Have you been cured of POST COVID?

Posted by mccoydj1 @mccoydj1, Sep 28, 2023

I would love to hear from folks that have been cured from Post COVID. What were your symptoms.... what things helped you improve? what things made it worse for you?

I ask because I am currently on a recovery journey - would love to understand what you've done

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

my symptoms got much worse from working with medhelp so I was just getting through the day to day, then recieved a text that I was taken off their patient list because I hadnt responded to a text from the nurse. I had paid up front, which they said was non-refundable. So, out a couple thousand dollars for not responding while sick. Im not saying its not helping you, just want to let people know so they dont loose money.


@2tnt - Can you please share what testing you underwent and the diagnoses received and treatment you are getting? When you say "it is working", can you please elaborate? Thanks!


Since I am out if state, I was sent a kit for microblood testing. I am a level 4 which is the worst. Please see the link for more info.


@2nt - Thanks for the link but I am most interested in more information about what you are experiencing. e.t., your specific LC symptoms treatment modalities being administered and what "it is working" means to you. 🙂


my symptoms got much worse from working with medhelp so I was just getting through the day to day, then recieved a text that I was taken off their patient list because I hadnt responded to a text from the nurse. I had paid up front, which they said was non-refundable. So, out a couple thousand dollars for not responding while sick. Im not saying its not helping you, just want to let people know so they dont loose money.

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@aldersage - Thanks! Good to know! Paying up front and not being offered a refund is a bit alarming. Especially so since there is still no "cure" or medically approved treatment protocol for Long Covid, mainly because the specific cause(s) of LC have not yet been determined. Microclots as causation are just one of several (yet to be proved) theories. But, I'm always looking for things that are helping/help others with the same/similar symptoms as I. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope your recovery journey gets easier and faster!


I got covid April 2021 and have had long covid ever since. After 10 months my health collapsed and was in free fall. I started taking Low Dose Naltrexone and that stopped the free fall, but the plateau left me much like you describe - pretty severely debilitated. Then I started taking Abilify. That has led to about a 75% reduction in symptoms - life changing improvement!

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Did the Abilify help depression over your symptoms or the actual symptoms? Or both? So happy to hear you're feeling better!


Did the Abilify help depression over your symptoms or the actual symptoms? Or both? So happy to hear you're feeling better!

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Abilify directly reduced my long covid symptoms - brain fog, fatigue, headaches etc. It did not seem to do anything for my mood. In all I have about a 75% reduction in symptoms - it has been life changing. I slowly worked up to 0.9mg/day. I tried 1.0mg but got bad headaches.


my symptoms got much worse from working with medhelp so I was just getting through the day to day, then recieved a text that I was taken off their patient list because I hadnt responded to a text from the nurse. I had paid up front, which they said was non-refundable. So, out a couple thousand dollars for not responding while sick. Im not saying its not helping you, just want to let people know so they dont loose money.

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wanted to add that the nurse there said my symptoms would worsen at first then should improve, it took me out and its possible I got a cold or something on top of it. My point is, for a Clinic to drop a patient who didn't respond to a text because they were sick (I had even texted her that I was sick and she knew that I am also a single mom with no family around for support) and not give a refund even though they had just been under the starting phase of treatment made me feel like this place is all about the money. This was a big investment for me and made me feel like I had been scammed and could do other treatments with that money.


My Long Covid symptoms are much improved 9 months to a year after my 2nd Covid infection.
1st infection was a Delta Variant/pneumonia co-infection 10/21. The 2nd infection was in August 2022.

I assembled a team of specialists with much frustration due to long waitlists for doctors and scheduling appointments 2-9 months out.
Primary Care Doc was helpful with recommending specialists in my insurance network. Sometimes I would work with a registered Nurse Practitioner rather than wait for a doctor to become available. A good NP will spend an hour with you…which is how long it takes to tell a long Covid story.
- Pulmonologist
- Neurologist
- Physical Therapist
- Social Worker for Cognitive Talk Therapy
- Psychiatrist
- Gastroenterologist
- ENT Doc
- Allergist/Immunologist
- Endocrinologist
- YMCA pool time and gentle yoga.
- Walking my dog in the woods with friends.

I got the idea that I needed a team of doctors from an article I read about the old Swiss Alps Tuberculosis Clinics that were being converted into Long Covid Clinics. Traveling to Switzerland wasn’t an option, so I have had to manage my own recovery.

I was suffering from chronic diarrhea post Covid infection. My Gastroenterology NP and Doctor prescribed Xifaxan off label for 2 weeks and stool samples to confirm that I did not have C Dif or parasites. The virus had not flushed out of my system, and was lingering in my intestinal tract. My symptoms cleared up and I felt much better, had more energy, clearer mind, and started riding my bike. Then I got a 2nd Covid infection and a relapse of diarrhea. I took another 2 week dose of Xifaxan and again that cleared up my symptoms.
For rapid heartbeat and migraines, I was prescribed and continue to take Propranolol. I also spent several months working with a Physical Therapist who did dry needling and recommended specific exercises for headaches and to relieve tension and body aches from the coughing fits that had racked my torso during Covid.
The ENT prescribed a short course of prednisone for ear swelling and Tinnitus. Also Physical Therapy dry needling treats ear and face pain and Tinnitus. I also did some Vestibular Therapy for dizziness and balance issues with my PT.
My Pulmonologist nurse prescribed Spiriva Respimat to open my Bronchial airways and she said that her Long Covid patients were responding well to Spiriva Respimat 1 or 2 puffs in the morning. It helped me to be able to walk my dog farther without feeling like I needed to sit down on neighbors’ steps to rest halfway.
My Psychiatrist had me do a cheek swab and submit to Genomind for psychiatric genetic testing. I tend to have weird reactions and sensitivity to inactive ingredients in pills and tablets. Basically ingredients that extend shelf life in medications make my face turn red and sinuses swell up.
He prescribed Pristiq 25 mg daily which is an SNRI and extended release. It is helping me to feel more even keeled. My Genomind results suggested that an SNRI would be better suited for my metabolic processes than an SSRI. I had not felt any better mood-wise when I tried Zoloft.
My results said regular exercise would improve my mood as well.

My Endocrinologist tested my Thyroid levels and increased my Synthroid dosage to 75 mg each morning. I got approved for name brand only because I have sensitivity to inactive ingredients in the generic. Also name brand Synthroid has more consistent levels of the active ingredient, whereas the generic versions can vary. My hair started growing back. I also started Nutrafol supplements and a hair tonic Phytocyane for temporary hair loss.
I started Aquafitness classes at the YMCA and enjoy Body Balance classes.


God Bless You! It is a journey my friend. I have been to so many doctors to get answers. I was diagnosed with Long Covid back in July. I am now going to an Integrative Medicine doctor who treats Long Covid. I am getting IV infusions to boost my immune system. I have only had 1 and go next week for my second one. I will say this. I felt like I was coming down with asthmatic bronchitis again a few days ago and I cleared up....I have to say, it must be the infusion working along with my boatload of vitamins I take. LOL. It's like unpeeling an onion with long COVID....one layer at a time. I already battled asthmatic bronchitis, but, with COVID last year, I got double pneumonia. I have had asthmatic bronchitis about 4 times since COVID and pneumonia twice (including COVID with both issues ) and 4 sinus infections. I am on a nebulizer now for my lungs. COVID tends to attack where we are weakest. That would be upper respiratory, GERDS & joints for me. I believe I have another autoimmune disease, but, the rheumatologist cannot give me a diagnosis. My numbers are all over the place for inflammation. My arthritis got worse and so did thyroid diseases. I feel like if I can get my immune system booted up it will help so much. Praying for all of us to recover from this because God can do it! Blessings....

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I have diffusely heterogeneous thyroid which is brought on by autoimmune thyroiditis, along with about 20 other problems.

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