Trying to recover from a c. diff infection (Clostridium difficile)

Posted by acres @acres, Apr 12, 2016

I am trying to recover from a c.diff infection. This started with taking clindamycin in mid January and 3 days later I became ill with diarrhea and felt sick, loss of appetite etc...Went to the er twice, tested negative for c.diff on my 2nd visit. The Dr. told me to take imodium to rest my colon since I tested negative. That evening I had diarrhea and took the Imodium. Became constipated with pain lower right side. I went to a GI dr. pleading for help, I did another stool test and it came back positive for c.diff. I tried flagyl but could not tolerate the side effects. Tried vancomycin for 10 days. Did not work. Tested positive again, Went to a new gi doctor who prescribed dificid for ten days. I am 31 days post dificid and I have almost constant gut rumbling and urge to go. My 1st bm in the morning is usually semi normal, but after that they are always either pencil thin and or small pieces (2 to 5 times a day). This has been my routine since the vancomycin. I do not get dull blown diarrhea..... My dr. wants me to have a colonoscopy but I an scared that the cleansing will wipe out all my good flora. I currently take 2 florastor pills and 1/2 vsl3 per day. I eat fermented pickles for the probiotics as well..... I have many food intolerances since this whole mess began (fiber, many vegatables, dairy). I also have a strange taste in my mouth most of the time, have very little energy and fight with depression. My primary gave me Xanax .25 but I only take them at night when I cannot sleep...... Went to a nutritionist who put me on a no wheat, soy, dairy, gluten diet. Does not seem to be helping or hurting. I lost 20 pounds and cannot gain any weight (I weigh 120 at 5'7")... I am thinking it might be sibo, or candida but cannot find a dr. to test for these....I am in the right place for help or advice ? The urge to go is awful and limits my once active lifestyle.....
Thank you, Scott

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My 16 year old son needs help. He was diagnosed with C Diff Infection after taking Clindamycin. In about 6 weeks he has lost nearly 30 lbs. His Gastro Doctor prescribed Flagyl to treat C Diff but it had horrible side effects. After finishing his Flagyl we started him on Phillips Brand Probiotics. His diarrhea has started back. He is depressed. He has no appetite still. Please give us advice. I’m familiar with other antibiotics to treat C Diff and I’m familiar with fecal transfer. We are in Central Alabama and have been to hospitals 3 times. They just send him home. We have seen a Gastro Doctor. He is not concerned. My son is very sick. Any advice?

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@kanaazpereira.... There really aren’t many more details to give. The Fecal Microbia Transplant was the same prep as a Colonoscopy. So, the day prior, the patient does a colon cleanse which was not fun because the liquid my son drank made him vomit. However, in hindsight it was worth it all. On Dec. 21, 2017 we drove 3 hours to Huntsville Hospital for my sons Fecal Transplant appointment at 7am. It was a smooth, fast procedure. It took maybe an hour because Dr. Vaidya checked his colon for ulcerative colitis as she inserted the device. Then, as she removed the device, she injected about a 12 ounce-can size amount of donated feces from a healthy patient. Of course all donated feces is tested and screened. (Watch Youtube videos to learn more. I did.) Afterwards, my son was in recovery, sedated, for about an hour so the healthy feces could absorb into his colon and allow healthy bacteria to re-colonize in his gut. After my son woke up, he was released from the hospital. It is an out-patient procedure that is fast, painless, and was immediate relief for him! He never complained of pain or discomfort. He even ate a steak dinner on our way home. He has not had one C Diff symptom ever since and today is Day 10, post-Fecal Transplant! Digestive Disease Center in Huntsville, AL; Dr. Keta Vaidya is his Doctor’s name. They are phenomenal! Please contact me if needed. Prayers to all of you dealing with C Diff Infection!! My son lost 40 lbs. in about 8 weeks due to C Diff (re-diagnosed after taking round 1 of Flagyl). He has a long way to go! He was a nearly 200- lb. baseball player. Now he weighs in low 160’s. Please keep him in your prayers as he recovers. Thank you!


My 16 year old son needs help. He was diagnosed with C Diff Infection after taking Clindamycin. In about 6 weeks he has lost nearly 30 lbs. His Gastro Doctor prescribed Flagyl to treat C Diff but it had horrible side effects. After finishing his Flagyl we started him on Phillips Brand Probiotics. His diarrhea has started back. He is depressed. He has no appetite still. Please give us advice. I’m familiar with other antibiotics to treat C Diff and I’m familiar with fecal transfer. We are in Central Alabama and have been to hospitals 3 times. They just send him home. We have seen a Gastro Doctor. He is not concerned. My son is very sick. Any advice?

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Hello everyone! I thought I would update you on my son’s progress. As I stated, he had a Fecal Microbia Transplant on Dec. 21, 2017. On our way home from this procedure he ate a steak dinner after not eating for weeks. He then would eat one meal per day, most days until about January 15, 2018 (11days ago)! Suddenly his appetite returned full force! This gave his body much needed fuel! He returned to Varsity Baseball Practice last weekend and has gone everyday since! He now feels much better! His focus is on catching up on his school work and on rebuilding muscle that he lost dyring this C-DIFF illness! He is down 40 lbs. from the first 7 weeks of showing C-DIFF symptoms. He lost muscle and was severely malnourished. However, this should give hope to anyone else out there with C-DIFF! Get control of your/your child’s treatment plan! Get involved! Pray for wisdom and for guidance! This helped me find Dr. Keta Vaidya at Digestive Disease Center in Huntsville, AL! Other doctors planned to keep prescribing multiple rounds of Flagyl and Vancomycin after my son’s C-DIFF reoccurrence. My son had no weight left to lose! He was skin & bones! My point is, you have the right to change your child’s treatment plan if you need to! Prayers and best regards to you all! Thank you to those who private messaged me about C-DIFF! It is nothing to take lightly!


I got c diff in the hospital twice. They treated it but when I went home I got it again. After my surgery for a hiatal hernia my vagus nerve was damaged so now I have gastroparesis. My digestive system does not work anymore. I still get c diff sometimes.


@citygirlannie I am so sorry to hear that you’re having so many issues with CDIFF. Have you asked your doctor about the Fecal Microbia Transplant? If your Digestive system isn’t functioning correctly it may not help, but it may help correct it? This Infection is horrible and the antibiotic Flagyl gave my son terrible side effects! They were as bad as the CDIFF symptoms. Praying you find a positive answer!


Thanks so much for the information. I will ask my doctor about The fecal microbial transplant.


My 16 year old son needs help. He was diagnosed with C Diff Infection after taking Clindamycin. In about 6 weeks he has lost nearly 30 lbs. His Gastro Doctor prescribed Flagyl to treat C Diff but it had horrible side effects. After finishing his Flagyl we started him on Phillips Brand Probiotics. His diarrhea has started back. He is depressed. He has no appetite still. Please give us advice. I’m familiar with other antibiotics to treat C Diff and I’m familiar with fecal transfer. We are in Central Alabama and have been to hospitals 3 times. They just send him home. We have seen a Gastro Doctor. He is not concerned. My son is very sick. Any advice?

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Thank you for the information on a treatment I never heard of this treatment,a friend of mine has come down with C-diff I will pass on this information Again thanks


It's fascinating reading about fecal transplant. Does anyone know if it's ever used in treating ulcerative colitis? Thanks!


It is very fascinating! It saved my son’s life, along with prayer! However it’s my understanding that Fecal Microbia Transplant is only recommended to cure C-DIFF at this time. Scientists are researching to see if these transplants can help treat diabetes, obesity, and other things. I watched videos on this and it educated me so much. I never knew the importance of having a healthy gut. I encourage everyone to learn about gut health!


It is very fascinating! It saved my son’s life, along with prayer! However it’s my understanding that Fecal Microbia Transplant is only recommended to cure C-DIFF at this time. Scientists are researching to see if these transplants can help treat diabetes, obesity, and other things. I watched videos on this and it educated me so much. I never knew the importance of having a healthy gut. I encourage everyone to learn about gut health!

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Thanks for your reply.


Sorry to hear you are having issues @acres When I had taken to much antibiotics I also had C-Diff. I had a colonoscopy after as well to make sure it wasnt stuck in any places. When I say getting stuck , I had ulcers when I was younger and beyond the c-diff bacteria can stay in those spots or any area. I would suggest to do it., there maybe more there or your body just is over load with antibiotics now and they are not working. Transplant is a great option. I was having issue with my gallbladder and it was removed before I had c-diff. I have issues with bm because of my chronic pancreatitis, I check my bm always and forever. I also have IBS, but that was checked after c-diff. Which I have been a vegan, vegetarian and gluten free. Nothing really worked for me or help my IBS issues. I am glad I went to the Mayo clinic, which they found everything and I had seen many Dr. By then as well. I hope your doctor's are talking to each other or you are going in circles. I just had my 10th colonoscopy since I was 32. Write everything down the doctor says and ask questions. Good luck and keep us updated.

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