Does anyone know of anyone who has gotten over Long Covid Condition?
We are all hearing of our issues that don't seem to get any better BUT, does anyone know of someone who has beat this bug. My wife made the comment that those who beat it probably don't communicate hear on this sight any more. If someone has found a way to beat this thing please let the rest of us know how you did it.
I've only been dealing with this for 7 months now and I am exhausted with it. Hearing that some have been suffering with this for 2 1/2 to 3 years is dis-heartening for sure. I really feel bad for you folks. I'd be a pot head by now. At least I'd be able to control the way I feel. I'm starting to think that way. Good luck everyone.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.
I had Covid and it took some time to get over the tiredness and brain fog I had. I attended an information session at Aviv (look on the internet for more info).
After listening from patients that had Covid and used the program at Aviv, the results were quite remarkable. Energy, memory and general health have improved. Might be worthwhile checking this out.
It was the fourth shot, the bi-valent, that set me back. I was doing quite well, then developed A-fib and mcas so apparently something in that last shot triggered an allergic reaction. The dreadful itching is controlled with meds but I also have the fatigue for the first time.
Actually that's the one that got me too.
I had slight swelling at the injection site and lots of itching, which apparently coincides with when the onset of the mcas. After that the intense thigh/calf leg pain started, also the joint pain. I'm starting to have arthritis-like issues with my hands (joints lock up) and my right wrist feels like tendonitis. All this plus the fatigue, of course.
Does any of this sound like what you're experiencing? Have you seen your doctor about the post-bivalent shot symptoms?
I am at the point that I am rebuilding my life and now coach others out of LongCovid. I’m hosting a 3 part series for LongCOVID recovery.
Question for you. When you started this regimen, after you started feeling a bit better, did you still have crashes for a while. And if so did they diminish with time.
I've been on your regimen now for 3 1/2 weeks and after two weeks I had 7 straight days of feeling great then I crashed. I'm sticking with the plan but would like to enquire of how it worked for you over time.
I've been doing your program for 3 1/2 weeks now. I grow all my own food so I eat really well. I juice veggies and some fruit for lunch. I spent the 1st two weeks after I started really bad. Then I've had 5 really great days. One bad day another fantastic day then yesterday and today suck.
Did your system go thru a lot of back and forth for a while. And if so. How long and how do you feel now.
Hi! I had Long Covid for 9 months. It was severe, horrible. I’ve been an RN for 20+ years. I read a lot of scientific papers online- 2 of which recommended certain supplements & 1 that said a course of Paxlovid helped in a lot of cases.
1st tried supplements in one study- no real results
2nd I tried a supplement ( that I had to get from Italy) as it is used widely in Europe but not available in US yet). Helped a bit- gave me 1 or 2 pretty good days a week, no more.
3rd- my last hope- was able to get a prescription from a Teledoc for Paxlovid-a course of 5 days (2 different tablets twice a day)
Evening of 3rd day I actually really felt something physically happening & the same the next day & that evening I felt it was gone. Took me about 3 weeks to realize it was gone & not coming back
That was mid-May this year
I am back to my full life- only lasting change left in my body is increased sweating .
It truly was a miracle for me! Plus. Tho it had a price tag of $525 it was free at Walgreens thru the Federal government-
I am grateful every morning when I wake up without the thing that cost me 9 months of my life
I hope my info helps u, I wish u the best & a cure
After 18 months as a serious long hauler who feared this was my new normal, I am having more and more days where I feel normal again — and as if my body is starting to heal itself. Covid settled into my nervous system and the resulted in POTS, PEM, irregular heart, ME/Fibromyalgia, poor sleep, hair loss, low energy, brain fog — couldn’t read, spell, use a computer, tolerate bright light, headaches, and more.
I’ve experimented in what works for me but basically I worked at reducing inflammation, histamines, and stress; and improving gut health. I took note of what I did that made me feel better and what made me feel worse.
What works for me (with discipline, patience, persistence, and pacing):
1. Strict diet (nutritious dense foods, largely Mediterranean diet, no sugar, no additives or preservatives, very low/no carbs beyond those from fruits and vegetables, lactose-free nonfat dairy in small amounts, olive oil). Start my day with a smoothie containing 8 or 9 fruits and veg (make a large amount and keep it in the frig. I swear by this!) and a cooked egg. (The two together let me start my day with a strong nutritional burst and with protein and fats.)
2. Stress reduction through meditation, stretching, and yoga/tai chi exercises. Did a few minutes as tolerated every day at first and then built up — you also can lie down with feet up and do hand massage and exercises — there are many parasympathetic nerve ending in the hand. I had a huge break through when I was gifted a full day yoga meditation and yoga retreat — never did yoga before and I was sure I’d last 5 minutes. I lasted 14 hours — much is done with deep breathing and lying down, of course, and it gave my body a full day of stress-free, largely parasympathetic functioning w/no responsibilities and 3 healthy meals for healing. (See Kripalu R&R program. Grateful I live near & could do 3 such days, each 3 weeks apart.)
3. Pacing. Watching and listening to my body and not pushing it.
4. My Mayo doctor suggested trying “natural healing” remedies first — and gave me a list of options. She suggested try and see what works. I now take these supplements: Co-Q 10, Quercetin w/magnesium, B vitamin complex, Vitamin D, alpha-lipoid acid, and a probiotic that does not raise histamines. (I think it’s called Histerix.)
5. Letting go of things that are not priorities. I was a perfectionistic, multi-tasker who took care of everyone and everything. Taking my healing as a priority meant life changes and relationship clarity.
Other helps:
1. Read (or listen on audio books — and yes, I can read again) to “Cured: The Life-changing Science of Spontaneous Healing” by Redinger. Gave me hope and I found things that were working for me worked for others in letting their bodies heal.
2. I got an Apple Watch — to use as a lifeline if I fell while out alone in my weak state. Let me see my sleep cycles, heart rate, and other vitals and track progress — which keeps me disciplined and persistent.
Not perfect, but getting there. And most importantly, feeling hopeful, have strategies that are working, and am learning things about my body and life that I wished I had learned a long time ago.
Hello Everyone,
I contracted Covid 19 in January 2021, and I have not been healthy since. All of the things I read here, I have same systems. Headaches, my muscles ache, joints aches, my brain is scrambles I can't spell simple words. I struggle while speaking, I can't get the right words out of my brain to come out of my mouth. My memory is currently playing hide n seek, because I can't find it. I get like wobbly, like I need a V-8. My hands shake, coffee spilling out of my cup shaky. I drop things all the time. At times I have shortness of breath and use an inhaler, I had a Gran Mal seizure, I am tired all the time - so tired. I have a hard time focusing on pretty much anything. It awful. I've tried Eastern & Western methods, acupuncture, vitamins, iv's. I meditate almost everyday. I also have a stationary bike. I do the 8 or 10 minutes of beginner's type workouts or Pilates, still struggling to find my sweet spot. I keep my inhaler close. I have been trying to kick Long Covid out of my mind this is just going to go away. I can have a "Normal workout" and a "Normal day" , I want to make dinner for my family, make a bed, vacuum, drive.... My body tolerates very little, or at least compared to pre-covid. I have blacked out so many times, I have broken ribs, broken foot, broken ankle, gave myself whiplash from walking into a wall. I currently have a rotator cuff injury from falling on it so much. my blood pressure is fine. I was tested for POTS. They can find nothing wrong.
I am a positive person, and I am happy to read all of your stories!!! They inspire me. I am in California. I got up about 7am, it is now 10:51am, 2 cups of coffee, 1 Adderall and an 8 minutes arms YouTube video. I can barely keep my eye's open.
Thank you Mayo for providing these platforms for us to share and discuss what we are going through.