Anxiety & Overthinking Everything

Posted by homoh @homoh, Sep 20, 2023

I get anxious lately about every little thing like I overthink much..So hard to sleep

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Work on your subconscious mind, it is the ruler of your mind & body. Your conscious mind believes what it is fed from the subconscious and it becomes reality. Many good books on Amazon about this topic.


Work on your subconscious mind, it is the ruler of your mind & body. Your conscious mind believes what it is fed from the subconscious and it becomes reality. Many good books on Amazon about this topic.

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Thank you so much dolly
I’d try that too ❤️


It seems to me that life itself has become too overwhelming. I’ve been having trouble at work to the point that I abhor the thought of working. Recently I asked to go part time for I can’t deal with the daily stress, but it’s a big blow to my budget. It’s a tough decision but I chose my mental health. Don’t know what else to do. Don’t even know if staying home for days will help me. I live alone and with the depression there is no easy way out.


The last few years of 'life' has turned up the volume on the way we react to life's events now. The Covid virus, deaths of friends and family, Covid lockdowns, the state of the economy, the state of the world -- all this and more have contributed to our overwhelming feelings of gloom and doom! Two years ago my husband spent 40 days in ICU, intubated, in a coma, fighting for his life and much of it alone, because of hospital Covid policy. The rest of 2022 were a struggle with intensive rehabilitation to regain muscle that had atrophied, walk again, try to get back to a somewhat normal life, while I fought with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. New year, 2023, began with my husband having open heart surgery - much damage caused from Covid - followed promptly with an auto accident in January, and more heated conversations with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. So...... the fact that I can hyperventilate after a vehicle 'near miss' in an intersection, or feel depressed and overwhelmed after watching a night of news, or really anxious when I go to the doctor's office, well, it's no wonder, is it? I'm finally realizing that I must take care of me. Just talking with friends that listen, using all of the free, mental health resources - like this chat group - to take care of me. Take care of you. Wyola in Wyoming

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Let go and let God, he’s got this. Take care of the things you can and lean on him for the things you have no control over. Anxiety can’t fix a thing. I know it seems easier said than done but the more you practice it the less anxiety you’ll feel. I’m going through neuroendocrine cancer and everyday presents a new unpleasant issue. Stress always tries to creep in and I have to remind myself to give it to God and it seems to fade away. I’m not preaching….. just sharing what has worked for me. Best to all who “Read and Need This” 🤗


Let go and let God, he’s got this. Take care of the things you can and lean on him for the things you have no control over. Anxiety can’t fix a thing. I know it seems easier said than done but the more you practice it the less anxiety you’ll feel. I’m going through neuroendocrine cancer and everyday presents a new unpleasant issue. Stress always tries to creep in and I have to remind myself to give it to God and it seems to fade away. I’m not preaching….. just sharing what has worked for me. Best to all who “Read and Need This” 🤗

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Thanks! I’ll pray for you for I know that God is the doctor of doctors and I, myself, can not deal with life without my faith in Him. Not preaching either! It’s just my own experience


The last few years of 'life' has turned up the volume on the way we react to life's events now. The Covid virus, deaths of friends and family, Covid lockdowns, the state of the economy, the state of the world -- all this and more have contributed to our overwhelming feelings of gloom and doom! Two years ago my husband spent 40 days in ICU, intubated, in a coma, fighting for his life and much of it alone, because of hospital Covid policy. The rest of 2022 were a struggle with intensive rehabilitation to regain muscle that had atrophied, walk again, try to get back to a somewhat normal life, while I fought with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. New year, 2023, began with my husband having open heart surgery - much damage caused from Covid - followed promptly with an auto accident in January, and more heated conversations with insurance, doctors, hospital policy, bills, etc. So...... the fact that I can hyperventilate after a vehicle 'near miss' in an intersection, or feel depressed and overwhelmed after watching a night of news, or really anxious when I go to the doctor's office, well, it's no wonder, is it? I'm finally realizing that I must take care of me. Just talking with friends that listen, using all of the free, mental health resources - like this chat group - to take care of me. Take care of you. Wyola in Wyoming

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Absolutely can relate! I do want to know what's going on in the world, to be connected and knowledgeable, but not irritated, angry or overwhelmed/'s a challenge to do that when there is SO much that is presented and accessible. That's why I choose not to be on social media - I really can't imagine how anyone can maintain a healthy, functioning, hopeful perspective if they look at the negativity and nastiness that pervades these outlets.

That is why I continuously return to this forum, and continue to find it hopeful, respectful, informative and insightful. That is a gift.

It is good you know what you must do, and how to allow some of the inevitable friction (insurance unfairness, inequity, general rudeness around us and all of that) to evaporate, or at least dissipate to the degree you can move beyond it, instead of being mired in it. It is a daily challenge, not to mention the specific "tugs" each of us have as we try to maintain and be "present" and contribute in some way to our own worlds.

Hope some of this is helpful and at least encouraging. Appreciate your post.


It seems to me that life itself has become too overwhelming. I’ve been having trouble at work to the point that I abhor the thought of working. Recently I asked to go part time for I can’t deal with the daily stress, but it’s a big blow to my budget. It’s a tough decision but I chose my mental health. Don’t know what else to do. Don’t even know if staying home for days will help me. I live alone and with the depression there is no easy way out.

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I agree that especially during the past 3 years life has felt overwhelming. Good for you for choosing your mental health over working more hours, but I would suggest that staying home alone for days probably ISN'T the best solution for feeling overwhelmed. Have you thought of volunteering? Besides working, I volunteer for several amazing organizations and it definitely helps with depression.


I agree that especially during the past 3 years life has felt overwhelming. Good for you for choosing your mental health over working more hours, but I would suggest that staying home alone for days probably ISN'T the best solution for feeling overwhelmed. Have you thought of volunteering? Besides working, I volunteer for several amazing organizations and it definitely helps with depression.

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@prcrowe Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Like you, I have found value in being able to volunteer my skill set to help out others and organizations. No longer able to handle energy-filled/packed days, my health issues sometimes cause me to have to adjust my plans. What better way than to be able to reach out and do a bit of volunteer work!

What types of organizations get to benefit from your help?


I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with this. I have dealt with anxiety and overthinking now since I was 16. I am 39 now, and have come across a few things that help me to calm my thoughts. I hope that any of these will help you in some way. Big hugs my friend, you are going to be ok. here is a list of some of the things that have helped me:

- Ashwaghanda, L-Theanine, Magnesium, Vit. D
- Lemon Balm Tea ( Really good for anxiety)
- YouTube videos have been a life saver, some of my favorite YouTube Channels are-
The AnxietyGuy, Vacate Fear, Trey Jones, Therapy in a Nutshell, Mark Freeman, OCD and Anxiety
- Prayer and journaling
-A good support system of friends
-Facebook pages such as Trey Jones, The Anxiety Guy, or Vacate Fear
-Dr.Claire Weekes books and Audio on YouTube
-Practice just accepting all those thoughts, this is literally what it takes to get ahead of anxiety, and Vacate Fears Channel on YouTube will teach you this.
-Exercise, it is supposed to help a lot with anxiety, even if it is getting ing out and taking a walk in nature.
-Make sure you are doing your best to get good sleep and to eat a balanced diet.
-Get busy! It helps me get my mind off of things.

I truly wish you the best! God Bless you!


@prcrowe Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Like you, I have found value in being able to volunteer my skill set to help out others and organizations. No longer able to handle energy-filled/packed days, my health issues sometimes cause me to have to adjust my plans. What better way than to be able to reach out and do a bit of volunteer work!

What types of organizations get to benefit from your help?

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Hello Ginger! I volunteer for Make-A-Wish, Habitat for Humanity, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) & Special Olympics. Obviously, none of these organizations are full time and some are only once a week, once a month, or even just during a couple of weeks each year. I work fulltime as a Realtor, so my volunteering happily fills in whatever spare hours I might have.

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