Does anyone know of anyone who has gotten over Long Covid Condition?
We are all hearing of our issues that don't seem to get any better BUT, does anyone know of someone who has beat this bug. My wife made the comment that those who beat it probably don't communicate hear on this sight any more. If someone has found a way to beat this thing please let the rest of us know how you did it.
I've only been dealing with this for 7 months now and I am exhausted with it. Hearing that some have been suffering with this for 2 1/2 to 3 years is dis-heartening for sure. I really feel bad for you folks. I'd be a pot head by now. At least I'd be able to control the way I feel. I'm starting to think that way. Good luck everyone.
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Hi Kayabbott,
You're absolutely right that every person has a unique body composition/situation and not everyone will react to foods in the same way. My purpose in sharing this is to help people struggling with long haul to realize they must eat anti-inflammatory and low histamine -- something that most people are totally unaware of. If you know what that means and looks like for you and your body, fantastic! Most people don't.
I did generalize a bit with my examples because I assume most people are eating a standard American diet (otherwise known as SAD) with lots of sugar, dairy and super-processed foods. Clearly you don't need to take my advice, but I am 90% back to normal now, and I had an extremely severe case 1.5 years ago where I couldn't work, drive or function.
Wishing you all the best!
18 months of fatigue, shortness of breath and a chronic cough. After going through all the specialists we all have seen my PCP. Said “ I have one card left to play.” He sent me to a pulmonary therapy program designed for long Covid with respiratory issues. 12 week x 3 a week and I’m in the last 3 weeks and I’m amazed. First 6-7 weeks were really hard but all of a sudden fatigue and shortness of breath are now gone. Still have some cough but overall I have been able to start living again!! It’s called Lifeline Therapy and I’m in SW Pennsylvania.
I have had long covid since 9/22. My symptoms have included fatigue, muscle aches, breathing difficulty and brain fog. I have found that sublingual zinc and FRESH natto (fermented soybeans) eliminates my symptoms. When I run out of natto, my symptoms return. Natto has both vitamin K1 and K2 and acts as a mild blood thinner on the "sticky blood" that can cause problems with oxygen getting thru the small veins.
In the words of Cleveland Clinic: "Vitamin K can help keep your blood not too thick and not too thin. In the words of Goldilocks, it keeps your blood just right. At this point, researchers have yet to determine if vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 are equally responsible for clotting or if one is any more effective than the other when it comes to blood clotting. "
Most Americans have a problem consuming natto. The nattokinase (K1) is " thin threads" that some people would call slimy. I call it healthy. It is not a problem for me and I have about 1/4 cup of FRESH natto as first food in the morning. (You could try frozen natto, but freezing could impact it's effectiveness.) You could add other foods like salsa to adjust the flavor. Just don't heat it. I had tried nattokinase supplements, but they were not effective. They have to heat it to dry it out and heat damages most vitamins.
Everyone is different, but these two have brought me around to normalcy. I am thankful and hope it could help others.
My symptoms started in late October 22 and I was pretty much in bed for 2 months before symptoms started improving. I was mostly better by March except for GI issues. I recently got diagnosed with SI BO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) which I was told is pretty common in long COVID patients. If you have stomach issues take the breath test for SIBO. after 2 antibiotics I’m feeling much better. I wish everyone luck and I consider myself very lucky to have “only” suffered for a relatively shorter time.
Good morning Jimmiep,
I’m just curious if you took Paxlovid when you got Covid?
I didn’t do any of the vaccines either because I didn’t/don’t trust them at all. But when I came down with Covid I seen an online dr and he prescribed Paxlovid. Of course, I wasnt in my right mind at that time, so I took it and I kind of wonder if that brought on the long Covid? Because if you read a lot of these posts, the majority of the people that have long Covid got vaxed.
I’m probably going to get a lot of backlash about this but I do believe in vaccines but NOT the Covid Vaccine. And now that I got long Covid, I’m very leery about the Paxlovid that I took. 😩
You're welcome! You can certainly take NAD in pill form but I believe its unclear how much is actually absorbed into the body. NAD is naturally created within the body so I don't believe there's such a thing as "too much". But I haven't researched this, nor taken it in pill form myself. If you're in a large enough city, and can bear the cost, there are home IV services where you can get infusions of NAD and glutathione. I never did the NAD via IV (too expensive) but I did do glutathione.
The niacinamide is helpful because it allows your body to make more NAD on it's own. To get this production back up and running within the body is helpful. So in the beginning anyway, I was taking 1000-2000mg of niacinamide daily, which most doctors would not recommend, but I felt better within 24-48 hours when I started.
I also took taurine (key for nervous system support/balance/health), choline (key for celluar health/function) and tryptophan (mental health/depression/anxiety). Be cautious with tryptophan though -- it shouldn't be taken along with other depression/anxiety meds.
I am back to normal now after an 11 month battle with long covid. I have found (from online research) that long covid causes the blood to thicken and blocks the oxygen flow which causes the symptoms. I sought a natural cure and found it in vitamins K1 and K2 to naturally thin the blood to a normal level. Wish everyone could get better soon.
How much K 1 and K2 should’ve taken to thin blood?
My oxygen levels fluctuate and I think the blood thinning should help. Thanks
😊 Thanks.Might try taurine and choline. I’m not taking anything for depression..actually was on NO prescription drugs at all before long COVID . My Dr has me on methylene blue and LDN..the LDN really helps with joint pain . Not sure about the blue stuff? I need to address the fluctuations in oxygen levels and fatigue ,