Is this RLS (restless leg syndrome)?

Posted by Darlia @darlia, Oct 14, 2017

I have been a member of Mayo Connect in other groups too. I am trying to find out if the symptoms I have in my muscles is connected to anything I already have been diagnosed with.
Also, would it be a Rheumatologist or Orthopedic Dr. That I need for this? I asked the Rheumo and they said it's nothing that they handle. But I would think they would because it feels like muscles.
At night while relaxing, my legs get restless, want to tense up, like on rubber bands. Then my right arm, just my forearm starts to feel the same. Then it makes me put my hand into a "claw" as it intensifies.
Any clues anyone?

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I felt like a zombie even on the lowest dose of Gabapentin, 100 mg. But, I am ultra senstive to meds and take about 1/4-1/2 of what a normal person takes. A lot of folks can tolerate Gabapentin and get great results.
Praying for you my friend!

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Thank you


I know, but these looked a little scarier to me however, I haven’t really experienced many side effects since I started it and it is definitely helping I’m sleeping now thank God


Hi I’m new to connect. Just started taking gabapentin forRLS. Am scared to death if it but desperate can anyone put my mind at ease. Is this medication safe?

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Hi, I’ve taken Gabapentin for years with no side effects except sleepiness. And that goes away the longer you are on the drug.


Hi, I’ve taken Gabapentin for years with no side effects except sleepiness. And that goes away the longer you are on the drug.

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Thank you good to know. Maybe I will have same result.


It's a great thing to find a cure for what ails you. But as our mentor above says, it's important to check with your doctor before taking iron, for a number of reasons. Fortunately for me, I don't have RLS, but thought I'd volunteer what I had read if it could be helpful to someone else. Ya never know!🤷‍♀️

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Iron nor magnesium helped me...and after a year and moving my new doctor said stop the extra iron as not helping. I still take the magnesium but again no relief.


Iron nor magnesium helped me...and after a year and moving my new doctor said stop the extra iron as not helping. I still take the magnesium but again no relief.

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I have RLS and PILM which are controlled by 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 every night for the RLS and as needed, 200 mg gabapentin at night. Medications such as Benadryl and Ambien can trigger RLS and PILM -- perhaps other medications as well. For RLS, for me, it is an uncontrollable urge to move the limb. For PILM, the limb just moves, such as kicks out -- not an urge but an involuntary movement.

I don't know if your symptoms are connected to either RLS or PILM. Maybe a neurologist could shed some light on this for you.


My neurologist just told me last week that restless leg is part of peripheral neuropathy. I only get maybe once or twice a year. My mom had it almost nightly.
I do get REMICADE infusions and before they run the REMICADE they run an intravenous dose of Benadryl. A few times I have gotten restless legs during the Benadryl and nurses have told me it is the benadryl.
Hope you find an answer to your problem, try to see a neurologist.


Yes, after my Shingrix vaccine it left me with they say is neuropathy but my symptoms are the same and more. Been fighting this since 2019 and it started when I took the 2nd dose of the Shingrix Vaccine!


My restless legs was not so much the "leg jumping" but pain from the knees down that only bothered me at night. This goes along with Fibromyalgia. I was prescribed Flexeril 5 mg and it helped it tremendously. I no longer have restless legs and I am not taking the Flexeril for it anymore. God bless you & praying.


I have RLS and PILM which are controlled by 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 every night for the RLS and as needed, 200 mg gabapentin at night. Medications such as Benadryl and Ambien can trigger RLS and PILM -- perhaps other medications as well. For RLS, for me, it is an uncontrollable urge to move the limb. For PILM, the limb just moves, such as kicks out -- not an urge but an involuntary movement.

I don't know if your symptoms are connected to either RLS or PILM. Maybe a neurologist could shed some light on this for you.

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Hi, it's RLS for me and cannot take gabapentin and take extra Vitamin D3 2000 IU, but take in the morning. My RLS starts (well anytime) but mostly around 5 or 6 pm. and why I was taking in morning but wonder if I should try at night. I've talked to several neurologist over the years and was told try magnesium, vitamin D, B and Iron all of which I have. This last one had bloodwork and CT for any spine issues, but he was looking more for cause of numb feet that happened after some major back surgery. But all fine....I do take trazadone to help me sleep and even then, can only sleep maybe 7 hours but wonder if that is not making it worse. Although all this started when I was in my 20's when a doctor first said I had RLS, but who had ever heard of RLS back then. Not even sure what I went to the doctor for, but he said RLS. In my 40's it was more often and once in a while my arm. Now in my 60's is every day...blah I just want to eat dinner, watch TV or read and relax and cannot. sometimes it's 8 or 9 before it gets bad. I take tramadol, use heat, support stockings etc... sometimes it helps and sometimes

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