Loss of hunger and taste and smell.

Posted by lkirnbauer @lkirnbauer, Aug 15, 2023

In April of 2022 I had 18 inches of my colon resected due to severe diverticulitis. Surgery was successful, but then in December of 2022, I got Covid and lost my taste and smell. It is August 2023, 8 months later and to this date have not gotten my hunger, taste or smell back. My Dr tells me it’s “Long Haulers Covid”, but I’m not convinced. I have no desire to eat, but make myself because I know I have to. Wondering if anyone has experienced something similar or might have some encouragement. Thank you!

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I had a lot of diverticulitis over the past 2 years and persistent IBS and also have lost my appetite a lot and have to push myself to eat too. Luckily I never got COVID. I hope you feel better.


I had a lot of diverticulitis over the past 2 years and persistent IBS and also have lost my appetite a lot and have to push myself to eat too. Luckily I never got COVID. I hope you feel better.

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Thanks for your response. I had been suffering with Diverticulitis for years and had never lost my sense of taste or smell before. This loss of taste and smell really all started before I contracted Covid. It wasn’t a severe loss, but I noticed little signs like my toothpaste wasn’t tasting very minty and small signals like that. After contracting Covid, I lost both taste and smell completely and now 8 months later still have none. So are you pushing yourself to eat because you can’t taste or smell or is it because you are just not hungry?


I lost most of my taste and smell a bit before covid was in the news. Still haven’t gotten any improvement but didn’t get covid, either.

I’m not hungry anymore but I make myself eat. THAT came when covid arrived but not related to covid.

I have anemia and it hit much worse. Not sure if those symptoms line up with anemia. I’ve never had a diagnosis BEYOND “not iron deficiency related “ anemia.

Just sharing my experience for context.

Hope you feel better ANY MINUTE

I’m sorry you are feeling bad 🙏


Thanks for your response. I had been suffering with Diverticulitis for years and had never lost my sense of taste or smell before. This loss of taste and smell really all started before I contracted Covid. It wasn’t a severe loss, but I noticed little signs like my toothpaste wasn’t tasting very minty and small signals like that. After contracting Covid, I lost both taste and smell completely and now 8 months later still have none. So are you pushing yourself to eat because you can’t taste or smell or is it because you are just not hungry?

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Mostly because I am finding that more and more foods aggravate my IBS and then I have a lot of cramping. And actually I am less hungry. I was never like then even 4 years ago. The diverticulitis and persistent IBS change my appetite I am finding. Thankfully I never lost me sense of smell and taste but I can empathize with you.


Why resist the idea of long covid, which now has an actual medical code, when lack of smell specifically is symptomatology of only covid esp since it all started with covid? Please check out the long covid section and see what else is there you font even realize. I have had long covid for 3 years and 2 weeks. (Whose counting?) I've had every test and CT scan etc there is. I got kidney stones for the first time in my life. My voice is an octave lower probably from inflammation of my larynx they say as a chronic autoimmune pain disorder spread from covid.
You can keep looking like millions of us have, and do to satisfy as ywo things can happen at once and increased inflammation (how covid attacks the body) can get many other things going.

Lack of smell is why you have lack of taste. How aboit bad taste that many have? Fatique where a 35 year old marathoner can no longer walk to the bathroom. I now have POTS from covid.

Keep looking but also wonder why you aren't willing to go there? Does it feel futile? Yeah, long covid is. Nobody cares about us anymore. People don't want to believe its real there deny. A friend says she has a horrible new allergy for 3 years...hmm. hope you discover what's up so you can get care or acceptance and both whatever it is affecting your health so badly. I empathize.


Why resist the idea of long covid, which now has an actual medical code, when lack of smell specifically is symptomatology of only covid esp since it all started with covid? Please check out the long covid section and see what else is there you font even realize. I have had long covid for 3 years and 2 weeks. (Whose counting?) I've had every test and CT scan etc there is. I got kidney stones for the first time in my life. My voice is an octave lower probably from inflammation of my larynx they say as a chronic autoimmune pain disorder spread from covid.
You can keep looking like millions of us have, and do to satisfy as ywo things can happen at once and increased inflammation (how covid attacks the body) can get many other things going.

Lack of smell is why you have lack of taste. How aboit bad taste that many have? Fatique where a 35 year old marathoner can no longer walk to the bathroom. I now have POTS from covid.

Keep looking but also wonder why you aren't willing to go there? Does it feel futile? Yeah, long covid is. Nobody cares about us anymore. People don't want to believe its real there deny. A friend says she has a horrible new allergy for 3 years...hmm. hope you discover what's up so you can get care or acceptance and both whatever it is affecting your health so badly. I empathize.

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Also, my mother died of covid before it "hit the news" in the US. The US was actually the last country to admit it was real. Millions had already died by March 2020 when the pandemic was declared. Unless before covid you mean before 2019 when it entered the world that we know off. Did your lack of smell begin in 2018? That's most likely before covid. Many in the US were really very sick in dec 2019 and jan 2020. Prior to covid, lack of smell was either normal for you or a loud onset would be a brain insult, tumor etc?


in reply to @lkirnbauer I too have a problem with my appetite which I am told is related to the dilation of my bile ducts, but I am not convinced that this is the sole problem. I do not think it is COVID related as I was not subjected to the disease. I understand what you must be going through. For me it has been especially difficult because I have lost so much weight, am malnourished and anemic. I have to set timers for myself in an effort to remind me that I really do need to eat. The sad thing is that I love to cook gourmet food and bake bread and things like that. I still bake, but give everything away because of dietary issues. I don't go to the trouble of cooking much anymore because if I do, much of it is wasted. However, this past winter I did get into the habit of making a wonderful chicken and vegetable soup that was loaded with every kind of vegetable I liked and that also had a great amount of protein. Many forget that there are a lot of vegetables that have as much, if not more, protein than beef, and while I do not eat much beef, every once in a while I do buy a filet and share it with my neighbor who also likes it, but eats little. I wish I had a magic answer for you. I also keep these protein bars on hand: Perfect Bar. 15 mg of protein, refrigerated and loaded with superfoods. If I am not especially hungry I grab one of these and that gives me peace of mind that I have at the very least eaten something. Good luck.


I lost most of my taste and smell a bit before covid was in the news. Still haven’t gotten any improvement but didn’t get covid, either.

I’m not hungry anymore but I make myself eat. THAT came when covid arrived but not related to covid.

I have anemia and it hit much worse. Not sure if those symptoms line up with anemia. I’ve never had a diagnosis BEYOND “not iron deficiency related “ anemia.

Just sharing my experience for context.

Hope you feel better ANY MINUTE

I’m sorry you are feeling bad 🙏

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I appreciate your comments. I have my blood checked often and as of yet, have not been told I am anemic. I continue to pray for complete healing and will keep doing so, because there’s nothing else I can do.

I hope you feel more like yourself soon and thanks for your comments.


Why resist the idea of long covid, which now has an actual medical code, when lack of smell specifically is symptomatology of only covid esp since it all started with covid? Please check out the long covid section and see what else is there you font even realize. I have had long covid for 3 years and 2 weeks. (Whose counting?) I've had every test and CT scan etc there is. I got kidney stones for the first time in my life. My voice is an octave lower probably from inflammation of my larynx they say as a chronic autoimmune pain disorder spread from covid.
You can keep looking like millions of us have, and do to satisfy as ywo things can happen at once and increased inflammation (how covid attacks the body) can get many other things going.

Lack of smell is why you have lack of taste. How aboit bad taste that many have? Fatique where a 35 year old marathoner can no longer walk to the bathroom. I now have POTS from covid.

Keep looking but also wonder why you aren't willing to go there? Does it feel futile? Yeah, long covid is. Nobody cares about us anymore. People don't want to believe its real there deny. A friend says she has a horrible new allergy for 3 years...hmm. hope you discover what's up so you can get care or acceptance and both whatever it is affecting your health so badly. I empathize.

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I am still searching for answers. I am currently seeking care from a Functional Medicine Doctor who will test my blood for food allergies and hopefully we can get more answers. You have to be your own advocate these days and I will not give up, this is my life! Good luck to you as well.


in reply to @lkirnbauer I too have a problem with my appetite which I am told is related to the dilation of my bile ducts, but I am not convinced that this is the sole problem. I do not think it is COVID related as I was not subjected to the disease. I understand what you must be going through. For me it has been especially difficult because I have lost so much weight, am malnourished and anemic. I have to set timers for myself in an effort to remind me that I really do need to eat. The sad thing is that I love to cook gourmet food and bake bread and things like that. I still bake, but give everything away because of dietary issues. I don't go to the trouble of cooking much anymore because if I do, much of it is wasted. However, this past winter I did get into the habit of making a wonderful chicken and vegetable soup that was loaded with every kind of vegetable I liked and that also had a great amount of protein. Many forget that there are a lot of vegetables that have as much, if not more, protein than beef, and while I do not eat much beef, every once in a while I do buy a filet and share it with my neighbor who also likes it, but eats little. I wish I had a magic answer for you. I also keep these protein bars on hand: Perfect Bar. 15 mg of protein, refrigerated and loaded with superfoods. If I am not especially hungry I grab one of these and that gives me peace of mind that I have at the very least eaten something. Good luck.

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Thank you for your kind response. I am sorry you have these issues with your health. I am in the process of having my food allergies tested through blood work by a Functional Medicine Doctor. This will hopefully give me more insight on what to eat and what not to eat for my health. I am also taking Synthroid and Cytomel for Hashimoto/Hypothyroidism which I was diagnosed with after a colon resection last April. I do know that I have to eat to maintain energy for working out, which I do regularly 3 x’s a week by walking 4 miles and lifting free weights.
I thank you for your response and wish you all the best.

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