Fells like UTI but test is negative

Posted by dustycat52 @dustycat52, Sep 24, 2023

At least once a year I get symptoms of a UTI but the tests are negative. This time the test shows nitrates but the other parts of negative. I’ve been on nitrofurin five days and don’t feel a lot better. I don’t have burning when I urinate but I have pelvic and low back pain, lightheadedness, and just don’t feel great.Anyone else had a similar experience? I have a history of UTIs.

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Oh, yes. The diarrhea. My bowel movements have never been the same. It’s about 7 months ago. I was also traumatized by it.

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Same here. I’ve had so many and they seem to keep lasting longer and longer.


So sorry for all the discomfort…I understand. At 71, have a long history of uti’s since late my 20’s.
That feeling…and then clean tests at home and doc.
Today, not many uti’s, but typically now when I get that feeling, I get dilated and then in a day or so I feel better. I can empty completely and nothing else develops.
Just a thought for everyone before things possibly turn bad…

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What do yu mean by dilated? Do yu mean you drink a lot of water?


What do yu mean by dilated? Do yu mean you drink a lot of water?

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No, but of course that is always good.
They do dilation when your urethra is a little or a lot tight. When that happens, it can feel like you have an infection or irritation and may not be able to empty your bladder completely, which could ultimately lead to infections in numerous places.
They use surgical instruments, starting with very narrow ones, gradually increasing in size to “stretch open” your urethra. Takes a minute or two, not very comfortable but it is magical in its results. That “feeling” goes away and you can fully empty your bladder. 🤞


No, but of course that is always good.
They do dilation when your urethra is a little or a lot tight. When that happens, it can feel like you have an infection or irritation and may not be able to empty your bladder completely, which could ultimately lead to infections in numerous places.
They use surgical instruments, starting with very narrow ones, gradually increasing in size to “stretch open” your urethra. Takes a minute or two, not very comfortable but it is magical in its results. That “feeling” goes away and you can fully empty your bladder. 🤞

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Did you do this in a doctor’s office?


So this could be way off base, but in August I was finally diagnosed for MOGAD. It is a very rare autoimmune disorder and though it only became more severe in Feb. 23, I am beginning to understand symptoms from two years ago. Yep, possible UTI's 3+ that had all of your symptoms, yet no bacteria in conclusive lab tests. MOGAD effects the bladder and bowels, and can be a precursor to this disease. I only ever went to Urgent Care, my doc too busy to see me quickly. Every time, it's a UTI! NOPE! So I suppose if I had known, I could have started investigating sooner. There are some clinical trials out there with these same symptoms, I am not sure of the criteria. But one thing I simply know now because of my experience, is don't give up, be your own self advocate!


So this could be way off base, but in August I was finally diagnosed for MOGAD. It is a very rare autoimmune disorder and though it only became more severe in Feb. 23, I am beginning to understand symptoms from two years ago. Yep, possible UTI's 3+ that had all of your symptoms, yet no bacteria in conclusive lab tests. MOGAD effects the bladder and bowels, and can be a precursor to this disease. I only ever went to Urgent Care, my doc too busy to see me quickly. Every time, it's a UTI! NOPE! So I suppose if I had known, I could have started investigating sooner. There are some clinical trials out there with these same symptoms, I am not sure of the criteria. But one thing I simply know now because of my experience, is don't give up, be your own self advocate!

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Will look this up-never heard of it…


Did you do this in a doctor’s office?

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Also, if your doctor has a PA, they can usually do it, and often easier to get an appointment with them than the doc.


So this could be way off base, but in August I was finally diagnosed for MOGAD. It is a very rare autoimmune disorder and though it only became more severe in Feb. 23, I am beginning to understand symptoms from two years ago. Yep, possible UTI's 3+ that had all of your symptoms, yet no bacteria in conclusive lab tests. MOGAD effects the bladder and bowels, and can be a precursor to this disease. I only ever went to Urgent Care, my doc too busy to see me quickly. Every time, it's a UTI! NOPE! So I suppose if I had known, I could have started investigating sooner. There are some clinical trials out there with these same symptoms, I am not sure of the criteria. But one thing I simply know now because of my experience, is don't give up, be your own self advocate!

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Do you some type of treatment with this?


Also, if your doctor has a PA, they can usually do it, and often easier to get an appointment with them than the doc.

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My doctor is a,PA and I still had to wait two hours at the clinic to see him.


My doctor is a,PA and I still had to wait two hours at the clinic to see him.

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So sorry…I have seen my PA so many times, for so many pelvic issues, she always seems to fit me in within a couple days…

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