Anyone using medication for COVID-related anxiety and/or depression?

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jun 19, 2023

I tried Zoloft, Escitalopram which worked somewhat, but the Citralopram, and a few other made my already racing heart crazy! It's a double-edged sword for us.

I read online that Covid, as we all know is an inflammatory / immune nightmare, creating pain, and host of symptoms that Duloxetine, which is for anxiety/depression and pain has helped a lot of people.

Also, since Covid affects our nerve endings, for those folks that get the awful nerve sensations that want to make you jump out of your skin, Gabapentin helps.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


@mitfit - did it take away your anxiety/depression completely?

Covid set off an anxiety nightmare for me and I lost over 25 lbs. Given I was slim to begin with this is NOT good and I'm down to 95 lbs wet. The wind could blow me away. At 5'4" I normally weighed a healthy 125 lbs.

I'm so scared. I eat every hour and can't gain back the weight and I'm sure all this worry, pain, and feeling so overwhelmed in feeling ill doesn't help.

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I'm trying to break out of this vicious cycle myself: high covid anxiety, stress, lack of appetite, weight loss, stress over the weight loss and covid anxiety. I lost 50 lbs in 2 years and ended up with no appetite, and was losing 1-2 pounds a day when I hit a crisis and started reaching out for help. I went to a long covid clinic and the message I got is that stress makes everything worse. Stress can cause long covid symptoms to appear, and if you already have long covid symptoms, stress can make them worse. Lower the stress, lower the symptoms. Also, you can't treat long covid, you have to treat the symptoms, whatever they are, the way those symptoms would normally be treated. I'm seeing a shrink for the anxiety and a nutritionist for tips on proper nutrition. I have put on 10 pounds since my low - it became a project. I found if I can manage to put on one pound, I can do it again, and once you put on 5 it gets easier, and if you get to 10 you are feeling much better. You may still not have appetite, but it gets easier to eat. Please see a nutritionist – they can tailor a plan for you. In the meantime, here are some supplements that are easy to ingest and will help maintain weight. Pea protein is easily absorbed by the body - any brand would do but I used Arbonne and it stopped the slide for me: and greens

I've had a nutritionist suggest these also, most available online only:
ENU Meal Replacement Shakes + Nutritional Weight Gain Drinks
Lutrish is a powder to mix in smoothies/milkshakes
Naked Nutrition: Chocolate Vegan Weight Gainer Supplement
Soylent (may be in stores) Meal Replacement Shakes
Vidafuel One 2oz ‘shot’ size of this drink provides 90 calories and 16 grams of protein.


sent you private message.


As we ALL know and large percentage of folks, like myself, also are dealing with anxiety, depression and or PTSD, caused by this awful best that covid is and messing up our hormones and nervous system.

I do realize that everyone is different and responds differently to the medication, but I thought it would be helpful to hear what most folks are using and what has helped. I'm down to 89 lbs and KNOW I need medication.

I'm a 2+ yrs LT Covid sufferer and in the beginning I tried Zoloft, which helped a little, then switched to Escitalopram and I remember waking up about 2 wks later and felt like my fabulous self! Unfortunately, that was short lived and I weaned off (probably should have stuck with it). From what I learned since, that is what Covid does, it makes us really sensitive to medications and since the anxiety/depression was not my only symptom (which I didn't know at the time) the other issues needed to be addressed. What I noticed didn't help, was {{{stress}}} It would really set me back, creating a nightmare and new symptoms. Seems like Covid loves to thrive on stress and nervous and immune system.

When I saw a pain specialist, the one medication that he prescribed that was incredible and a life savor was Tramadol. I later learned it has a tiny bit of opioid in it, which I didn't know; hence feeling better.

I don't take it because i don't want to become addicted to a pain killer drug. A friend tells me, "if it works and gives you a life, take it!"

Please chime in and let us know what med is working for you. We may begin to see a lot of similarities in the Rx used which will be very helpful.

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Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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I was on it for a bit. It didn't seem to do anything for me. Most of the Doctors I've been seeing are doing the best they can. They are aware they they are prescribing medication they use for patients they see with similar symptoms, minus Long Covid.
okay, so they too me off of that to increase my Adderall. I have a very low capacity (post covid) to focus, very low. I have a lot do high anxiety so and daily and nightly headaches.
Not much help, but you are not alone! I hope you are able to find some sport of relief for some of your symptoms.


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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Oh, I’m so sorry.
(You probably know this, but beware o’ benzodiazepines. They are so addictive, and can be a bear for some to get off of. ) Have you tried telehealth? I just want to weep when I hear these stories of drs that don’t know what they are doing! I think some of them are writing RX’s because they WANT to help… but don’t know how to fix it. You probably aren’t, but some folk get angry at a dr unless they prescribe something… good luck, and update the chat, please. I’d like to know how you are.


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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For me Clonzapem was a disaster. After a month it caused my whole body to tremble, buzz, and weakness. I have been off, cold turkey, for over 4 months and still have tremors going on. I would never recommend that drug. If you want your hand tremors to act back up, I suspect that med will do it. Just my experieince. These doctors are lame when it comes to understanding these meds.


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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@arthur57 - I'm sure you're right and didn't connect the dots and that's what has been contributing to the tremble, buzz in my head, shakiness and weakness. Thank for your input!

I sent you a PM.


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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Used it for years until about a year ago - stopped cold-turkey - ended up using 10+ mg Melatonin to sleep nightly - and oddly, I no longer have any of the issues I took clonazepam for, in the first place. Maybe no job no wife no kids and chronic fatigue by long COVID has had some positive effect on me.


I am suffering from EXTREME anxiety, depression, PTSD and terrible Insomnia, all since getting Covid twice, which set this all off to the max! As of today, I haven't slept for 2 days. If I even attempt to take a nap, the minute my eyes close, I get "jolted up" similar to what I believe is like PTSD. I also suffer from 25+ horrible symptoms and down to 90 lbs.

I have always been so very healthy, active and feeling fabulous, weighing in at 127 lbs, but Covid has robbed me of my life, like so many others.

So glad we have this forum where we can all share our experiences, symptoms and get much needed support. The numerous doctors I've seen have done nothing to help and actually deny LT Covid exists.

With that said, can you please share what medications you are using or have tried that helped? I know everybody is different, but it will be helpful to share what has helped.

Thank you in advance for your kindness in responding.



I am suffering from EXTREME anxiety, depression, PTSD and terrible Insomnia, all since getting Covid twice, which set this all off to the max! As of today, I haven't slept for 2 days. If I even attempt to take a nap, the minute my eyes close, I get "jolted up" similar to what I believe is like PTSD. I also suffer from 25+ horrible symptoms and down to 90 lbs.

I have always been so very healthy, active and feeling fabulous, weighing in at 127 lbs, but Covid has robbed me of my life, like so many others.

So glad we have this forum where we can all share our experiences, symptoms and get much needed support. The numerous doctors I've seen have done nothing to help and actually deny LT Covid exists.

With that said, can you please share what medications you are using or have tried that helped? I know everybody is different, but it will be helpful to share what has helped.

Thank you in advance for your kindness in responding.


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Summer of 42:
I am no doctor but may have some helpful suggestions for you. In the book,
“Why We Sleep," the author, Matthew Walker” emphasizes the crucial role of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. It's a phase where vivid dreams occur and plays a critical role in emotional processing. REM sleep also supports problem-solving and contributes to overall cognitive function and mental well-being. Its disruption can lead to mood disturbances and health problems. Therefore, understanding and prioritizing REM sleep is essential for overall health. I’d encourage you to get a copy of this important book and at least read the section on the importance of REM sleep and it's role in helping people with PTSD. Make yourself an appointment with a “sleep” doctor and talk to them about your challenges. There is research that indicates a prescription for Prazosin may help you. Remember, I am no doctor, so I’d encourage you to make an appointment with a specialist.
My best,

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