Can neuropathy in my feet cause balance problems?

Posted by oliver4 @oliver4, Dec 15, 2022

Podiatrist has diagnosed me with minor neuropathy but my balance is worsening. Can neuropathy cause this. I know that input from the feet can cause balance problems

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It will help you to exercise on floor bicycle or stationary bicycle.

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Welcome @sweetg44, I use an exercise bike 3 to 5 days a week for about 30 minutes and think it’s good for me. I also do some balancing exercises that I learned at a PT session but I need to work on them more.

Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis and symptoms?


Neuropathy pain gone, now lost my Balance. falling trouble walking. Please comment. Thanks

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Balance is one of the issues associated with neuropathy. There are days when I almost think I should be wearing a helmet. If it weren’t for the walls in my home, I’d be on the floor all the time.
What’s the fix? There is no fix, but I think the intensity of the balance issue can be lessened somewhat. I try to get plenty of sleep, of which, I don’t. I make sure I wear my glasses. A good, stable pair of shoes is important.
Try your best to be positive regarding this issue. I try my best to laugh after having a near catastrophe. ‘Whoa, dude, you almost cracked your skull on that one!’


You need physical therapy for legs and feet.


They recommend taking 400 mg of CoQ10 and 20 mg of PQQ daily. The neuropathy in my hands is completely gone and my feet are much improved. The majority of the pain in my feet is gone, but I still have numbness in some places. I started this a year after chemo. The hands showed improvement quickly, the feet were slower. But the worst of the pain was gone in 3-4 months. Not an overnight cure, but my pain is gone.

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Who is they? recommend Co10 @PQQ


Balance is one of the issues associated with neuropathy. There are days when I almost think I should be wearing a helmet. If it weren’t for the walls in my home, I’d be on the floor all the time.
What’s the fix? There is no fix, but I think the intensity of the balance issue can be lessened somewhat. I try to get plenty of sleep, of which, I don’t. I make sure I wear my glasses. A good, stable pair of shoes is important.
Try your best to be positive regarding this issue. I try my best to laugh after having a near catastrophe. ‘Whoa, dude, you almost cracked your skull on that one!’

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@luffing - I went to physical therapy for improved balance and was given exercises which did help, and I continue to do several at home a few days a week. PT suggested that a cane would help to prevent falls. They were right, I use it at times. I have both sensory and motor PN.


I do simple yoga poses every day for balance. Doesn’t cure the problem but if I do start to sway or even fall the core strength I’ve gained lessens the impact. Tree pose is the ONE for balance.


Hello @oliver4, Welcome to Connect. I'm no expert but I do have neuropathy in my feet and it does cause balance problems. Here's some information on the topic:

"The nerves outside of your brain and spinal cord can become damaged, which is called peripheral neuropathy. Weakness, numbness, pain and balance issues can be caused by peripheral neuropathy because it makes it difficult to determine where your body is relative to other objects or the ground."
-- Feeling off balance? A nerve condition may be to blame:
Feeling off balance? A nerve condition may be to blame

You may want to check out the following discussion for some suggestions that might help:
-- Having trouble keeping your balance?:

One thing that has helped me is to wear comfortable shoes that also provide support. Exercise also helps with balance issues. Have you tried doing any balance exercises?

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I have balance issues. It appears to come from neuropathy. I have had therapy for balance but did not help that much.


I have balance issues. It appears to come from neuropathy. I have had therapy for balance but did not help that much.

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Welcome @pam7963, Sorry to hear that the physical therapy didn’t help with your balance. Do you also have pain with your neuropathy?


I have severe polyneuropathy. Parts of both feet feel numb. I feel like I’m walking on rocks all the time so my balance is definitely not good. Then there is the Gabapentin I take. It’s side effects include dizziness.
My legs are unstable so when I go out, I use either a cane or walker so I don’t fall. Uneven surfaces are a hazard.

I also have double vision issues that I believe have gotten worse lately.

Put this all together and I am a balance flunky!

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