone to show on a body front and back (left and right sided of the body noted) to colour the areas and show it to your doc. Perhaps this can be done for each symptom separately, pain/burning pain, internal vibrations, etc.

I am so tired of this. I have visited many doctors. It has been more than two years now with no diagnosis. I sometimes feel when some doctors treat you poorly or do not believe you when tests come normal could be more damaging than the disease itself. Based on my observation and as someone who experience the disease at first hand, stress apparently aggravate my symptoms but I do not believe it is the cause. I have a solid pain on my left upper abdomen and back, discomfort in my abdomen, weird feelings and fasciculations inside my abdomen (left side from navel to left hip). I don't know if you feel the same way, but it'd help to hear I am not the only one feeling lonely when medicine fails to test, acknowledge and prove my pain. I wish I know what it is so that I can receive treatment if there is any because no one wants to accept that you are indeed suffering an illness (at least that's my experience in my family circle), when you seem normal to them on the outside.


I want to to write an update. I have had many tests done and I still have no diagnosis except that I have an overactive nervous system and that those random muscle twitches I feel on the surface or deep in my body are called fasciculations. I refuse to use any drug of pain management because that is not a cure for a diagnosed disease or condition but symptom management probably with some side effects. I don't know if I have had covid, never got a positive test yet I still wonder if my case is related to covid infection of vaccine. My symptoms are mostly on my left side, upper abdomen and back. I have pain or at times burning pain on my upper left back, left shoulder (between left shoulder blade and spine and under left shoulder blade), upper left abdomen to navel, and left pelvic area and left low back. Wide spread tingling and abdominal internal vibrations. Occasional vibrations on particular places of left side of my body. Anti-inflammatory and no sugar (including sweet fruits etc.) diet seem to help with the low back pain and crawling feeling around that area. It also reduce internal vibrations as I mentioned in my previous input.

Food and stress can affect my abdominal internal vibrations - I feel them especially when I lie down. Interestingly, when I lie on my face down and my abdomen is pressed over the bed, my internal vibrations are felt up to my chin and lower lip. When I rest more and have less stressful periods of time, my symptoms do not disappear but are significantly reduced. So rest, rest, rest and rest as much as you can. Cancel things and rest. Keep resting whenever you can and eat well. If I get tired, I would still get very bad fasciculations and other symptoms.

It helped to colour the painful areas/points in a body drawn on a paper (found one on the internet), and to show it to my doctor. It helped to understand that the pain is localised. I'd suggest everyone to show on a body front and back (left and right sided of the body noted) to colour the areas and show it to your doc. Perhaps this can be done for each symptom separately, pain/burning pain, internal vibrations, etc.

I am so tired of this. I have visited many doctors. It has been more than two years now with no diagnosis. I sometimes feel when some doctors treat you poorly or do not believe you when tests come normal could be more damaging than the disease itself. Based on my observation and as someone who experience the disease at first hand, stress apparently aggravate my symptoms but I do not believe it is the cause. I have a solid pain on my left upper abdomen and back, discomfort in my abdomen, weird feelings and fasciculations inside my abdomen (left side from navel to left hip). I don't know if you feel the same way, but it'd help to hear I am not the only one feeling lonely when medicine fails to test, acknowledge and prove my pain. I wish I know what it is so that I can receive treatment if there is any because no one wants to accept that you are indeed suffering an illness (at least that's my experience in my family circle), when you seem normal to them on the outside.

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you have described a lot of what has been happening to me on and off, it's weird when it happens and when it does i have to just ride it out. i get a lot of iching also, the vibrations can be all over inside me or in just one area then it moves to another area..when the pain is there it is also on my left side, or maybe my toes, or hands or legs or hips or neck even my whole body, i have found out my bones have started to thin since i had covid, before my bones where great, i also still have a lot of phlegm that i am positive comes from my digestive tract..it is NOT post nasal drip....it's been 3 yrs and 10 months for me, i did have , i'm a mess but i refuse to give up..hang in there


you have described a lot of what has been happening to me on and off, it's weird when it happens and when it does i have to just ride it out. i get a lot of iching also, the vibrations can be all over inside me or in just one area then it moves to another area..when the pain is there it is also on my left side, or maybe my toes, or hands or legs or hips or neck even my whole body, i have found out my bones have started to thin since i had covid, before my bones where great, i also still have a lot of phlegm that i am positive comes from my digestive tract..it is NOT post nasal drip....it's been 3 yrs and 10 months for me, i did have , i'm a mess but i refuse to give up..hang in there

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Thanks a lot for replying. I used to have itchiness at the time my first internal vibration began. You still have phlegm. I am sure you have gone to many docs but maybe you can take it from there (at least phlegm is something that can be seen, not like internal vibrations) and investigate that more with your doctor to find a way to stop it which may help with other symptoms.
Do you do anti-inflammatory diet? This may also help to ease the symptoms like vibrations. I feel you; I hope you get better. Thanks so much!


Thanks a lot for replying. I used to have itchiness at the time my first internal vibration began. You still have phlegm. I am sure you have gone to many docs but maybe you can take it from there (at least phlegm is something that can be seen, not like internal vibrations) and investigate that more with your doctor to find a way to stop it which may help with other symptoms.
Do you do anti-inflammatory diet? This may also help to ease the symptoms like vibrations. I feel you; I hope you get better. Thanks so much!

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hope you get better too, i pray we all get through this..hang in there..


I want to to write an update. I have had many tests done and I still have no diagnosis except that I have an overactive nervous system and that those random muscle twitches I feel on the surface or deep in my body are called fasciculations. I refuse to use any drug of pain management because that is not a cure for a diagnosed disease or condition but symptom management probably with some side effects. I don't know if I have had covid, never got a positive test yet I still wonder if my case is related to covid infection of vaccine. My symptoms are mostly on my left side, upper abdomen and back. I have pain or at times burning pain on my upper left back, left shoulder (between left shoulder blade and spine and under left shoulder blade), upper left abdomen to navel, and left pelvic area and left low back. Wide spread tingling and abdominal internal vibrations. Occasional vibrations on particular places of left side of my body. Anti-inflammatory and no sugar (including sweet fruits etc.) diet seem to help with the low back pain and crawling feeling around that area. It also reduce internal vibrations as I mentioned in my previous input.

Food and stress can affect my abdominal internal vibrations - I feel them especially when I lie down. Interestingly, when I lie on my face down and my abdomen is pressed over the bed, my internal vibrations are felt up to my chin and lower lip. When I rest more and have less stressful periods of time, my symptoms do not disappear but are significantly reduced. So rest, rest, rest and rest as much as you can. Cancel things and rest. Keep resting whenever you can and eat well. If I get tired, I would still get very bad fasciculations and other symptoms.

It helped to colour the painful areas/points in a body drawn on a paper (found one on the internet), and to show it to my doctor. It helped to understand that the pain is localised. I'd suggest everyone to show on a body front and back (left and right sided of the body noted) to colour the areas and show it to your doc. Perhaps this can be done for each symptom separately, pain/burning pain, internal vibrations, etc.

I am so tired of this. I have visited many doctors. It has been more than two years now with no diagnosis. I sometimes feel when some doctors treat you poorly or do not believe you when tests come normal could be more damaging than the disease itself. Based on my observation and as someone who experience the disease at first hand, stress apparently aggravate my symptoms but I do not believe it is the cause. I have a solid pain on my left upper abdomen and back, discomfort in my abdomen, weird feelings and fasciculations inside my abdomen (left side from navel to left hip). I don't know if you feel the same way, but it'd help to hear I am not the only one feeling lonely when medicine fails to test, acknowledge and prove my pain. I wish I know what it is so that I can receive treatment if there is any because no one wants to accept that you are indeed suffering an illness (at least that's my experience in my family circle), when you seem normal to them on the outside.

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I'm sorry you're going through this. I have to agree with you, it is very hard when it's something that nobody can see so they question you. My own sister has been kind of nasty about this. Her ignorant comment to me was "when you were little you always got the all the attention". I'm not going to get into that because its crazy nor was it true. I'm her younger sister and that hurt. I should not have been surprised. Then I ended up at the emergency room five times because of long covid. This is before they had a name for it. The emergency room doctor did not believe me ask me if I had been drinking. I may have an occasional once a month glass of wine. Then she told me to prove her wrong. That put me in a backward spiral. For the people who don't understand what you're going through, it's on them. It has only been the hospital, and my sister everybody else has been wonderful, including my husband. Hang in there!


I'm sorry you're going through this. I have to agree with you, it is very hard when it's something that nobody can see so they question you. My own sister has been kind of nasty about this. Her ignorant comment to me was "when you were little you always got the all the attention". I'm not going to get into that because its crazy nor was it true. I'm her younger sister and that hurt. I should not have been surprised. Then I ended up at the emergency room five times because of long covid. This is before they had a name for it. The emergency room doctor did not believe me ask me if I had been drinking. I may have an occasional once a month glass of wine. Then she told me to prove her wrong. That put me in a backward spiral. For the people who don't understand what you're going through, it's on them. It has only been the hospital, and my sister everybody else has been wonderful, including my husband. Hang in there!

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Based on the Doc's suggestion that you were drunk, I'm guessing that some neurological impairment was involved. There's a front page article in today's NY Times about research at Penn that appeared to show that viral particles in the gut are interfering with serotonin production, leading to cognitive impairment, including brain fog and memory problems.


There was no impairment whatsoever. She was pregnant very impatient. There was no slurring of words there was no anything. My husband's a medical malpractice attorney and he was sitting right with me and said there was absolutely nothing wrong with you. She was upset because I started crying. I had had it that was my fifth time at the hospital and she asked me why I was so emotional. I explained to her that I'm exhausted from going through this that I can't play tennis anymore I can't be myself anymore. At that time it was at its worse. She was out of line and rude. When my husband and I were sitting in the room they put me in we heard the other nurses talking about her saying she was in a really bad mood. That was not what I needed that night she should have stayed home.


There was no impairment whatsoever. She was pregnant very impatient. There was no slurring of words there was no anything. My husband's a medical malpractice attorney and he was sitting right with me and said there was absolutely nothing wrong with you. She was upset because I started crying. I had had it that was my fifth time at the hospital and she asked me why I was so emotional. I explained to her that I'm exhausted from going through this that I can't play tennis anymore I can't be myself anymore. At that time it was at its worse. She was out of line and rude. When my husband and I were sitting in the room they put me in we heard the other nurses talking about her saying she was in a really bad mood. That was not what I needed that night she should have stayed home.

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Thanks for your replies I understand, have been there. I had to go to the emergency at least 4-5 times and have been to hospital and private practitioners. Some can be very rude, I call this ignorance.
I can understand they can be sceptical to a point But when they don't understand your sitution, they put the blame on you by saying it's anxiety, stress, even impying you make things up or as in your case alcohol and again relating it to your mood. Perhaps medicine is not that improved to diagnose some illnesses but some are not aware of some existing knowledge, cannot think of out of the box, just want to get rid of the 'difficult' patient, or medicine today does not allow doctors to look at the body as a whole, they only focus on a part of the body instead of perceiving it as a whole system and miss the whole point.


I believe you are right on. Ignorance is no excuse for a doctor in the ER. Listen to what your patient is telling you. If you don't understand, educate yourself like we all have had to. Take care, thank you for your reply. Bless you 🫂


I want to to write an update. I have had many tests done and I still have no diagnosis except that I have an overactive nervous system and that those random muscle twitches I feel on the surface or deep in my body are called fasciculations. I refuse to use any drug of pain management because that is not a cure for a diagnosed disease or condition but symptom management probably with some side effects. I don't know if I have had covid, never got a positive test yet I still wonder if my case is related to covid infection of vaccine. My symptoms are mostly on my left side, upper abdomen and back. I have pain or at times burning pain on my upper left back, left shoulder (between left shoulder blade and spine and under left shoulder blade), upper left abdomen to navel, and left pelvic area and left low back. Wide spread tingling and abdominal internal vibrations. Occasional vibrations on particular places of left side of my body. Anti-inflammatory and no sugar (including sweet fruits etc.) diet seem to help with the low back pain and crawling feeling around that area. It also reduce internal vibrations as I mentioned in my previous input.

Food and stress can affect my abdominal internal vibrations - I feel them especially when I lie down. Interestingly, when I lie on my face down and my abdomen is pressed over the bed, my internal vibrations are felt up to my chin and lower lip. When I rest more and have less stressful periods of time, my symptoms do not disappear but are significantly reduced. So rest, rest, rest and rest as much as you can. Cancel things and rest. Keep resting whenever you can and eat well. If I get tired, I would still get very bad fasciculations and other symptoms.

It helped to colour the painful areas/points in a body drawn on a paper (found one on the internet), and to show it to my doctor. It helped to understand that the pain is localised. I'd suggest everyone to show on a body front and back (left and right sided of the body noted) to colour the areas and show it to your doc. Perhaps this can be done for each symptom separately, pain/burning pain, internal vibrations, etc.

I am so tired of this. I have visited many doctors. It has been more than two years now with no diagnosis. I sometimes feel when some doctors treat you poorly or do not believe you when tests come normal could be more damaging than the disease itself. Based on my observation and as someone who experience the disease at first hand, stress apparently aggravate my symptoms but I do not believe it is the cause. I have a solid pain on my left upper abdomen and back, discomfort in my abdomen, weird feelings and fasciculations inside my abdomen (left side from navel to left hip). I don't know if you feel the same way, but it'd help to hear I am not the only one feeling lonely when medicine fails to test, acknowledge and prove my pain. I wish I know what it is so that I can receive treatment if there is any because no one wants to accept that you are indeed suffering an illness (at least that's my experience in my family circle), when you seem normal to them on the outside.

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I’m wondering if you’ve had a CT Scan or an ultra-sound to see what’s happening inside you? Are you old enough to have had a colonoscopy? These are things your doctor should be asking or having you tested for. Good luck!

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