Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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@elmay. I had an occipital nerve block about 3 months ago after suffering from occipital neuralgia for 3 months. Unfortunately insurance didn’t cover it as it is considered “experimental”. My neuralgia hasn’t come back yet. I should add I also had a platelet rich plasma occipital injection 2-3 weeks before the nerve block so my symptoms had already lessened by the time I got the nerve block. I would do either again.
Occipital nerve block works well for me. I have occipital neuralgia, the shots last me about 3 months then I need another. I’m anxious to see how long I can do these. I have a naturally high tolerance for anything used for pain and eventually they all stop working within a year. Then it’s try something else. When they work it’s geat.
may i ask if before the botox started working it took 3 tries u mean around the 9th month? The earlier months u had no effect what so ever? I had botox a month ago for the first time and still seeing no effect at all... Thank you
Excellent video. Very informative and I sure appreciate this!
In reply to @benchi300 …. Yes, this was correct for me. I saw no results from Botox until about the 9th month, following the 3rd round of injections. My chronic migraines were at 15-20 a month and my neurologist had stated that sometimes people can get results after a few rounds. I was desperate and ready to endure all those shots in hope of something changing. I have tried so many things over my lifetime and was accustomed to giving my various attempts at least 6-9 months. That was why I kept trying. Good luck in your journey. It is a long and difficult road💕
I recently had Botox trigger point injections in my back for chronic pain. Two days later I started having a burning, stinging, cramping pain at the base of my neck and upper back on the right side which is not where the targeted pain is (my back pain is along the shoulder blades). I believe this new pain is being caused by the Botox migrating outside of the area where the injections took place. My doctor has instructed me to apply ice & heat and to do neck stretches. I'm also told to just wait for it to get better. I'm dreading the fact that Botox can last 4-6 months in your system. It's been 3 weeks now and the pain seems to be getting worse (more frequent).
I tried the Botox injections and all they did was cause more pain. I then started seeing a doctor at a pain clinic and he started me on aimovig. It worked for almost a year but then stopped working. I will be going back to the pain clinic to see if they can try something else. Use ice packs on the back of your neck and wherever your headache hits. This is the only thing that is helping a little to ease the pain. I hope you find something that helps. I have been having headaches for 54 years and have tried just about everything there is so I am hoping something new has come out. Good luck.
Perhaps you could ask your doctor to try some of the cgrp antagonists (aimovig, emgality, ubrelvy, Vyepti, qulipta) that are on the market. If they work it is wonderful as they are not narcotics, but work by preventing the pain process from happening in the first place. I must say that none of them worked for me but one of them might for you. I hope you find relief. You are not alone. I have had migraines since the age of 8 and I’ m now 77. They aren’t killer migraines anymore -around a 5 or 6, but 24/7. Good luck to you with the new therapies out there!
I too am using aimovig injection I started at a low dose and after a year it wasn't working for me so my GP increased my dosage to 140 mg/ML and Ubrelvy 100 mg as needed between monthly injections. It is working for me so far so maybe this may work for you. Wishing you the best.
I am finding that they are very expensive and not all are covered. At $1-2k a month, my medicare with additional drug coverage with the doctors valudation forvuse is still $600 for one injection.