Pacemaker recipients: Looking for support from others

Posted by balubeje @balubeje, May 25, 2016

I am coming on a year post op having a pacemaker placement for bradycardia. I would be interested in a support group with the same concerns. I think a support network would be so beneficial.

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Yes, unless you walked the walk you cannot talk the talk. The feelings of anxiety just come in waves. But then I have to think of the positives. No more awful rapid heart beats, visits to A& E and cardioversions.. In time I can go on holidays again with confidence... The pacemaker will I time feel like my best friend. Just at the moment it's all so scary & New. Thank you again. So lovely to be in touch.


I have had my pacemaker inserted a week ago and av node ablation on Wednesday. I feel fine physically really it's just adjusting to the fact that I am solely dependent on pacemaker. It really is scary. I have been reassured that the pacemaker is totally dependable and with regular checks all will be well. I just still have little anxious moments. Will all this pass? I really hope so as I am only 61 and don't want to remain anxious for the rest of my life.

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I am coming up to a year with my pacemaker (Bradycardia). I was nervous about everything but bit by bit I learned to trust my pacemaker. I am back to the gym 3X a week and lifting weights. The weights are not as heavy as before but I am quite happy with what I am doing. I do yoga and the occasional pilates class as well. And some walking. Be gentle with yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions about new experiences. Last week was my first confrontation with a walk through security scanner. I showed my card, explained my nervousness as a pacemaker person. The security guard explained nicely that I didn't have to use the scanner if I would allow a physical search. The answer to your your question is, "Yes, all this will pass."
I have found the Medtronic patient service to be excellent. As well as online, there is a phone service. I have called several time with what I thought were 'dumb' questions. Turned out, they weren't and my queries were answered by professional and personable folks. And there is always support here in the support group.


I am coming up to a year with my pacemaker (Bradycardia). I was nervous about everything but bit by bit I learned to trust my pacemaker. I am back to the gym 3X a week and lifting weights. The weights are not as heavy as before but I am quite happy with what I am doing. I do yoga and the occasional pilates class as well. And some walking. Be gentle with yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions about new experiences. Last week was my first confrontation with a walk through security scanner. I showed my card, explained my nervousness as a pacemaker person. The security guard explained nicely that I didn't have to use the scanner if I would allow a physical search. The answer to your your question is, "Yes, all this will pass."
I have found the Medtronic patient service to be excellent. As well as online, there is a phone service. I have called several time with what I thought were 'dumb' questions. Turned out, they weren't and my queries were answered by professional and personable folks. And there is always support here in the support group.

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Thank you so much for your very reassuring & positive reply. I suppose it is very early days for me, a little over 1 week. But lovely to know that in time I will be back to living a normal life, gym, walking etc. It certainly is good to talk. Thank you so much.


I’m now 82 years old.
I had an AV node ablation done in 2002, after that a single lead pacemaker was installed.
In 2018, I had that replaced with a dual lead CRT pacemaker. It’s purpose it’s to synchronize the rhythm in both the left atrium and ventricle. I am 97% paced! I am no longer on any blood thinners. I have occasional palpitations and SOB and am now comfortable with it.
Dr. says the echocardiogram shows my heart function is the same as it was 8 years ago, EF 35-45%, more near the 40% point!
I try to limit the amount of stress in my life and often participate in Bible study and pray daily. My usual exercise is gentle pool aerobics.


I hear your concerns and can feel them . I was 65 when I got the pacemaker and just the thought of being dependent on a pacemaker scared me . I am a nurse and my concern was my atriums are in a fib and my ventricles are working only on a pacemaker .but when I consider the last 5 years and the hell I went thro with not feeling good . Now I feel good and it’s not perfect . But it does get BETTER . All the same thoughts . What if the pacer fails me . But in 40 years of nursing I have never seen a failed pacer . So you hang in there and get thro the adjustment time and text me for support . No you won’t be anxious all your life .. this too wi ll pass . I named my pacemaker Wilson . Lol

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So happy to hear that you’re doing great !
Update : I have decided to first , have another ablation by my new Dr , a Mayo cardiologist. and I guess if that’s unsuccessful, the pacemaker and AV ablation will be next !
Stay well .❤️


That’s what I did . Mayo did my ablation . It’s always good to have a 2 pair of eyes take a look and if they feel to just wait or cont with a pacemaker . Av ablation . I wish you well . Wilson says go luck lol


Yes, unless you walked the walk you cannot talk the talk. The feelings of anxiety just come in waves. But then I have to think of the positives. No more awful rapid heart beats, visits to A& E and cardioversions.. In time I can go on holidays again with confidence... The pacemaker will I time feel like my best friend. Just at the moment it's all so scary & New. Thank you again. So lovely to be in touch.

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Oh so true about unless you walk the walk . Got my pacemaker in May . No more cardiversions ablation and the best feeling is there is no longer the awful chest feeling !!! Got my life back not perfect yet but loving the change . Happy for you !Tara


That’s what I did . Mayo did my ablation . It’s always good to have a 2 pair of eyes take a look and if they feel to just wait or cont with a pacemaker . Av ablation . I wish you well . Wilson says go luck lol

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Hi again. I had my pacemaker check yesterday and all well. It's only 2 weeks. Bpm now 70. Have another appointment for October. I am still taking metoprolol but Dr says he will discontinue that in time. May I ask were you on betablockers and if so we're they discontinued? I really would love to come off them because I honestly think they add to my anxiety...I know there really is nothing to be anxious about now but tell that to my mind.🤣


Oh so glad for you !!!! Wilson too lol . Yes I was on metoprolol 100 my 2 x daily but my heart rate was so out of control . After my pacemaker I was dropped to once a day . But !!! My blood pressure was alittle elevated . So that’s why they are keeping me on it at this point . It hasn’t been that long since ur pacemaker they might want things to settle down . But if ur feeling anxious tell ur doc ur concerns and see if he will try to get u off it. I have to say living with a fib made me anxious too and it takes time to get over that . I still have days I think when am I going to start up with AF . It’s always in the back of ur mind . Be honest with ur doc and if he says it’s ok . DO IT. Yes that that mind can over think a lot . Good luck please let me know what’s the plan is Tara


Thank you Tara. Lovely to hear from you again. I will of course keep in touch.Evelyn.

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