Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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Hi, I am 40 yrs old. I was attacked 16 months ago and had seizures and broken bones in my face. Several months later started experiencing severe dizzy spells. They went away after two weeks then came back a few months later only leave again abruptly. About ten months ago started experiencing severe night terrors very vivid wit sleep paralysis where I would yell for help and yell " wake me up" in my sleep. Weird!! I felt like I was dieing in my sleep that's why I yelled "wake me up". About ten weeks ago I started getting these super intense shock feelings in my head. My chest would hurt and I would get shooting pains to my extremities. Now it's every time I lay down I get these. After I lie down a few minutes later I feel trembling and vibrations in my legs. Then it's in my head and face and hands. Sometimes I'll get a jolt and foot or arm will jerk uncontrollably. Whenever this happens I get this feeling the overwhelms me like I'm falling. Like I'm literally falling off a cliff. I am wide awake, mind you, when this is happening. It will get somewhat better if I sit up. I also get feelings of vertigo and dizziness now. It's getting worse. I have had two CT scans of my head and one of my heart. I also had an MRI without contrast and today I seen a neurologist who looked at my brain waves. Nothing has come of any tests. I'm scheduled for a sleep study, but this happens before I sleep, anytime I just lie down to relax. The ER gave me Decadron, Depakote, and Comapazine at my last visit because I was having tremors and just felt really weird and "off". This neurologist decided to prescribe me the Depakote and Comapazine today. To see if it would help. I don't want to just cover up symptoms if it even "does" help. I feel like it's getting gradually worse, and my life is unraveling because of these symptoms. No sleep at all anymore. I'm scared to death, but it seems like I'm the only one really worried. I know my body and this is NOT normal. Does anyone have any advice. If so please reach out....!!


I found this thread looking for symptoms that have progressed being this. I have experienced the internal vibrations for many years, at least 10-15 maybe more. But it seems to have progressed to a physical pain like being jolted awake out of a deep sleep. Chest hurts then a I wake it fades, this happens several times a night and even during afternoon naps. It seems like maybe an intense vibration that grips internally. I recently did a sleep study for the 4th time, but they are pushing the mouth guard since I have issues with a cpap. I recently noticed the past 2-3 weeks chest pains during waking hours, it is concerning. Has anyone else progressed past the light tremors?


I found this thread looking for symptoms that have progressed being this. I have experienced the internal vibrations for many years, at least 10-15 maybe more. But it seems to have progressed to a physical pain like being jolted awake out of a deep sleep. Chest hurts then a I wake it fades, this happens several times a night and even during afternoon naps. It seems like maybe an intense vibration that grips internally. I recently did a sleep study for the 4th time, but they are pushing the mouth guard since I have issues with a cpap. I recently noticed the past 2-3 weeks chest pains during waking hours, it is concerning. Has anyone else progressed past the light tremors?

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I have had body tremors as well, although mine I'm certain are due to benzo drug I was on and have since stopped cold turkey.

Have you called your doctors office since noticing the chest pains over last few weeks?? If not, you need to do so promptly to rule out any other issues that may be the culprit? Best of luck to you!


Hello all, created an account just so that I can speak here. I experience this on occasion, I wake up sometimes will full body vibrations, mostly in my arms and legs. Feels like gentle electricity or resting on a fridge/dishwasher/other gently vibrating machine. This usually happens after an unusually short or unusually long night's sleep, and leaves me feeling physically tired the next day.

Low iron. I've read all your messages for over half an hour and the connecting thread (except for those with a diagnosed tremors condition) seems to be low iron. Covid (and by extension covid vaccinations) have been recognised as causing iron deficiency. Some people here (including me) have a history of iron deficiency or got a recent low iron result in their blood test. Some people here have already mentioned their symptoms improving after taking multi-vitamins. Low iron may not be the cause for everyone, but I do believe it will help a lot of you, including myself.

We can pick up an iron supplement or eat some iron rich foods and see if that improves symptoms? Worth a shot.

All the best xx


Thank you so much for sharing. I am doing yoga stretching and exercising. If this will not go away. I will check into gabapentin. i just want to stay away from drugs if possible, Thanks much.

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I was told pilates on reformer machine is also good .


Mine did. My Iron has been low my whole life and I would take supplements for a bit and then stop, never realizing it could cause issues such as this. I've been taking a large dose of iron daily for about 8 months now and they've almost completely stopped.

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Thank you for sharing. I have never been religious in taking supplements until when I retired. I am now 66 and I am feeling all these discomforts. I am now taking B12 complex, K2+D, Magnesium complex and Berberine. Berberine has really helped me decrease my nervousness and panic attacks. I am also watching my sugar because I was disposed as pre-diabetic but just borderline so I did not need to take medication. I think I am hypoglycemic. I am waiting for my neck and spine doctor to read my neck xrays and lumbar MRIs because I think this is where my problem is. I still have the vibrations waking me up when I am lying down but now at least I have 5-6 hours sleep. Before I took the supplements, it wakes me up every 2 hrs.. When I feel I am going to have a panic attach because I feel the vibrations, I just do the deep breathing exercises and it calms me down. I am also doing some guided meditastion. I will keep everyone posted.


Similar thing happening with me and it's been going on for months. I could sleep for 3 or 5 hours and then the vibration gets so strong and my whole back and my neck tighten up tremendously from a deep sleep, no bad dream. If I try and ignore it it gets worse and worse and then my head will feel like it's tender and it will take a long time for it to go away. I sometimes can feel the vibrating or shaking in my body when I'm awake throughout the day. It's making me conscious of how I react or actually overreact to different things. I started trying to just accept it and meditate on it, open to it and it felt like fear. So I was wondering if it was like some kind of suppressed emotions that I need to deal with. It's kind of changed throughout the months I ended up taking myself to the emergency room in November and had so many tests done there and afterwards and nothing everything's good so they say. You know you often have to figure this stuff out yourself because doctors don't know and sometimes it's just weird. I ended up after watching some videos on CCI thinking that maybe it was a neck problem because I have a friend who'd had severe neck problems and almost ended up a quadriplegic so that was on my mind but I don't think so anyway one person who had videos on CCI said they took Flexeril so I did get a prescription for that and I was able to get more sleep though still waking up with symptoms the much less severe. I can no longer sleep for 9 or 10 hours which is what I was doing. I have heard that Flexeril is very addictive. Which concerns me. I started seeing all the information on the vagus nerve and have been working with that also. For the last two days I didn't take any Flexeril and although I was woke up rudely it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been. So thanks for starting this chat


Hi, I am 40 yrs old. I was attacked 16 months ago and had seizures and broken bones in my face. Several months later started experiencing severe dizzy spells. They went away after two weeks then came back a few months later only leave again abruptly. About ten months ago started experiencing severe night terrors very vivid wit sleep paralysis where I would yell for help and yell " wake me up" in my sleep. Weird!! I felt like I was dieing in my sleep that's why I yelled "wake me up". About ten weeks ago I started getting these super intense shock feelings in my head. My chest would hurt and I would get shooting pains to my extremities. Now it's every time I lay down I get these. After I lie down a few minutes later I feel trembling and vibrations in my legs. Then it's in my head and face and hands. Sometimes I'll get a jolt and foot or arm will jerk uncontrollably. Whenever this happens I get this feeling the overwhelms me like I'm falling. Like I'm literally falling off a cliff. I am wide awake, mind you, when this is happening. It will get somewhat better if I sit up. I also get feelings of vertigo and dizziness now. It's getting worse. I have had two CT scans of my head and one of my heart. I also had an MRI without contrast and today I seen a neurologist who looked at my brain waves. Nothing has come of any tests. I'm scheduled for a sleep study, but this happens before I sleep, anytime I just lie down to relax. The ER gave me Decadron, Depakote, and Comapazine at my last visit because I was having tremors and just felt really weird and "off". This neurologist decided to prescribe me the Depakote and Comapazine today. To see if it would help. I don't want to just cover up symptoms if it even "does" help. I feel like it's getting gradually worse, and my life is unraveling because of these symptoms. No sleep at all anymore. I'm scared to death, but it seems like I'm the only one really worried. I know my body and this is NOT normal. Does anyone have any advice. If so please reach out....!!

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It sounds to me like you have PTSD. I was trying to figure out what's going on with me and I just watched a video on PTSD yesterday. Here is a link to the video. I'm sure there's many more but maybe this will help you. It is with Peter Levine on utube. It's called Peter Levine's secret to to releasing Trauma from the body. As I'm a new member it won't allow me to add the link


I found this thread looking for symptoms that have progressed being this. I have experienced the internal vibrations for many years, at least 10-15 maybe more. But it seems to have progressed to a physical pain like being jolted awake out of a deep sleep. Chest hurts then a I wake it fades, this happens several times a night and even during afternoon naps. It seems like maybe an intense vibration that grips internally. I recently did a sleep study for the 4th time, but they are pushing the mouth guard since I have issues with a cpap. I recently noticed the past 2-3 weeks chest pains during waking hours, it is concerning. Has anyone else progressed past the light tremors?

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I have been having vibrating since November though the symptoms have changed. When I first got it it was so intense that I ended up in the emergency room and they checked me thoroughly and everything was okay. Recently though it started to really wake me up I wouldn't exactly say it was pain. The doctor asked me if I was in pain and I said no I'm just being tortured. I started to try to open to it and try to feel what it really feels like which is a form of meditation and it helps some though it's contra indicated for most people to feel their own pain or sensation. I started wondering if it was some kind of repressed emotions or something. I've looked at a lot of videos on YouTube and one thing that keeps coming up is that we get stuck in the fight or flight and I guess this is common. So they talk about the vagus nerve a lot including psychiatrists so it's not just some new agey thing I guess there's a lot of science behind it now so I've been working with that some it seems like it's helped reduce my symptoms but there's still there. There's a lot of doctors and different healers who talk about the biggest nerve on YouTube which I found helpful. I'm sure it's not something that will instantly go away. In the beginning I think why I ended up in the emergency room is it was so strange and horrible that there was a lot of fear there that made it even worse. So try not to be too afraid. Also people talk about trying to not think about it as much. So of course when it's happening what can you do. But later in the day I start to feel better and so I try not to think about what I do experience when I'm sleeping and just have the best day I can have. Of course if you're not sleeping you can't have a good day. The Flexeril helped. My doctor gave me a prescription for 5 mg and that was not enough I had to take 10. It is addictive. I'm hoping that it breaks the cycle and I can get off it before I get addicted or alternate taking it. I hope that you can find a solution very soon


I am doing the 2-4 breathing exercise that I saw on Youtube. It helps me relax a little bit. I will also try meditation. The massages really help me relax. When I am talking to people ( socializing) it also helps me relax. Try to find ways a means to help you relax. I think we feel this because our parasystemic nervous system is not working. We are on constant Flight and fight mode that our body cannot relax. We have to learn how to decompress,

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Yes that's what I've been hearing about a lot is that we're stuck in the fight and flight mode. One way to get out of it is through doing exercises for the vagus nerve which include deep breathing. The first one I've watched by a psychiatrist so I think they're doing a lot of scientific research too and doctors and many others are promoting things to come the vagus nerve. There is a whole bunch of videos on YouTube

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