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@citygirlannie I am so sorry to hear that you’re having so many issues with CDIFF. Have you asked your doctor about the Fecal Microbia Transplant? If your Digestive system isn’t functioning correctly it may not help, but it may help correct it? This Infection is horrible and the antibiotic Flagyl gave my son terrible side effects! They were as bad as the CDIFF symptoms. Praying you find a positive answer!

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Replies to "@citygirlannie I am so sorry to hear that you’re having so many issues with CDIFF. Have..."

@tammy1pike, I am in the Birmingham Al area. I’m on my third recurrence of Cdiff. I got it from clindamycin given for a serious sinus infection. I had taken it before for dental reasons so I didn’t perceive a problem. I was so devastated when I got it. I’ve been having gut issues for a year now. Last December I had a horrible episode of unbearable pain, then diarrhea & then vomiting. I thought it was a virus, but when I got up the next morning I was having lots of bloody stool. I immediately went to my Dr. A CT scan revealed I had ischemic colitis. After a months treatment for that I had a colonoscopy. I had to wait for enough healing so as not to perforate my colon. I was almost normal except for pain in my lower gut soon after eating. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis & had a polyp removed. I thought I was on the road to a somewhat recovery. Then I guess that since I had a compromised gut anyway this Cdiff had really beat me down. I’m 71 & I thought was a young 71. I have a heart problem too ( Afib) but my treatment was going well. I fell like I won’t live long like this. I’m tiny anyway, but now I’m at 85 pounds. I’m very weak. I just can’t get my GI to take me seriously. They just throw meds at me. 2 rounds of Flagyl & now I’m on vancomycin. I feel a little better & no diarrhea, but I’m horrified that it will be back as soon as this round of meds is over. I’m desperate. We have lots of medical care here in Birmingham that people come from all over for. I guess I’m just going to the wrong Dr. I’m sorry I’m making this so long, but like I said I have no life. Thank you for listening.